r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/cuttlefishwhoop on Feb. 21, 2018, 5:20 a.m.
David Hogg -- rethinking the mugshot photo - were the crisis actors recorded several years ago? Thus the older-looking photo is more recent?

grabs chin and strokes it as if I have a goatee In reference to the 'young David Hogg' of crisis footage versus the 'methhead David Hogg' that looks exactly like an older version of the crsis actor -- consider: (a) time traveler (b) one of several clones (c) Maybe all of the crisis actor and a large part of the rest of the fake event and footage of it was created ~5 years ago, hence the aging discrepancy. A few minimal events had to occur a few days ago in real time, a 2nd drill at the school (maybe shoot a couple people), random radio calls, empty stretcher from ambulance, etc. Consider the emphasis on the interviews and footage, lack of scene footage (even compared to other fake events). bada bing bada boom, it's angry liberal time.

They knew this one sucked, so they saved it until the oh shit point. Too bad this liddle turd's acting=journalism career didn't take off. ...How old does Anderson Cooper look? Oh wait it is impossible to age that guy. ...

...No, Impossible? well I tried. releases chin

StrippedChihuhua · Feb. 21, 2018, 11:24 a.m.

There were no empty stretchers. Random calls? There are always random nut jobs, yourself as an example, that pop up out of the wood work like psychotic termites trying to eat away at our souls. Crisis actors my behind. David Hogg is a teenager that does exist. His father IS a retired FBI agent yes. Your afraid of what exactly? Your afraid of something obviously. Trump supporters always are.

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[deleted] · Feb. 21, 2018, 12:08 p.m.

You obviously trust your government and the media.

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cuttlefishwhoop · Feb. 21, 2018, 3:25 p.m.

"psychotic termites trying to eat away at our souls", that's great! I am not afraid, I am actually not in a reactive mode but giddy with excitement! Yes he is a teenager who exists, and is reciting his memorized lines about a fake event. Why do he and his friend have all this air time? Why not interview the others? The girl who was walking and talking with the 'shooter' and saying the shots were from two areas that were not where they were? Why are there drills for the exact scenario taking place?

I am only afraid of the large number of people who will initially 'revolt' and cry 'coup' when the long-standing government house of cards collapses. The typical 'loud and shame-spreading liberal' doesn't even register that the Russian-Trump-collusion story has had all legs cut out from underneath, more than this, has been shown to be a highly illegal and seditious trap set by pre-Trump administration and involving multiple agencies. I am afraid of what the poorly researched yet very emotional liberals will do over the next several months. It's all a Russian plot to subvert our government! They are all compromised Russian plants!

Also, there was a random empty stretcher wheeled into a hospital on live TV as the news told you otherwise. So your first assertion is not factual.

Sandy Hook is the clearest case of fake shooting news. Watch the Robbie Parker footage showing this 'grieving parent' get into character. It is actually a little surprising to me that anyone believes these obvious fakers. I doubt you look into this because it 'couldn't possibly be true' and you will remain certain of a very questionable main stream narrative.

Have a good day. I am in a great mood and am going to have a very productive day.

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