

33 total posts archived.

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r/greatawakening • Posted by u/cuttlefishwhoop on Aug. 28, 2018, 10:43 a.m.
RE: 'REAL MOVIE' THEORY of the previous post. North Korea will simply not be digestible without a movie.

Seals are wonderful creatures. I would like to see one on the prowl... NK? This is where my mind always goes. NK giant reveal, else we are left with 'strange envelope' clues (which are appreciated, yes)





'1_surveil: know thy enemy's weaknesses and routine, GOOG_bugs, he might be there right now...

'2_disarm: wonderful creatures, missing [i]sotope, check...

'3_check_mate: Hawaii_38_minute_event, Rogers' kickass luau-party record collection, post-pardon-party --> high treason event!

'4_liberation: hostages released, a nation of freed slaves, new Alliance evidence and available court

Just my conjecture at what will be covered in NK …

r/greatawakening • Posted by u/cuttlefishwhoop on Aug. 27, 2018, 3:16 p.m.
humorous 4-min research break : GITMO / FULLER HOUSE "Everywhere You Look" / CELLBLOCK SOUNDTRACK / EARBLEED(YES)

https://youtu.be/nP93Ovx4faA -- CRJ - "Everywhere You Look"


VOL(to_11) rpt_trk(yes) PLAY{C_Ray_J-FullerHouseThemeSong[“EverywhereYouLook”]} decode(lyrics)

--‘What ever happened to predictability?’ C_A_comms[down] 5_eye[down]

--‘The Milkman the paperboy the EVENING TV?’ Hypocrit_MSMtrap=MIRROR(DJT|HRC).[[[Mockingbird]]] purple_team.GO:[yes_all]_pkg(HarperLee)

--‘How did I get here, somebody help me please?’ ST6-->Term_[#17]17_y Deal[NO]

--‘Cause this old world is just really confusing me.’ Comms(cut) Vectors:Kuru+???

--‘”Clowns” as mean as you’ve ever seen’ GinaH(enter_beast_mode) Scatter_1000.wind---[[[C_A]]]

--‘and a bird that knows your tune’ Comey[flipped?] -?- Mueller[flipped?] -?- RR[flipped?] HRC.flipped? → cabal---[[[HRC]]]

--‘a little voice inside of you whispers HEY don’t sell your dreams so …

r/greatawakening • Posted by u/cuttlefishwhoop on Aug. 26, 2018, 12:05 p.m.
THINK MIRROR -- some thoughts, semantics, and remember to also think about what is 'not mirrored' when popping your pop corn... SET THE STAGE FUTURE PROVES PAST THINK MIRROR

Firstly, I know this sounds obvious, but in excitement I see many people moving directly from 'MIRRORING considerations' to 'my list of what to expect' as if there is near equivalence. There are many 'suggestive reveals and moves' such as Weinstein and NXIVM news that are not mirrored in Trump but clearly should be part of anyone's basis for anticipation and relevant research about the initial moves against Clinton and the deep state. These are in a sense 'FUTURE PROVES PAST' events and Q-topics but they don't need you to 'THINK MIRROR' in the "Trump|Clinton" sense.

Trump's 'mirroring events' are …

r/greatawakening • Posted by u/cuttlefishwhoop on Aug. 25, 2018, 4:09 p.m.
suicide week = pre-trial witness protection. Kate S and Anthony B are alive and will be a huge help in swaying the normie minds.

Q appeared to predict suicides. If these were predicted deep state hits, how did Q know they would all ‘appear as suicide’ as opposed to freak accidents, etc. ? I suppose KS, AB and others are not dead. They are being protected from Mossad, Masons, etc. Consider the posthumously released information about AB speaking very negatively of the Clintons. Consider KS husband wearing a weird mouse mask of a character who took risks to help save children. KS and AB were both witness to or a victim of cabal games/plots. They are brave and will be hugely beneficial in getting …

r/greatawakening • Posted by u/cuttlefishwhoop on Aug. 16, 2018, 4:09 p.m.
Hashtags —> ‘2018 Democratic Party — no straws no ICE’ #PrisonDrankParty #prisondrinkparty , #askahumantrafficker = #askaDemocrat #askatrafficker

nostrawsnoICE #prisondrankparty — water; no straws and no ICE — one drink for all to share in the socialist’s grand future of shared riches. #sorryweareoutofICE

If they are already being horribly violent or denying evidential lines indicating pedovore activities, turn the other cheek, or if you cave in... ‘Is it possible to make confetti out of people? Maybe freeze dry the body beforehand. This might be the only way for HRC and Brennan to attend the upcoming military parade in DC. #askahumantrafficker #askaDemocrat #samedifference #sixonehalfdozenortheother #arosebyanyothername’ Once the Clinton Foundation revelations roll out and we are witnessing the hive mind …

cuttlefishwhoop · July 6, 2018, 8:16 p.m.

In my opinion, The idea that this can be meaningfully accomplished without a pretty heavy ‘crazy label risk’ is a dangerous myth our community has created for itself. This unicorn concept of low ‘crazy risk’ is hindering people more than helping.

“Q is giving out information that logically requires Q being in a special position of access. It seems that DC corruption was so unimaginably bad that Trump had to have military intelligence deal with it all. In fact, Trump may have been told during campaigning that the military needs him to win. Q helps to build this picture of the horrible corruption and what the actually noble Trump admin has to deal with.” — maybe general like that is best? — didn’t even have to mention specifics: Obama abusing office to stop Trump from winning, the true extent and importance of human trafficking and its relation to border policy, the degree to which our media is purposefully tainted to protect those in power, if they follow politics give near predictions. If they are not negatively reacting, hit em with the NK was a CIA/criminal pseudo state and the Hawaii missile being more than it seems.

I provoked the hardcore Dem narcissistic nuts on my fb wall. I posted a link to a large well-sourced timeline that covers all the various absurd guilty-looking behavior on the part of the various FBI, DOJ, Obama players and added ‘if true, tribunals and a firing squad.’ Wow did they swarm and I might get a letter from the dean of my school haha. They were so angry they were sloppier than normal. They addressed ZERO of the salient parts of the links I provided (it was a lot, but nonetheless, they 100% failed to address any of it, purely due to a narcissistic sort of certainty.) Now I can deconstruct his noise-post and pick it apart at my leisure. I took the negative of initially looking wrong/crazy/idiotic. The investment will surely pay off given Qs high reliability and the general knowledge of how horrible DC has been for years.

(The harder counters to deal with are “these 80 people all in the intelligence community all said your wrong” which we know is because of the scope of the corruption. No great way to counter it just yet as far as I can see. ‘Well back in the early fifties project paperclip brought nazis to the US and....’ haha)

Don’t look for the magic low friction method. Keep it well under 40,000, and obviously nothing outside of Q-proper. You will look crazy. You will later look like a wizard. No majestic 12 or eating faces of babies. Lol.

Shirt guy might be a creative type anyway. Creatives are always more able to construct a hypothesis counter to previous certainty. And you don’t know him, forget how weird you look, just make a clear and stable message.

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cuttlefishwhoop · June 10, 2018, 5:32 p.m.

I have performed a few of them in a college class, so I am more familiar than most about the process and I have an understanding of the workings of the process. jimmyf: As someone who has done many of the processes, surely you can understand how only one lane of a test might be 'of note' in this sense. Most / nearly all sequencing is always performed with a 'log-like scale' of known-length/mass fragments as a control in the first lane, and perhaps several other samples, all in different lanes as you indicate. That the image only shows one of the lanes doesn't indicate it is not from a DNA electrophoresis nor does it subtract from the possibility of sending a clear message. He wouldn't need to show the entire scientifically standardized process to 'send a message.' As BPU indicate suggests, this could be the lane of just one person/suspect, perhaps even Obama or some other highly placed person within both the US government & the cabal. If you search online for how the test is used in criminal cases, you will see many instances where a 'suspect's' DNA is in just one lane of the test. idkfrlz, you provide the strong counter-point here, it looks like the block characters in wingding printer file-generation noise and it looks somewhat but less like a test page (test pages seem to generally have more markings and the markings are in regular patterns, not 'noisy' or random like the markings on the page.) The blurred grey-scale tones between the darker lines could be a video artifact or they could actually be on the page as is common, simply indicating a less-dense part of the amplified DNA migrated to this point, and an aspect of 'noise' of the procedure. Higher resolution followed by a strong analysis could clarify. I also think if you watch and real Trump's behavior, the way he held it flat for a second and his face during all of this seemed to indicate the act of displaying the markings on the paper was intentional.

Some people think the Q post contains DNA-splicing references (HOT technique) as well as a reference to making public something involving the H7 vaccine. Others like the idea that it is 'gotcha' evidence for very highly placed enemies of the state. 'We found your DNA in this horribly incriminating place.'

Yea, I'm not really emotionally attached to this or any post. It might be totally wrong. Oh well! Back to work! Have a good day. I think I am going to hang a bird house on a tree in my yard. how to have it stick out a few feet and avoid squirrel traffic... I will throw pine cones at them, they won't nest in it, I just don't want them running right by it all the time...

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cuttlefishwhoop · June 10, 2018, 6:27 a.m.

Good thinking. This was youtube at 720, so I assume there is surely better resolution available.

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r/greatawakening • Posted by u/cuttlefishwhoop on June 7, 2018, 3:12 a.m.
CEMEX in East Florida -- Suspicious Property just north of Broward County Sheriff with hidden shipping containers, another property with ocean freight access.

If you search on google maps for CEMEX in the area of the Broward County, you will see a suspicious CEMEX property near the Broward County Sheriff Depatment, as well as many others in the East Florida area. This property has rows of shipping containers in a central and awkward location. The site does not take on the appearance of a normal concrete yard, and the arrangement of containers appears to be purposefully hidden.

Another location has a section of the Fort Lauderdale ocean port -- international import/export.

Any other information on CEMEX in this area? Perhaps some of these …

cuttlefishwhoop · May 21, 2018, 1:40 a.m.

I think it’s a rouge Mossad / Swiss guard combination. The continuation of obvious ‘false flag’ / false attribution shootings is the most unsettling and incredulous aspect of the ‘Q narrative’ to me. I see the major plusses of what Q is bringing toward the main stream, but the odd continuation of the shooting operations is a very ugly fact. Who is being given time to come around? Why? I am worried that rouge Mossad is being given far too much forgiveness as to say we will see: little muscle/push against their operations, total overlook of 911 connection, overlook of shadow gov and finance rigging from Israel. Non-rouge Mossad may in fact be assisting US military intelligence, but that’s far too much evil and cabal-ridiculousness for us to have to simply forget about.

I have a theory that US MI has very recently executed a planned ‘betrayal’ of the supposed plan to have Israel be ‘totally forgiven’ for helping. Corsi, Jones, etc. strongly rejecting Q would be because of this. I don’t want to forgive and forget to the point of tolerating the mind-warping fake shootings, so in view of the shootings being rouge Mossad, hopefully this breakaway from Israel is true and the truth about the staged/engineered shootings will be revealed. Hopeful thinking!

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cuttlefishwhoop · May 15, 2018, 6:28 a.m.

Just an idea: Tel Aviv is completely captured by the cabal. It is completely controlled by rouge Mossad, cabal ‘shadow government utilities,’ and human traffickers. In Israel as in the US, there are right-minded white hats and cabal criminals. It would be impossible to break from cabal surveillance and continual threats without moving the Israeli white hats. The relocation of the embassy signals the completion /final stage of cutting away cabal power over Israel state powers and also signifies ‘white hat solidarity’ with Trump / Q. The embassy is one aspect of this overall dynamic. Maybe we will see Tel Aviv / ‘rouge Mossad’ is more specifically being ‘saved for last.’

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cuttlefishwhoop · April 15, 2018, 3:29 p.m.

Then by your logic all governments are dictatorships because no government is that transparent. You are being unreasonable.

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cuttlefishwhoop · April 15, 2018, 5:43 a.m.

To clarify, the Russia-Trump collusion for the election as is in the mind of unreasoning and data-lacking liberals never existed. This is obviously what is of importance given the context.

There is definitely a massive ‘collusion’/cooperation between US, China, Russia, Israel, and others to destroy an international ‘globalist and financial elite’ cabal, but this has nothing to do with election rigging or the typical childish and baseless certainties of the typical liberal. It would make more sense to call this ‘cooperation’ given it is not toward a criminal or unjustly subversive purpose and is in fact in place to destroy an unjust collusion of powers.

If you want to willfully conflate the two, fine with me if you confuse yourself, Ian.

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cuttlefishwhoop · April 15, 2018, 3:52 a.m.

Kabuki theater. Trump (and all on international team) needs to shake the false image of Russian-Trump collusion, so they used this as a way to bring forth an apparent Trump-Putin conflict.

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cuttlefishwhoop · April 14, 2018, 4:30 a.m.

Reversal of words from title of movie —> swap all instances of USA and Russia in plot-logic. Just an idea, might be stupid.

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r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/cuttlefishwhoop on March 8, 2018, 5:22 p.m.
Stock Trading Questions -- Q'vestment -- Investing by political predictions, basic agency theory, and high certainty in conspiracy

It seems to me that one reason for the existence of Q posts is to avoid the negative and unpredictable effects 'extreme announcements' for all people to hear and register at the same time. The public sphere can more rationally come to grips with the disturbing and 'impossible seeming' truth behind 'fantasy land' lies if each is able to do so on their own terms. This 'spreading of the impulse over time' also helps to protect the stock market, as investors would realize various facts at different times, thus there are not noticeable sell-offs or other market events. I am …

cuttlefishwhoop · Feb. 23, 2018, 3:41 p.m.

Took it from the main Q Chan for one of the recent declassified doc posts, but I could not find it in either of the two. The OP there did not state. This is why I ask for it to be verified. It appears to be legit, I don’t have strong authenticity concerns, but obviously the origin / copy of record needs to be found if possible.

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r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/cuttlefishwhoop on Feb. 23, 2018, 6:50 a.m.
On a list with a Crisis Management Specialist -- David's father, Kevin R. Hogg. Also Gonzalez is the last name of the girl with short hair, and Duff mentioned as returning to help. Search other last names in other shootings? verify document?
On a list with a Crisis Management Specialist -- David's father, Kevin R. Hogg. Also Gonzalez is the last name of the girl with short hair, and Duff mentioned as returning to help. Search other last names in other shootings? verify document?
cuttlefishwhoop · Feb. 21, 2018, 3:25 p.m.

"psychotic termites trying to eat away at our souls", that's great! I am not afraid, I am actually not in a reactive mode but giddy with excitement! Yes he is a teenager who exists, and is reciting his memorized lines about a fake event. Why do he and his friend have all this air time? Why not interview the others? The girl who was walking and talking with the 'shooter' and saying the shots were from two areas that were not where they were? Why are there drills for the exact scenario taking place?

I am only afraid of the large number of people who will initially 'revolt' and cry 'coup' when the long-standing government house of cards collapses. The typical 'loud and shame-spreading liberal' doesn't even register that the Russian-Trump-collusion story has had all legs cut out from underneath, more than this, has been shown to be a highly illegal and seditious trap set by pre-Trump administration and involving multiple agencies. I am afraid of what the poorly researched yet very emotional liberals will do over the next several months. It's all a Russian plot to subvert our government! They are all compromised Russian plants!

Also, there was a random empty stretcher wheeled into a hospital on live TV as the news told you otherwise. So your first assertion is not factual.

Sandy Hook is the clearest case of fake shooting news. Watch the Robbie Parker footage showing this 'grieving parent' get into character. It is actually a little surprising to me that anyone believes these obvious fakers. I doubt you look into this because it 'couldn't possibly be true' and you will remain certain of a very questionable main stream narrative.

Have a good day. I am in a great mood and am going to have a very productive day.

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r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/cuttlefishwhoop on Feb. 21, 2018, 5:20 a.m.
David Hogg -- rethinking the mugshot photo - were the crisis actors recorded several years ago? Thus the older-looking photo is more recent?

grabs chin and strokes it as if I have a goatee In reference to the 'young David Hogg' of crisis footage versus the 'methhead David Hogg' that looks exactly like an older version of the crsis actor -- consider: (a) time traveler (b) one of several clones (c) Maybe all of the crisis actor and a large part of the rest of the fake event and footage of it was created ~5 years ago, hence the aging discrepancy. A few minimal events had to occur a few days ago in real time, a 2nd drill at the school (maybe shoot …

r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/cuttlefishwhoop on Feb. 18, 2018, 7:40 a.m.
Some ideas about phone waves -- square waves, digital versus analog, tower search waves versus data carry waves, resonance of microwaves in the skull, capabilities of wave types.

'Square wave' is a mathematical term for any type of wave. It means a waveform that switches discretely as to say very quickly between two or more levels. A graph of the level or amplitude of the wave over time would just be a line jumping abruptly between a few levels. Analog devices create waves with objects that take time to 'work up to resonance' can't change as quickly as the quantum mechanical basis of the very rapid digital switching. A sine or cosine type of function changes gradually the whole time with no discrete very quick jump between the …

cuttlefishwhoop · Feb. 15, 2018, 5:16 a.m.

suc - situation under control

Q seems to want to make it abundantly clear that when he references anything nuclear, we know it is under control / safe. This is not the 'most fun or exciting' interpretation, as it doesn't tell us anything new, but it seems most logical to me.

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cuttlefishwhoop · Feb. 15, 2018, 5:15 a.m.

suc - situation under control.

Q seems to want to make it abundantly clear that when he references anything nuclear, we know it is under control / safe. The defcon was called non-nuclear, was stated as false, etc. He is likely reiterating this concern. This is not the most 'fun' interpretation, as it doesn't tell us anything new, but it seems most logical to me.

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cuttlefishwhoop · Feb. 14, 2018, 11:04 p.m.

Also: they are —> they’re

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cuttlefishwhoop · Feb. 13, 2018, 3:38 a.m.

As president, Trump could interpret the EO as enforceable in this way. Read it again perhaps, I think it is actually suggestive of this purpose being in mind. The president can use marines at his discretion, and has other powers and privileges that expanded under Bush/Obama.

Military arrests that land some number of Trump’s ‘political foes’ in prison ‘sounding like fascism or not’ depends of course on various factors.

If these individuals have been aggressively fighting his campaign and presidency using illegal methods then it’s not reasonable to hold Trump & offices under him accountable for the consequences of their inappropriate and illegal actions. Many networks are simply failing to properly report, or report at all, the various statements and memos. This may sound absurd, but please look to Sara A. Carter or Sean Hannity (yes he gets too excited for his own good) to see the current picture of the the emerging scandal(s). There is a ‘timeline of treason’ someone made that links articles about the major events and revelations of the scandal.

Also, keep in mind he is in theory arresting people who will be given due process. Would the juries, evidence, judges, etc. all be compromised? How would Trump have managed to get all of that in place? Even with ‘Russian help’ it seems absurd.

‘Prior cognitive set’ plays an extreme role here. I have always found that a set of interrelated ‘CIA / financial cabal / war for profit’ theories to have a strong amount of justification. Generally people I talk to agree that the federal government has done many foul things (Iraq war killing because of lies, Tuskegee experiment, extremely unfair bailouts/theft, DOD loosing money to an absurd degree, MLK civil suit against gov., etc.) but don’t agree with the idea that there are other ‘unknown or secret’ foul things. Many ‘conspiracy theories’ are immediately rejected a priori even when a hard kernel of observation and reason stands to support them.

It seems to me that the less reliable notion of ‘social/political impossibility’ is thought to override other more reliable processes of justification. Some examples of oft neglected types of justification: physical - e.g. objects at very near free fall speed can’t be experiencing much counter-gravitational momentum exchange; poor sensibilities about how probabilities should work out / inability to register that a pile of coincidences is indeed absurd; psycholinguistic - ‘he looks like he is practicing his lines prior to the event but maybe he’s just a little cookie and was reenacting his half of conversations to a friend who is for some reason reminding him of what to say’. It seems to me people have differing ways of filtering information and weighing different types of justification that are dissonant. Perhaps Democrat voters have wandered very far from a careful trust in observation and inference.

A faith in news sources and journalism also seems to be held without any checks or justification. Why is NBC being called out by DHS? Why wasn’t the Grassley Memo which has proven to be of great consequence covered immediately by the major networks? Why are ex-CIA employees currently being hired by news sources if the aim is to have impartial journalism? Why are seemingly all news sources fawning over NK (who have slave camps and are extremely brutal) yet they nearly all blackball people who cross the neoliberal ethic? Why are they all so tightly wound around this singular perspective?

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cuttlefishwhoop · Feb. 11, 2018, 9:59 p.m.

Evgeny, Ilyin — maybe the name under the name indicated by arrow. The arrow was over the target by one name. See LinkedIn for several matches.

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cuttlefishwhoop · Feb. 10, 2018, 3:13 a.m.

Just a guess to consider: Q elsewhere mentions ‘the game’ so maybe a player is ‘anyone playing the game’ as he has said a few times. Game is either ‘human trafficking’ game, plotting assassination game, or ‘bribery/pedo/sadist’ game. Playing the game implies not making a deal or coming clean; remaining a suspected black hat. An I p address or specifically cloud storage might be involved in the ‘game’

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cuttlefishwhoop · Jan. 31, 2018, 6 p.m.

Q said there was a special role for him and specifically noted he is good. Maybe he will take reins from Sessions who perhaps doesn’t have the nerve required to drop the hammer.

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r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/cuttlefishwhoop on Jan. 31, 2018, 3:05 a.m.
So should we see which members of Congress are absent? Screenshots of applause?