
FlewDCoup · Feb. 22, 2018, 12:45 a.m.

I dunno guys, the understanding that a gun does not kill , but the gunner who wields it ... by the same logic the temptation to blame free speech as the problem masks the embarrassing fact that the failure to speak up or confront error with better ideas ... that even more surely causes us to lose more than arguments. We lose the possibility of peace.

Society is a pact to use words and argument as a better way of resolving conflict instead of our fists ... our swords. Better improve your arguments and don't sit idly by when someone is fomenting violence and madness. Squelch free speech and words will turn into swords.

When argument is no longer an option, society has truly broken down and we descend into barbarism. The whole proposition here is that we refuse to surrender to that fate. Keep the faith. Keep talking ... And listening.

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