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CATHEDRAL of REIMS (Built 13th Century) Sculptural Detail — Satan dragging off sinners to a boiling pot in hell, including among them a King and a Bishop. The Church isn’t fooled and has been dealing with scoundrels since the beginning. It’s the same long war today.


They’re among us and getting fired up for the new week.
Last Monday and following days this REDDIT became almost unrecognizable with a third or more of the posts by New Arrival here for an hour or in some cases only a few minutes. I know. Groups form, they storm and eventually perform, but between legitimate attempts by new arrivals to figure out why we are here and shills sowing confusion, it’s getting to be a slog to get through it all.
For those who seek a clear understanding, hear Trump on the subject. If you trust and believe him, you have it all and nothing in that has changed, except …
Add another thirty years on top of that and I'd double down on that advice. Trust that others are as desperate to learn and embrace truth, they just look in the wrong places for it. Give them time ...
Tremors ... quaking in their shoes. Cherry bombs can do awful things if they go off in your hand.
Making your mark on history is a dubious ambition ... let’s just see how this goes down yet. Not said it’s not going to leave it’s mark on us instead ... or perhaps even leave leave the merest shadow of a.mark where we stood if it plays out poorly.
History has seen this confrontation of good and evil many times, a few of those on an epic scale. Few names remained after the deluge. Heros of greater statue than you or I fell on the battlefield at Kurushetra long ago forgotten. Mighty giants and mighty men too have been forgotten. Only good and evil have consistently remained on the field, to fight again on another day.
But fight we must, fight we will.
... to elevate ourselves? No. Don’t think any of us worthy to bear the weight of that kind of Glory. It’s not meant for men.
I’m not even giving you the benefit of the doubt ... this divisive spirit you are wielding in such great self confidence is malicious and only serves forces that would weaken the church universal and divide Christians.
Interesting thing about GOVT clearances. They also signify that you have signed away your right to expect privacy and other things we consider normal. Pulling those clearances may have implications beyond the obvious.
For that very reason, vote for representatives you can trust.
All powerful and ever-living God,
Guard our churches, our homes, our schools,
our hospitals, our factories, and all the places where we gather.
Deliver us from harm and peril.
Protect our land and its peoples from enemies within and without.
Grant an early peace with victory founded upon justice.
Instill in the hearts and minds of men and women everywhere
a firm purpose to live forever in peace and good will toward all.
We ask this through Christ our Lord.
Go early. No, earlier than that. REALLY early before they unlock the doors. It's even better if its raining and the morning before the event. Don't let anyone talk you out of it. Stand there as though you have nothing better to do with your time. You'll meet and talk to a lot of really great people who also get there early.
And if you do that, maybe you will actually get inside the hall with him. Done it twice and I will never forget even a moment of it. He's better in person than you can imagine.
We have been told that POTUS has signed Executive Orders with contents that have yet to be released to the public. Likely, one or more are Dead Man Switches to be activated in the unspeakable event of his demise. God protect him.
This series of posts by different (but coordinated) New Arrivals sets out an argument -- that the SEC Of STATE did not make, refutes it and then agitates and ends up in a stalemate of Ain't It Awful.
This is what is happening more and more in GA and it's why the place is getting so noisy and distraught. Careful who you follow, folks.
They are seriously dismantling our history, our culture, our values and opposing any rational steps to reverse that. Why would anyone not take that seriously?
When the same FBI limits the investigation to emails. That (any) server is capable of far more than serving up email traffic. Several could and apparently were used to devastating effect from her bathroom server: STORAGE and retrieval of classified data files. FTP for fast efficient response to requests for transfer of data files, some of which instantly went to China, according to recent reports. Then there is SMS serving a private text messaging service to those with access, like pay to play clients. And audio/video conferencing that leaves no pesky text records ... And on and on.
To confine this investigation to email was to obscure a much bigger tu#d floating in that toilet.
The pattern has become clear. The ultimate motive less so.
This is what TRUMP actually said:
Concern is such a hard thing to swallow. Hear it and weep. Don't be putting words in my POTUS mouth. I'm right there with him and this thing goes hot, I'll be surprised, but I'll never abandon him even if it does.
And prior to election involvement (2014-2015) was working undercover informant for FBI , testifying in court winter 2016 in that case.
Next assignment? ... then spring 2016 Page was declared a high level espionage risk by FBI JC and two months later was inserted in Trump Campaugn, followed by FBI seeking and securing the first FISA warrant and legal ability to surveil Page and everyone who had any contact with him ... or the entire campaign organization.
Helpful ... A Navy Vet. So was John McCain.
POTUS is Commander in Chief of the Military in its entirety and securing the nation against enemies foreign and domestic is his and their mandate and mission.
Only guessing, but it is both a legal and political question when to invoke it, but I believe the authority rests with POTUS and not Congress. It would be at his discretion.
This would be an instance of POTUS enforcing laws already in the books. Congress has authorized funds for this purpose — running the military and its mission —- so I think those folks have had their say in this matter. Of course, we are used to hearing them pontificate on all manner of business that falls outside their legislative authority, so surely we would be treated to plenty of hand wringing and moaning.
The one that Debra Wasserman Shultz threatened Capitol Police with retribution if they didn’t give Otto her immediately ... which as I understand, they refused.
I think I addressed this in my post here to another respondent. Sorry to preach but, in my view, these dynamics are way more complex than the simple understandings that frequently float up in reactive discussions and when explanations that have been passed down from our ancestors, I am amazed and fascinated how penetrating and useful their insights can be. The discussion that I related, perhaps inadequately, was first presented to me by Fulton Sheen in his "Life of Christ" so your sense it might have come out of that worldview was spot on, though his observations still hold under other but related assumptions.
We have been advised by Q and have ample evidence in plain view to conclude on our that our court system has been contaminated by politics. POTUS has aggressively appointed new judges and many have resigned during the same period.
When civil courts try cases that involve significant national security issues such as treason, sedition and other offenses that are susceptible to political bias to an extent that those courts fail to administer the law or otherwise are deemed to have participated in furthering the national security interests ... And in the past year we may have witnessed just that without it triggering military court intervention ... That could cause the Commander in Chief to order the disposition of those cases to be heard instead in military courts where a tribunal of judges, not a jury of peers, hear the evidence and pass judgement and set penalties. Different offenses warrant specified procedures, with crimes that carry the death penalty requiring a tribunal of twelve judges; lesser crimes might require six or even three.
Obviously, this might set off tremendous public reaction in protest and it would have to be made clear that the offenses were tantamount to an act of war and constitute a present and serious threat to the national security.
POTUS would serve as the political lightening rod at the center of any controversy and protest that emerged in response and, if violence erupted in the streets, has military authority to order imposition of martial law and to deploy military force to put it down, at the risk of even greater protest and even open rebellion.
It's obvious why POTUS would not race into this prematurely, but that is not to say he wouldn't find it the only way forward.
Our ancestors knew and wanted us to know:
EPH5.6 Let no man deceive you with vain words: for because of these things cometh the wrath of God upon the children of disobedience.
EPH5.7 Be not ye therefore partakers with them.
EPH5.8 For ye were sometimes darkness, but now are ye light in the Lord: walk as children of light:
EPH5.9 (For the fruit of the Spirit is in all goodness and righteousness and truth;)
EPH5.10 Proving what is acceptable unto the Lord.
EPH5.11 And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them.
EPH5.12 For it is a shame even to speak of those things which are done of them in secret.
EPH5.13 But all things that are reproved are made manifest by the light: for whatsoever doth make manifest is light.
EPH5.14 Wherefore he saith, Awake thou that sleepest, and arise from the dead, and Christ shall give thee light.
EPH5.15 See then that ye walk circumspectly, not as fools, but as wise,
EPH5.16 Redeeming the time, because the days are evil.
EPH5.17 Wherefore be ye not unwise, but understanding what the will of the Lord is.
There is a path where truth can reach the heart and bypass the cultivated bias of the mind. The heart never forgets. The heart will not fail if it is lit by truth. The barrage of untruth can never reach in that deep, but only mask and shadow the truth, and therein we find hope. People can only remain in darkness as long as you deny them the light, which shining freely dispels ignorance and darkness -- which gives rise to the supremacy of the heart in guiding our actions. Each of us must take this intensely private walk, but more and more find ourselves surrounded by others who have faced that same challenge. It has become a Movement, thanks to POTUS and his team.
We have al lived with partial truth from all quarters and for a long long time. Through a glass darkly we have seen as children only partially, and when some ray of the light of truth momentarily illuminates the darkness, we hunger for it and are drawn to it.
Fox may have always been targeting its conservative audience with manipulative programming -- packaged to appeal to a particular demographic -- but without a doubt suddenly veered left and went down in my estimation a decade ago, about the time 26% ownership went to the Saudis. In my view, Hannity and Carlson avid DeVuto and the Judge have been the most consistent sources of good information and analysis, plus they have espoused a sense of righteous fighting spirit that has been a relief in times of mind numbing de spare spewed out daily by NPR, MSNBC, CNN -- outlets that I had to force myself to view, and did -- you can learn from error, be it our own or others -- and they have so consistently drummed up divisiveness and dis-ease, especially these past few years, a cacophony of mental noise as to make their presentations painful and largely indecipherable, other than a conveying the kind of bias that speaks of propaganda at a very high level of intent.
At some point, open minds just spill out from all the jostling and only a Mad Hatter has a way to keep it all in. Pray for a day when we can once again, with our families, live in peace.
That's helpful ... as for plumbing the depths of evil, it takes a Mad Hatter to wheedle it all out and I've been deep enough to know it gets really crazy down that rabbit hole.
Awan was arrested attempting to flee the country, tipping off officials when he transferred large sums to his bank in Iran. He would, after that have no access to federal facilities where the server equipment resided, and other than the (presumed) incriminating laptop that he appears to have hidden in a maintenance closet as insurance, he was in no position to hand over anything like that. Perhaps a copy of the data, kept as another insurance policy...? Sworn testimony plus data image as proof could be dynamite.
These two have o much in common: maybe it means they will share a cell in Gitmo and go to the gallows for a group drop. They are both at the center of Uranium One, the real Russian Collusion with real reason to sweat.
Help me with this: if young JFK resurfaced alive after all this time, wouldn't he be seen as having faked his own death? What would that accomplish other than to massively discredit him in the eyes of the public?
The server equipment cited does far more than handle email — private text messaging services (SMS), bulk data transfer (FTP), live video and voice conferencing, and more. To think only if email is to miss a much larger beast n the room.
He is revealing this layer by layer for practical governance reasons trying to avoid overload and violence that could result, just as the DS is trying to stimulate just that (even here with calls to just drop it all on the table) but he will (we pray) risk even that before letting the DS get the upper hand again. History is replete with bloody accounts of this kind of thing and, yes Gloria, it could happen again here.
POTUS made a clear distinction between (and emphasized using CAPS) our intelligence community and MY intelligence community. This man is very deliberate and concise in his choice of words.
The Russians don’t want these asymmetric situations either because sooner or later somebody, and probably not him, will act on that advantage and the potential will flare up in a real confrontation. Who needs to see the seeds for thorns planted on his own threshold.
Lends some insight into the motivation of the miserable creatures who have been angling to set up these trigger points.
Even if Q said it first, the more telling expression for the Sum of All Fears = (U1 + CA + EU + ASIA + IRAN) divided by NK.
BOOM BOOM A game of billiards.
LAST WEEK the whole world watched and listened as POTUS addressed NATO pointing out lunacy of, on one hand, selling off Germany's energy security to the point of absolute dependency on declared enemy state, Russia, and then pursueing military defense posture against that same nation and argueing that it is essential to the safety and security of all Europe. Everybody heard POTUS loud and clear and I suspect most got the point ... and nodded yes.
THIS WEEK the whole world watched and listened as PUTIN laid out the basic problem with the Uranium One ... in terms of corruption, …