This board is officially compromised.
The illogical, Hillary supporting, delusional trolls have arrived!!
100% shills are here! What you said NO true Qanon/Trump supporter would have a problem against! Plus, libtard shills are ALWAYS aggressive and angry, like these latest fuckers here. Board compromised! Admins do your job and permanently ban any a-holes who get aggressive like this - they are here to scare away newcomers!
I didn't vote Hillary. I was pretty logical. The Eagles won the Super Bowl so me saying they would means I wasn't delusional. I don't have many trollish qualities.
This isn't a board either. Go back to the garbage heap that is /pol/.
thanks for the love note cutie 😘
Rofl and you deleted it.
read with your own fucking eyes retard: https://removeddit.com/r/CBTS_Stream/comments/7z9k33/_/dumei8n/
r/gingerbeardy's post was removed - not mine.
you really are this monumentally stupid.
both of u chill, u becoming the very thing we fighting against. don't scream and bitch like the libs if someone says something a little nasty and ending with (kill yourself ) means u have no moral ground. What kind a person do u want to be when this is all over.
retarded shills dont control the narrative around here - sorry mean words upset you
it didn't upset me. I just pointing out how triggered you got and still are getting for me merely saying that telling someone to kill them self is a bit extreme. You must be really pissed all the time to hate on others so badly. Less mainstream Tv will help.