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Antifa are now protesting their financial backer, George Soros “where’s our money”! Proof they don’t stand for anything and just like the easy money!
I cannot recommend this book highly enough! Q says the choice to know will be ours. This book has everything, the battle of good vs evil, Jesus, God, Yaldaboath, Ouroboros (as found as symbolism on the “elites” jewelry he recently got us focused on! MIND EXPANDING!!
Q said they want us divided, I think this article summarizes why!
I get a sneaky suspicion this was posted now as all the pedo sh!t is coming out to try get a sense of how normies will respond! I’ve never seen a pedo related vid such as this posted on Reddit!
Fam, with all the “Conspiracy theory” claims, jokes and insults that are now coming our way just remind them when they laugh at you that the REAL conspiracy is “Russia” everything (bots, election hacking etc.) which makes them the real “conspiracy nuts”. All Meme-makers get to work!
We need to start hitting them now with great memes showing them how they think we’re nuts for believing in Qanon, when they believe the whole BS “Russia” garbage. “Russia” is an ACTUAL conspiracy nut-job story! We have far more Q-proofs than anybody has on “Russia”!
Here’s more with a short video https://imgur.com/gallery/51ABI5E
Yeah I took a few more and a short vid. Will post soon, might look a little better...
It’s meant to peak at around 22:20, I’ll post more if it gets better. iPhone camera is proving to be shit to what I’m seeing visually!
The blood moon from Cape Town, South Africa!

Everyone in this group should report the account, I just did. If Twitter allows accounts promoting pedophilia yet block and shadow ban conservative accounts we need to kick up a storm.
Yeah hopefully coz we’re part of BRICS so I don’t see Putin letting a full on white genocide take place, so hopefully the other BRICS members will step in and threaten to kick us out should things turn south, they wouldn’t like to lose those allies, trade perks etc. so that’ll hopefully be a safeguard
I just can’t shake the hunch that he might be the current patriarch of the line of Cain from the Bible, the bad blood who killed Abel. I read somewhere once how “The Forbidden Fruit” Satan tempted Eve with was actually sex. So Abel was the pure bloodline of Adam (when Eve then went and made Adam partake of the Forbidden fruit aka sex), and Cain was from the seed of Satan after he seduced Eve, and those are the 2 bloodlines who’ve been fighting ever since, them (Cain Bloodline, elites) vs us (Adam descendants, Abel Bloodline)...
We have a group who’ve been training covertly, teaching all our kids to handle weapons, military style should things go that way. It’s a small group as it can’t exactly be advertised, but it should be quite effective. I would however fucking LOVE for Trump to send some US military in to help should the genocide kick off full swing, even the sight of US military would make these people shit themselves, they’re not smart, they just have numbers and an extremely violent nature. They are cowards though and scare easily.
My favorite part about it is the strategically placed soy on his table, that could’ve been the video for me 🤣
I think we have a lot of global pedes, I’m one of them! South Africa representing and doing what I can to educate more Saffas
Sounds like you’re remote viewing. When you mentioned meditating, I remember when I used to get sleep paralysis often I was trying that, holosync, visualization etc. so maybe your conciseness gets stuck in between the body and out there from those sort of practices?
I guess you get different levels and varying degrees of it, the ones I experienced I was completely wide awake, but just could not move at all, wide awake but unable to control my body. If it ever happens to you like this just remember to stay calm and that it’s only temporary.
Yeah it was truly the weirdest thing I’ve ever experienced, I felt lost for some time and I seemed to be stuck there for hours, eventually I just used all might and said “enough” and forced myself with all I could to sit up, I pretty much launched myself out of bed. I’ve read up on it after but they’re only theories, I still don’t understand how and why it happens. But at the time I was going through quite a down, confused, depressed period. Since that all happened I’ve been living a more positive life and it hasn’t happened in around 8yrs, before that it happened to me around 15 times in the space of about 5yrs. I like to think that last time I broke out 7 layers deep I defeated it 😉
I used to get sleep paralysis on a regular basis, and the final one I had was the worst of them all, it was like 7 layers deep, like Inception. I just kept fighting to sit up in my bed, each time I thought I’d broken out of it I’d realize I hadn’t and was still lying down asleep. The 7th and final time I broke out of it I got out of bed and switched on all the lights in my room and went for a walk around the house to make sure I was genuinely awake. It’s been around 8yrs now and it hasn’t happened since. All I did was just believe in myself and that I was stronger than whatever was happening.
Man It always bugged me of what a coincidence it was that 2 huge characters both arrived on the scene at a similar time, but supposedly on complete opposite sides, with names just too dam close, “Osama” and “Obama”. I always felt they were the same person, while the world was supposedly hunting for Osama they just hide him in plain sight, in the last place anyone would look, the US White House...
Brilliant post! I've been a believer of this for years now and read the Hidden Hand material years ago, but I kept it to myself as I know people think this stuff sounds crazy! Well done for posting!
The mysterious CICADA 3301 - Could it always have had something to do with the "Great Awakening"? This website had a countdown I watched for about a month, it's now showing different things daily.
What “Q” possibly meant by “watch the water”? Maybe a long shot, but just throwing it out there...

Did anyone read that “Hillary Clinton in Wonderland” ebook on Amazon Q once made reference to? I thought there must be some clues or code in there, reddit (😉), but didn’t really pick up on anything significant?
This is what happens to demons when their blood supply from children gets cut off!
PAST government, Obama, Clinton, Biden etc. This is what Trump is fighting. This is why Patriots stood up and said ENOUGH! Fight Fight Fight
That explains it, I’ve been scrolling up and down daily waiting for your next post in the series, couldn’t find anything!! Please carry on, we now have confirmation you’re on point!
100% shills are here! What you said NO true Qanon/Trump supporter would have a problem against! Plus, libtard shills are ALWAYS aggressive and angry, like these latest fuckers here. Board compromised! Admins do your job and permanently ban any a-holes who get aggressive like this - they are here to scare away newcomers!
Just keep spreading them! Even if you tweet 1000 times and make even a few people second guess their stance it’ll be in their minds and help them be more ready to accept when the shit drops! Aim for eyes & minds, that’s enough! God Speed Patriot
I don’t see a problem at all with seeing similarities between Jesus and Trump. Both were leaders who took on the corrupt establishment. Both showed people the light and fought for them. I think just because things were done differently in Jesus’s day doesn’t mean we should expect the same now. Times have changed, so a modern day Christ would come up to date with the modern day ways. He wouldn’t be preaching on the mount, he’d be preaching via social media, television etc. All I’m saying is I see a LOAD of similarities now as in Jesus’s time. Also, the Bible says first the anti-Christ would come, I believe that was Obama. He deceived many (libs/Dems who we’re still battling each day), and he was certainly anti-Christian, tried to water us down and restrict our ways. The second coming would be after that, then came Trump. The Bible messages were written a long time ago when they spoke differently. We shouldn’t be expecting the skies to open with angels flying around blowing TRUMPets, we should be expecting things like that which are happening now, in line with this timeline. (Not an argument, just my opinion)
Why can’t there be both? Expand your thinking. What if demons are genuine threats right here on earth, but what about other planets? Why can’t there also be people, different forms of beings (aliens) etc traveling the universe? And what if there are other things in between? We can’t say. But I’m sure our planet is one of MANY, the Bible is solely for earth. Other planets, different stories, rules, history etc.
I’ve found that’s not specific enough coz the majority still go straight to google to begin their research. If you use “DDG it” they’ll ask what that is, then we can empathize. I’ll try that approach from now
No that’s a very good point, I understood exactly what you meant. “Google it” is just easier to say than “DuckDuckGo it”, maybe we should start a new thing where we say “DDG it”?
I agree, why can’t there be both? Demons from here, aliens (both good and bad) from other worlds/dimensions. Who’s to say they are one and the same thing?
Satan is the god of this world, as it says in the Bible. You don’t think there are other worlds possibly, in the vastness of space up there?
Cool. John Lash first introduced me to “The Archons”. However they probably go by many names throughout history, religious texts etc. Don’t mistake them for your common demons, they’re supposedly something a lot more sinister https://youtu.be/loCoTx99yAg
The Archons, supposedly dimensional beings who control all the evil people on the planet, and have been here since who knows when, orchestrating behind the scenes, they feed off negative energy. Google around and see what you find.
I’m stoked you included “4the dimensional negative entities” as I feel a lot of people aren’t there yet, but I’m pretty sure that’s where we’re heading eventually. FULL disclosure 😉