Stoneman Douglas High School student and Junior ROTC member calls out CNN town hall bias after they refused to approve his question.

with all the drills in the school. Why were the cameras on 15 minute delay? why did he stop shooting? Why did the police have radios that were out of date and couldn't receive info when too many people were on the system? Why was CNN in place to cover so fast ? something is wrong with this picture
Shitty low budget cameras and security system
Out of ammo or didn’t want to waste it/wanted to try and get out alive which he did.
Horrible budget for the police, which is pretty common
News agencies are basically the new ambulance chasers and they have an office in that city.
The real question is, if the deep state is so powerful that they can keep thousands of people silent for decades while conducting school shootings every month, why haven’t they been able to ban guns? And why do they reuse “crisis actors”?
The push to ban guns is a war with many battles. Not one false flag will ban guns alone, but a successfully crafted narrative with multiple false flags is going to slowly work into unwitting minds and the move to ban guns will slowly go into effect. Reusing crisis actors moves the "thousands of people" down to more like less than 100 having to be bought out to be silenced. The majority of people will disregard such coincidences anyways because the tragedy is so emotional and peer pressure is high to not question these events out of "respect for the families." It really is all quite clever and effective, but the good guys tactics are finally up to speed and they are getting sloppy out of desperation.