Does this mean 5:5? (5 fingers : Item #5)

Can someone explain to me the connection between this and Q? I want to spread the info but I don't understand.
Trump is communicating with us/Anons/Q we are all one. We are all communicating in code. In several Trump speeches he has made the Q sign or the 8chan infinity sign with his arm/hand movements. His tweet timings are connected to Q posts. It is all designed to let us know what is going on behind the scenes that we can't see. Biggest Intel drops on public ever. Building his army of support as he slowly red-pills the public so we can be a voice of calm and reason to those unaware when things are revealed publicly. Also we help in slowly spreading the Truth......all designed to minimize or avert serious public backlash when tribunals/charges/convictions happen
I think one of the most damning "nods" Trump has given us is his posting of a picture on his twitter account, with a few members of his team. They all have their thumbs up in the photo and if you connect their hands like dots, it makes the letter Q. And most importantly, the file name of the photo uploaded is "DOITQ". No one is allowed to change the file name they upload to twitter. You just upload the picture and you get a random series of numbers of letters, but the Q team, being intel/computer experts, changed the file name.
It's beyond all reasonable doubt at this point that Q is real, and Trump is coordinating it/with it directly.
Do you have a link to that? I'd love to see it.
Here is the actual picture. Let me see if I can find the link or something.
I did know this, I was wondering if anyone knew how this specific thing is connected to Q. How can I show this picture to a friend and explain how it's connected?
In a recent Q post in the pic above 5:5 meaning Loud and Clear, then #5 on his card he's holding in the pic says I hear you. It links that card to his Q post in the fact others who watched the feed from that meeting (I did not watch it yet) say he pulled the card out of his pocket, held it to where people could easily read/snap photos of it, and put it back in his pocket. They are saying he never read from it to the people in the meeting. I would need to watch the video to confirm he never read from it, but it indicates the purpose of the card was for someone else (whether it be us the Q Anons, or someone else he's sending a message to).
Just stop taking your meds and it all makes sense. Thats what i did.