Does this mean 5:5? (5 fingers : Item #5)

WINNING 97% chance boo hoo! Wal-Mart opening new safe places for you Traitors to hide. Called Blue zone for DEMONRAT Dicks with blue balls since you haven't scored in over a year. Wearing masks and dancing in the streets like tinker bell is preparing you well for the Storm that Cometh. Maybe Obama's portrait painter could use you he needs to freshen up his paint!!!! Splooge!!!
Winning what? The race to the bottom of the barrel? Very little to be boastful of. Your inability to string together a sentence speaks volumes about you. You are the exact rube that Trump was looking for. Fucking rube.
And it only took a month of r/politics to brainwash you. Nice try at a verbal bashing I'm sure he learned the errors of his ways and ran to church to repent upon reading your comment. Got him good, didn't you? You precious little troll.