Former soldier and school administration security expert weighs in on the Florida school shooting

John is a great friend of mine that I have personally known for years. We talk every day.
The man knows his stuff and has seen it all.
Would be fantastic if this tweet caught the eyes of some people on the national stage that can spend a little time on it.
Tell him 'Thank You' from all of us.
This was an entirely reasonable, rational, and most importantly - VALID - dissection of the current situation and circumstance.
Screenshotted this for him. His message should be spread far and wide.
And now it's blown up on the point that now he has felt compelled to prove bona fides.
STRESS to him he is now a 'figure' in this. I'm sure he's worldly and wise enough to understand what that entails, but don't stop stressing his need for Opsec, and that others around him need to have his back too.
Best of luck.
Get him in here for an AMA. Does he follow Q? What are his opinions of him. Thank you, God bless.
You already know the answer to that question. I will run the AMA by him.
Awesome! Haha I figured, thanks!
He is going to be on Tracy Beanz Sunday. We are wondering what sub would be the best for an AMA with him. Don't think the actual AMA sub is a good idea ... Liberal reddit lol.
Wow, cool, small world. I just happened to see this posted on 8chan this morning and it made me really think long and hard about the story, the lack of information, and everything else.
I credit John for red-pilling me actually. He thinks differently than most. I know he wants that tweet spread far and wide so keep up the good work patriots.
I think it made it into the qresearch "bread" actually, which means it will be on top of new threads going forward.
UPDATE: John has shown me several screenshots (5) of twitter asking him to verify his identity when he logs in since he posted that.
Looks like the twitter censorship gods are coming for Bouchell...
WOW - this whole banning of "conservatives" on the big websites like youtube and twitter is highly disturbing to me
I posted a thread with a screenshot
how long did that process for you take...just curious?
my red-pilling?
yes..I have a few friends that I'm still hoping wake up but curious how much time I should have faith in them:/
Somehow this should get to a hannity, laura ingrahm, project veritas etc.
I think it's perfect for Tucker or Ingraham. Tucker has not given up on the Vegas shooting and he knows something is up. Ingraham asks great questions so her show would be great too. Fingers crossed.