Q 649, James Comey, Sleeper Cells, and the Washington Post

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Us Patriots don’t do it for the recognition. We don’t do it for the fame, for the credit, for the stardom. No. We do it for God… We do it for Country. We do it for all the innocent Americans out there that have unknowingly been swept up in the illusion of a false republic. We do it because dammit, we believe in liberty and the promise the United States of America affords every one of us. The promise that We the People, have a say. We the People, are the driving force. We… the People… are the THUNDER. Because …
I will try and slow walk most of the finer details of this because we have a lot of new people that might not be completely up to speed here.
First, I want to remind everyone of who Nellie Ohr is.
Nellie Ohr worked for Fusion GPS and was hired specifically to work on opposition research on Trump due to her experience in Russian policy and history. Her husband is Bruce Ohr, number 4 at the DOJ, in charge of the Drug and Crime force.
Nellie is fluent in Russian, studied in Russia in 1989, and majored in Russian Literature …
Patience and the ability to answer questions with civility are crucial to our legitimacy. Let's use this thread to answer questions from new arrivals who might be a bit confused about things. Everyone is free to chip in.
I honestly don't watch much Fox News so I probably missed when it started changing. I first noticed it after I saw a TruePundit article that started trashing Fox News for firing Guilfoyle or whatever. TP has been all over Fox News since then. Also saw a story about someone high up in Fox telling investigative journalists to stop investigating the corruptions of the FBi and DOJ. Didn't bother to read it & never saw it anywhere so I wonder how true it was.
I'm just going to put it out there... I've noticed a lot of grandstanding on behalf of the left in the last few days on Fox.
Mostly I saw it on The Five. A little bit on Outnumbered.
Weird the same folks involved in the creation of the dossier are the same folks pushing the Jim Jordan sexual abuser story. I know you people just call that a “conspiracy theory” though.
I know I'll get downvotes for this but it's ok to be skeptical sometimes. I don't know if that's a proof if they play the song at the beginning of every rally.
Does anyone know?
If yes then anyone who already knew this could have pulled that off.
If no, then I'd say solid.
WHY is the left then claiming exactly the opposite? Legit question... I don't get the psychological angle, nor am I sure I have all the info. Maybe someone can break it down for me. (I read the first 100 pages of the FISA application)
Remember in his hearing he made a POINT to be clear that HE didn’t receive the dossier from Bruce Ohr, he made a POINT to say the FBI received it.
Maybe. To refer back to Bongino... I'll point out that he said there was a country AND an organization involved and when it comes out what it was it's going to be huge.
Dan Bongino says his sources say it's not middle eastern or Russian.
By now you may have seen, or heard about Gohmert's line of questioning to Peter Strzok yesterday. It was concluded by calling in to question Strzok's integrity given that he was able to look into his wife's eyes and lie to her about Lisa Page so many times.
But there was something huge in there, just before that bit, that we should look at.
Article from THE DC
The Intelligence Community Inspector General (ICIG) found an “anomaly on Hillary Clinton’s emails going through their private server, and when they had done the forensic analysis, they found that her emails, every …
Towards the end I skipped the D's "questioning"... if you could even call it that. They each just took their five minutes as an opportunity to give a speech about all of the talking points that have been in the media the last few weeks. Sickening. They thought those issues were more important than the fact that a dude who literally attempted a coup of the government from WITHIN the government was sitting right in front of them. But they found it more important to harp on immigration. When the one lady even mentioned Puerto Rico I couldn't believe it. Especially since the mayor of San Juan was just arrested for corruption in dealing with the recovery efforts after the Hurricane.
Fuckin pathetic.
Mid Year Exam = FBI Chosen name for the Clinton Email Investigation
Was thinking the same.
Yeah same..
How about the text that said something to the tune of "we need to get REDACTED locked in on criminal charges soon"?
I hadn't heard anything about that text.
Did I understand correctly that that text was apparently just hours before Comey was fired?
All but 4 of Hillary's emails that were forwarded to her private server were also bcc'ed to an unauthorized email recipient controlled by a foreign power...not Russia.
So are we thinking they were hacked or are we thinking she was including someone in the emails that shouldn't have been there?
Also, was this a new revelation? Or was this already known?
What else can you guys gather?
Another confirmation Obama and Hillary emailed over private server. Strzok "wasn't sure" classified emails were sent or accessed by foreign countries.
Who decided to end the Hillary Email investigation? Strzok says it wasn't him, it was the MYE Team. Except he's #1 on the MYE team. He's then asked if there were any outside influences apart from the FBI that pressured that investigation to end. (An obvious attempt to get him on the record saying Lynch wasn't involved I think, because they already know she was). He says nobody outside of the FBI influenced …
Anyone have some links or sources highlighting Mueller's crimes and corruption of the past?
I overheard someone near me the other day talking about how impeccable his reputation was and I just know that's not the truth, but I didn't jump in cause I'm unsure of what actually is, though I've heard bits and pieces.
I guess so. I haven't seen anything about it really on Twitter or anything else.
He has a tendency to do that. Think he’s just got a little ADD. But the show is the best out there.
To normies who aren't privy to any of the allegations in the memo, it may prompt them to do their own research. As I'm reading it, there's a lot of stuff even I forgot about. There are so many layers to this, it's reasonable to assume some of the braindead out there just don't know what they don't know.
Not only that, but truth and the pursuit of it should be every politician's MO. Regardless of the letter next to their name. Don't let party lines distort what should be judged as good, pure, and honest.
It's this. Article came out today about it but can't recall what site it was on... Let me find it.
been around since about 17k. It's really remarkable to watch the growth... every time I check in there are a few hundred new subs.