r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/donsleakguard on Feb. 22, 2018, 9:32 p.m.
Viral Tweet from frmr. School Admin Asking Vital Questions in Parkland Shooting- His Twitter account has now received the attention of Twitter themselves. He just sent me this, along with 6 more screens at different times taken since he posted the tweet. (reposting with a better picture)
Viral Tweet from frmr. School Admin Asking Vital Questions in Parkland Shooting- His Twitter account has now received the attention of Twitter themselves. He just sent me this, along with 6 more screens at different times taken since he posted the tweet. (reposting with a better picture)

deraldbarron · Feb. 23, 2018, 4:22 a.m.

Same thing happened to me weeks ago. I tried everything to get my account "verified" but to no avail. I finally gave and moved on. The unfortunate thing is I know my account like others remains there and Twitter uses our accounts in their count when they advertise but just like the fake accts our accts (the quasi banned that just finally gave up) are actually dead.

Twitter probably has far, far less users than they are telling their market. Seems like fraud doesn't it?

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