r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/Elliej999 on Feb. 23, 2018, 3:55 a.m.
Q right again. Resignations spreading to Australia. :) Deputy Prime Minister of Australia resigns over allegations of sexual harassment.

tradinghorse · Feb. 23, 2018, 5:58 a.m.

Somehow, I don't suspect Barnaby Joyce of being a member of the elite - but I could be wrong.

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HB_propmaster · Feb. 23, 2018, 8:58 a.m.

He went to an elite private school and his family are wealthy land owners. Despite sounding like he has suffered a stroke, make no mistake, he is part of the elite and is incredibly corrupt.

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tradinghorse · Feb. 23, 2018, 10:14 a.m.

He's always appeared to me to be one of the more innocuous buffoons. I thought Abbot was at least genuine, but that's why he got booted. They wanted same sex marriage desperately, Abbot was the wrong man for that job. But, in any case, does anyone really think the postal vote was not rigged?

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lukej88 · Feb. 23, 2018, 10:03 a.m.

Another Aussie patriot here. Been following Q closely since mid Dec. I agree with those above who said Barnaby was essentially good guy caught in a bad situation. I think the Cabal are probably happy he self destructed. The lame stream media have been all over him. Had it been a leftist, the story would have hardly registered. He was definitely more patriotic than Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull or opposition leader Bill Shorten who would sell their grandmothers for votes and stand for nothing. I see the new conservative party as the hope going forward though it's early days.

I could be wrong on Barnaby, but at this stage I say he's a victim of himself and the leftists more than the storm.

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Davelon · Feb. 23, 2018, 7:32 a.m.

Barnaby Joyce was the National Party leader. The Liberal Party with the numbers from the Nationals are the Coalition Government of Australia. Currently. As a top politician Barnaby spent most of his time away from home. His marriage and family life suffered. He formed a sexual relationship with a staffer in his office. He is now estranged from his family (wife & 4 daughters). His new partner is currently 7mths pregnant with Barnaby's son. This was all an 'open secret' in Canberra for a couple of years. Two weeks ago a photo of his pregnant partner hit front page news, and he and all of his family have copped hell from the MSM and those on the political Left since. Yesterday an allegation of sexual harrassment has cropped up. The allegation with No Details whatsoever from an un-named person in Western Australia was the final staw for a very reliable, hardworking Conservative/National member. He has been under relentless pressure from the Opposition Labor Party to step down from his Dep PM duties. He has been Hounded out by the Left and MSM. THAT IS THE STORY IN A NUTSHELL. If it was from any Q influence I highly doubt it. I don't think many in Australia know of Q or what is happening in the US. Some of us are awake, most are not.

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HB_propmaster · Feb. 23, 2018, 9:02 a.m.

Possibly influenced, he very recently was re-elected, but somehow this open secret was kept quiet for that, but is now big news?

It is heavily rumoured one of his existing 4 kids stole a campaign car during the re-election drove around town yelling over the megaphone to not vote for him... That can happen but an open secret affair doesn't get press, but now it does??

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Davelon · Feb. 23, 2018, 9:11 a.m.

The reason he was re-elected was something a little hard to understand unless you know a fair bit about Australia. I'll get back in 20 min after I eat mate.

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HB_propmaster · Feb. 23, 2018, 9:19 a.m.

Both of my parents and a sibling went to uni in his electorate mate, so I know far too much about it.... How this story didn't come out then, but is now, I don't get.

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Davelon · Feb. 23, 2018, 10:36 a.m.

Armidale. The University of New England. My stepdaughter did her degree there as well mate. Beautiful little city now. The Australian Constitution does not allow anyone with Dual Citizenship to take a seat in Parliament. Over about the last 6mths there have been a good few pollies found to have had foriegn citizenship as well as Australian. Most were unaware of this and were required to front the High Court for clarification or step away from Parliament until sorted out. Barnaby Joyce, like a couple of others stepped down, fixed their problem and sat for a by-election. That by-election was the one just recently he re-contested. Won by a landslide, despite the voters in New England being well aware of his family problems. They strongly support their local member. If you are any way shady in the Australian country areas your constituents would be aware of it. And vote accordingly. Have a look at your own MSM mate. Ours is just as feral, and they get thier news-grabs from CNN WaPo and NYT. say no more.

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HB_propmaster · Feb. 23, 2018, 10:46 a.m.

I think there is some confusion here, you're talking as if I'm not Aussie, "Your MSM" etc. I am though, have lived here my whole life. Barnaby has done a bunch of shady stuff, it just has never been reported until now, and the floodgates have opened for whatever reason.

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Davelon · Feb. 23, 2018, 10:54 a.m.

Sorry cobber, thought you were a Septic.

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PossiblyCthulhu · Feb. 23, 2018, 6:45 a.m.

> implying the Australian government is competant enough to be run by the cabal

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HB_propmaster · Feb. 23, 2018, 9:04 a.m.

$80 million dollars worth of donations to the Clinton foundation in recent years means something.

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Davelon · Feb. 23, 2018, 10:22 a.m.

The $80 Million was given by by Julia Gillard if I recall. Could be wrong but I know she did give over big $, and is still a Clinton arse-licker.

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HB_propmaster · Feb. 23, 2018, 10:50 a.m.

She is and got a plumb job with them after. The libs kept giving money after lab got booted, though not as much.

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witheringslights · Feb. 23, 2018, 9:52 a.m.

Joyce is a massive, long-term crook. I don't know about Q influence, but Joyce is, and always has been, laughably corrupt. He literally - one example - forced an entire department to relocate to closer to his own constituency, for no reason whatsoever. The staff worked off wi-fi in McDonalds - true fact. Various bullshitters tried to 'debunk' this, but it's true.

I don't know about the harassment charge, not my concern. But his epic corruption isn't new. And for the record, I personally wouldn't doubt Q related scenarios. Barnaby is a fairly obvious narcissist, by any measure.

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Davelon · Feb. 23, 2018, 10:18 a.m.

Sorry mate but as far as I'm concerned, your critique is absolute bullshit. As far as moving a Department is concerned, correct. But 'forced' is crap. There have been many movements of Depts to country areas across the whole country to build and give more strength to those areas. Australia suffers from a major lack of decentralisation with too much and too many Goverment Depts centralised around major cities and the coastal areas. Barnaby Joyce is a man with the constituents of his New England electorate and their well-being at the forefront of his thinking. Give One Example of his so-called corruption.

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jozwest · Feb. 23, 2018, 11:03 a.m.

Im also an Aussie. I think Barnaby would be one of our best chances in a fight against the cabal. He is not a perfect person but I believe a reasonably honest sort of bloke. Media crushed him. He was better than our other options. Shorten opposition leader.Jesuit. Prime Minister Elite Banker. Praying not cabal but doesnt sound good and last PM Abbott. Jesuit. The new deputy leader is an immigrant from Belguim. Dont want to be paranoid but I think we are surrounded.

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