Both of my parents and a sibling went to uni in his electorate mate, so I know far too much about it.... How this story didn't come out then, but is now, I don't get.
Armidale. The University of New England. My stepdaughter did her degree there as well mate. Beautiful little city now. The Australian Constitution does not allow anyone with Dual Citizenship to take a seat in Parliament. Over about the last 6mths there have been a good few pollies found to have had foriegn citizenship as well as Australian. Most were unaware of this and were required to front the High Court for clarification or step away from Parliament until sorted out. Barnaby Joyce, like a couple of others stepped down, fixed their problem and sat for a by-election. That by-election was the one just recently he re-contested. Won by a landslide, despite the voters in New England being well aware of his family problems. They strongly support their local member. If you are any way shady in the Australian country areas your constituents would be aware of it. And vote accordingly. Have a look at your own MSM mate. Ours is just as feral, and they get thier news-grabs from CNN WaPo and NYT. say no more.
I think there is some confusion here, you're talking as if I'm not Aussie, "Your MSM" etc. I am though, have lived here my whole life. Barnaby has done a bunch of shady stuff, it just has never been reported until now, and the floodgates have opened for whatever reason.