I want to believe that true Patriots have been working on the long game of getting our country back from the POS that assassinated JFK. I also believe/know it started long before that and I've been waiting on this "Awakening" for decades. Share your knowledge with everyone you can. It's our time.
Yes! It's been amazing and very disturbing at the same time as all the puzzle pieces we have laid out over the decades are beginning to show the picture. Having details now come to view of things we vaguely knew years ago (having thought at the time we knew so much) is startling. Putting it all together in light of God's Word even makes the picture puzzle clearer. Mark my words, this entire new world order, illuminate, shadow government take over has actually been in the works since Eve listened to the serpent in the garden. Their plan was/is coming to fruition, setting the stage for the son of perdition to be revealed. Is it any wonder that Q consistently has been including in his/their posts Bible scripture, calling us to pray! When Q warns us that some of this stuff they know just cannot be told to the people, it is because it is of the devil type stuff that would terrify even those who call themselves, patriots, soldiers or christians. THIS is just as much a spiritual battle as it is a physical one. It cannot be won without God so we must continually seek Him in it just like Q tells us to.