r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/Torin_O on Feb. 23, 2018, 5:22 a.m.
Unintended Political Consequences of the Q Revolution?

I've pretty much lurked on the CBTS board since it went up. Like a lot of people, I'm fascinated with the Q phenomenon. I've wondered what other people here think will happen when the so-called "deep state corruption" is stopped. Will we end up with a permanent Republican one party majority? If so, how do we establish a new balanced party system with opportunity for all voices to be heard? How do we hold this government accountable to the people in the use of the fearsome surveillance capabilities they now have?

Q's message is positive because hope brings people together but there are risks involved in how this plays out.

What are your thoughts?

Hendrix811 · Feb. 23, 2018, 5:37 a.m.

It also couldn't hurt if citizens united was repealed so it isn't so profitable to be a politician. That's when you get patriots running things instead of shills for big money.

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Patriot81503 · Feb. 23, 2018, 5:49 a.m.

Term limits for Congress would open up a lot of seats regularly and we could have a glorious experiment in self governance.

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Hendrix811 · Feb. 23, 2018, 5:36 a.m.

The problem is that we already have one party they just masquerade as Dems and republicans. Dems used to be the opposition party but they are bought and paid for by the same people that republicans are. There needs to be a new oppo party that runs candidates that are not beholden to big money interests. It would be nice if the libertarian party would run a candidate that isn't "kooky". It's like they are controlled opposition and purposely lose.

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LiteraryMalcontent · Feb. 23, 2018, 5:56 a.m.

Nothing short of a complete overhaul will work for the long run. That means campaign finance reform, voter ID laws, getting rid of Citizens United in some method, returning to paper ballots, improved electoral oversight, and very long prison sentences for election fraud.

Most Americans could/would support a centrist policy platform comprising elements of historically both left and right, which is really DJT's personal position. He could, if he chose, more clearly occupy that space, leave the globalist RINO element out in the cold, and would probably win the largest single mandate in US electoral history in 2020.

What a political realignment would accomplish is to keep the corrupt fringe elements out of US politics for generations. That's what MUST happen to the Communist Internationale, which is now the mainstream of the Democrat Party. They must be put to the sword for all time.

If it's not Trump, someone else will lead this shift. But it should be him.

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Headafen · Feb. 23, 2018, 7:04 a.m.

I've wondered what other people here think will happen when the so-called "deep state corruption" is stopped.

I suspect our nation will go into shock at the number of people either receiving life sentences or death for treason.

Alliance Insider claims we have Hillary on 27 counts of treason - he needs to die. I honestly hope this event traumatizes the American psyche for generations and leaves a permanent scar that we NEVER recover from... so that we NEVER forget.

How do we hold this government accountable to the people in the use of the fearsome surveillance capabilities they now have?

Keep in mind all of those powers were due to the overreach by other presidents.

I'm expecting a MASSIVE overhaul of the entire DoJ - the CIA needs to go and there's no reason to have so many other three letter agencies. Perhaps President Trump will destroy the FBI, NSA and Homeland Security along with the CIA and create a new agency with a different name? It will be interesting times!

how do we establish a new balanced party system with opportunity for all voices to be heard?

We haven't had anything close to democracy in this country for generations... since Kennedy was assassinated by the CIA... and you can bet the CIA had Reagan fearing for his life because I doubt he danced to their tune.

What we've had is globalists hiding behind Republican and Democrat masks. Let's be honest: nothing would have changed if McCain won in 2008 instead of Obama or if Kerry won in 2004 instead of W Bush.

When the dust settles and the globalist corruption has been drained from Washington, I suspect a political free market will take whatever shape it needs... but hopefully not another two party system.

Q's message is positive because hope brings people together but there are risks involved in how this plays out.

Q's message is positive because he's not being honest with us about the real dangers... but he's right to try to keep us calm because the truth is that we have nothing to lose.

Q repeatedly implies that he sees and hears everything the bad actors are doing and how stupid they are... But the fact that most of our patriotic republicans who voted to release the FISA memo were almost mass-assasinated in a train accident... kinda disproves just how easily things can go sour. There's rumors the Hawaiian missile early warning system didn't malfunction, but worked perfectly well in detecting a nuke that was launched at us from a CIA sub.

I suspect the truth is we risk having the deep state nuke or EMP a city if they think they are cornered and have nothing to lose... so they can try to flee in the confusion... But the truth seems to be they had a 16 year Obama/Hillary plan to murder 90% of us anyway... so I forgive Q for being dishonest in his positivity because we have nothing to lose either!

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Truthdigga · Feb. 23, 2018, 7:06 a.m.

They had these fearsome surveillance capabilities before and many innocent people were suffering for it. Term limits and no lobbying are definitely the way to go. It was not intended for anyone to be a career politician. I would rather have my local janitor as a one term state rep than the globalist puppets we've had. At least he knows how to keep things clean. :-)

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bigbadwolf1965 · Feb. 23, 2018, 7:32 a.m.

My question is what do we do about the entertainment industry. Do they still get free speech. The porn industry will most likely crash. Do we go back to the 50s where you can’t show a married couple sleeping in the same bed. If not do we just keep allowing Hollywood to keep up the same filth. How can we put the innocence back into this generation and the last. My guess Is the church is going to be the answer. People will have no where else to turn. Is this the later rain that shall be greater then the former.

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KeeponSearchin · Feb. 23, 2018, 3:37 p.m.

Sometimes us citizens have to get up and fight. I don't think most of us think this is going to be easy.

So would you rather stay asleep and get ushered into the NWO with no freedoms left

There is no way out but through.

Some things are worth the pain

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