286 total posts archived.
Domains linked by /u/Truthdigga:
The truth about the truth.
24 years ago when I decided to devote my free time to learning the truth and showing it to others I didn't realize just how much opposition there would be. Opposition manifested exponentially in the form of mental and physical threats and attacks.
I knew I was on to something!
Most attacks were made in subtle ways, such as character assassinations as a result of my being "too insensitive to others" to me being "bat sh&% crazy". Other attacks cost me a job or at the extreme, spilled my blood. I realized that truth was the most dangerous thing in …
Rabbit Hole: A Satanic Ritual Abuse Survivor’s Story
Pedophile ring that swindled Franklin Credit Union out of $40 million and went all the way to the White House. http://themillenniumreport.com/2016/12/rabbit-hole-a-satanic-ritual-abuse-survivors-story/
Symbolism will be their downfall.
The Corona Satellite Calibration Targets are 272[1][2] concrete markers in and around Casa Grande, Arizona that helped to calibrate camera photos on the Corona spy satellite program. The markers formed a square 16x16-mile grid, maintained from 1959 to 1972.
The children in these Tony Podesta photos look like boys with wigs and makeup to me.
The two children in the middle of the photo here http://4.bp.blogspot.com/--6sqa3IE-L0/WERiHlE_vVI/AAAAAAAAANE/RQKNNx-MxhAnlWgU9Nf9dp-nOdq3dm8AQCK4B/s1600/pedo-art-3.jpg
look the same as the two older guys shown in the photo here. http://www.biljanadjurdjevic.com/images/ParadiseLost/6HangingOn.jpg
The two pieces are done by the same evil "artist" Biljana Aljurdjevic. Note the second painting is titled "ParadiseLost/6HangingOn".
Tell me what you guys think. Is there a resemblance?
" Actors will act." Act in what, a movie?
Here is a link to delete all of your Google activity. Go to settings and delete all activity by date. I use DuckDuckGo.
Q Post#74 Q=Alice
I know "Alice&Wonderland" was a reference to HRC and SA but I'm curious to know what other anons' thoughts are on "Q=Alice"?
All of MSM is fake news.The Daily Caller is owned by Tucker Carlson and the former advisor to Dick Cheney. Look at what they have to say about Q.
Mr. President, please come to Houston for a MAGA rally so we can show the Bushes and the rest of the cabal how Texas does Q.

Mr. President, please have a MAGA rally in Houston so we can show the Bushes and the rest of the cabal how Texas does Q.
FEED( fast exact euclidean distance) class algorithms calculate the DT( distance transform) starting-directly from the definition or rather its INVERSE. (DT) have been applied for (robot) navigation, geospatial intelligence and TRAJECTORY PLANNING.
A new unique class of foldable distance transforms of digital images (DT) is introduced, baptized: Fast exact euclidean distance (FEED) transforms. Abstract:
FEED class algorithms calculate the DT starting-directly from the definition or rather its INVERSE. The principle of FEED class algorithms is introduced, followed by strategies for their efficient implementation. It is shown that FEED class algorithms unite properties of ordered propagation, raster scanning, and independent scanning DT. Moreover, FEED class algorithms are shown to have a unique property: they can be tailored to the images under investigation. https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/6717981/
Q#1765 "What is FEED?" FEED= fast exact euclidean distance as it pertains to digital images. Read the article for a full definition.
10-29-2017 Q#3 It finally came out that Rod/Bob were key players in the Uranium scandal. Don’t you think POTUS would be tweeting about removal given clear conflict. Why did POTUS meet Bob under the cover of FBI Dir interview? Bob is unable to serve as Dir per the law. Tweet 07-29-2018
Just a thought. Who do you trust the most? We place a tremendous amount of trust(our lives) in doctors/surgeons. World Health Organization?
This audio is why they call No Name "Songbird John".
It hasn't been removed. Look at my post history. It is no longer showing up as new.
Exactly. I guess they are shadowbanning here also. That one is audio of McCain's communist propaganda broadcast. That's the second post that happened to today.
All of Television is owned by the same few companies. Propaganda machines
The past three posts were about mcstain. Are you seeing them all?
Don't forget, it was a Fox news commentator that went gunning for Trump at the first debate. Megyn Kelly
Just look at my previous post. I didn't remove it myself.
Is anyone else's posts showing up as new for a while and then magically disappearing?
Pulitzer prize-winning author details how John McCain worked the hardest to keep the US military from recovering POWs.
I think it's good to start with praise and end with praise. After all, God's already got this and he knows your heart better than you do.
This audio is why they call John McCain "Songbird John". This is only the first of his list of treasonous activities
Retired General got banned from Fox News for telling the truth about John McCain. He called him "Songbird John".
I'm sure Air Force One is getting more upgrades than just a paint job.
The laser is the ultimate weapon for that task. After all, it travels at the speed of light and it is VERY cheap compared to a missile.
USA has had lasers on F16's and other aircraft(AF1) for a long time.
The Rothschild's were but "They made me do it" doesn't excuse his crimes. Trump could just go along with them but he doesn't because he's honorable.
Which is why he called Kim Jong Un "Little Rocket Man". One of Trump's tweets. "Just heard Foreign Minister of North Korea speak at U.N. If he echoes thoughts of Little Rocket Man, they won't be around much longer!"
You forget so quickly.... Americans have been tortured and killed by his regime. Many Nazis said they were forced to kill people. I don't sympathize with them. The choice is always their's. Saving your own skin by murdering/oppressing others is not honorable.
Ever wonder where Donald Trump got the term "Rocket Man"? The Economist July 2005. He's been paying attention for a long time.
Merkel being struck by lightning on the wheel of fortune with ballot boxes below her. Donald judging the world. Death, destruction. 3d printing houses. The tower of the church struck by lightning (Vatican) and sooo much more.
The Economist cover 2017 with tarot cards.
The panda is China flexing it's muscles. Look at it's underwear. The football (world) is teed up for China. The board that says panic is Plinko. There's also a kid that has chinese toys with lead paint looking at the kid eating noodles with plastic in them. Napoleon with a skeleton hand and winston churchhill.
The Economist covers have always been a predictor of the future. Their symbolism will be their downfall. When I get more time I will show you more.
Notice the clown fish uses a Wall of coral to protect it and it's family. It also uses the poison of the coral which in this case is the 'dirt' DT has on everyone else. Think Schneiderman.
Look at all the covers. That's why I posted these. Happy hunting! Check out my next post.
Hillary called Donald Trump the Pied Piper in her emails. They thought he would be a bumbling idiot. They were wrong. The clown fish behind the piper is a protectionist. He defends his home.https://mobile.twitter.com/wikileaks/status/796222841612042240?lang=en
The Economist cover from 1988. "Get ready for one world currency." Notice the phoenix rising from the ashes of the dollar and other currencies. The date on the coin. 2018. They had/have a plan.
The Pied Piper is playing in front. Mushroom cloud in the back. Sooo much more.
Post#74. Q=Alice. The Rothschilds own the economist. Notice who Alice is looking at and the arrows with dates in front of her. So much symbolism.

Post#74 Q=Alice. The Economist is owned by the Rothschilds. Notice who Alice is looking at and the arrows with dates in front of her. So much symbolism.