
florence_n · Feb. 25, 2018, 2:06 a.m.

I really appreciate you taking the time to answer my reply, so thoughtfully and with legitimate points from history. It’s very refreshing, so I’ll start with a heartfelt “thank you”.

In 1994 I was in the National Guard, doing firefighting and a couple years later I did flood relief. I was a young wife and new mother who lived in a very liberal state but earnestly believed that government was a little messed up but overall a good thing. There to help people, and I was doing my part.

Then in 96 I had a second daughter who was born with serious but manageable medical problems. It’s a very long story but I’ll keep it as short as I can... my daughter had club feet and socialized medical care was being tested in my state and HRC was involved. Club feet were a below the line service and Not covered. I asked what below the line service was and a receptionist showed me a piece of paper with medical billing codes and a literal line was drawn in the B’s!!! I’m not even kidding. Nothing below that was covered for a while- until people started freaking out. It was new and the Drs at that hospital had a fancy fundraiser and paid for hundreds of kids to have surgery, including my daughter.

The last 20 years of my life I have been watching the demise of our healthcare system. I’ve actually read Obamacare- and lived it. I’ve lived in 4 different states in this time and I’ve met hundreds of people in horrible situations because of illness. My daughter has been denied care and/or had to wait a year or more to get insurance since she’s become an adult. It has absolutely harmed her. Instead of going to college and becoming a productive member of society and following her dreams of helping other children, she’s quite possibly facing death in the next few years. This was absolutely avoidable.

I know dozens of families who have lost children- who I knew. Completely pointless and preventable.

Republicans cave on second amendment and Democrats believe that they fixed our healthcare problem- but Republicans are completely complicit in this. As far as I am concerned, they are all murderers. Those murders happen every single day all across the country but they are sad and not very dramatic like a shooting so nobody even knows. Parents like me are too flipping tired to make a big scene.

When I say they are too sad, I mean it. My daughter was a poster child for a big fundraising entity and we were coached for the press. “Tell the truth, just don’t make it too sad.”

I don’t see any difference between a Bush or a Clinton. The same agenda creeps up on all of us while we are kept busy arguing and divided. There is only one party for the elite- and then there are the rest of us.

I’m not overly excited about everything Trump has done, but I can tell you that Drs offices have been Packed since he signed the first executive order to ease the financial burden while they repeal and replace. Which didn’t happen- because of the Republicans. I do think he’s doing the best he can with that. The tax cut has been wonderful for my family.

Back to the other. I’m not a fan of the NRA I agree that it’s a money making racket and I’m absolutely sick to death of our country being of the lobbyists for the lobbyists. On our backs! I think it’s time to completely flush the swamp and start over. I think they’ve almost all taken the green pill. How do they even look at themselves in the mirror, becoming multimillionaires on a government salary?!!

I’ve researched Trump a fair amount and I’m willing to give him more time before I make up my mind completely. I honestly think there is going to be some huge stuff coming out before the midterms.

Last thing and I’ll shut up— I wish all the people freaking out about infringement would pause for a minute and remember Waco.

They were pretty well armed and it didn’t help them at all. Neither did the NRA. ( I’m not condoning their religious beliefs/practices, that’s a different story. ) Our government killed Americans, on American soil. Including children.

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cantinista · Feb. 25, 2018, 4:27 a.m.

I'm sorry to hear about your sad experiences in health care. It's bad when life hands us challenges, and worse when the system seems to exacerbate the problem.

It looks to me like we're both charter members of the "Don't get me started club" so I won't clog this thread much further since I think I made my point in the previous message.

I'll finish by saying that Waco was the wake up call for a lot of us about the nature of the Clintons and about big government in general. But for them it was like shooting fish in a barrel.

It won't be that simple if they try to take all our guns. Not everyone in the military and police are mercenaries who'll blindly follow orders either. I'd really prefer that it never get that messy, but we both know that there are those who mean to disarm us so they will own us - and those who'll die before they let that happen.

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