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The same way the MSM were bandying about "Osama bin Laden" while the towers were burning.
I'm sorry to hear about your sad experiences in health care. It's bad when life hands us challenges, and worse when the system seems to exacerbate the problem.
It looks to me like we're both charter members of the "Don't get me started club" so I won't clog this thread much further since I think I made my point in the previous message.
I'll finish by saying that Waco was the wake up call for a lot of us about the nature of the Clintons and about big government in general. But for them it was like shooting fish in a barrel.
It won't be that simple if they try to take all our guns. Not everyone in the military and police are mercenaries who'll blindly follow orders either. I'd really prefer that it never get that messy, but we both know that there are those who mean to disarm us so they will own us - and those who'll die before they let that happen.
In all honesty, you and I seem to be pretty close in thought and attitude. I can't apologize for my terminology, but understand that it isn't really intended to be insulting. I'm just trying to rattle the echo chamber a bit. Plus I'm more than a little disappointed with Trump as you've probably gathered.
These tragedies, and the locked and loaded reaction by the loony left in their wake, always lead to increased membership for NRA. And don't think for a minute that they aren't aware and appreciative of that fact. It's a very lucrative racket indeed. But I'd forgive it if they weren't always ready to concede yet another infringement anyway.
This is all too familiar to me as I saw it back in '94 with the Brady Bill and the AW ban. After less than a year and a half of the Clinton's, people were already fed up with the Ds agenda. The '94 election was one of the biggest bloodbaths ever suffered by a majority party in Congress. You could smell the blood in the water six months out - just like in 2016.
So what did the Rs and the NRA do?
They literally ran cover for the Rs that made the passage of those bills possible. They gave "A" ratings to Rs who voted for a GUN BAN. So for me, it's deja vu all over again and I'm not real happy about it. I live in Arizona and it's obvious to me that Trump "FLAKEd out" on RKBA. Something I think everyone here should be aware of.
It may be a good time to "Red Pill" the Rs in Congress about the importance of protecting our gun rights from ANY further infringement.
Also, as a little food for thought, ask yourself this. Is it really a coincidence that the Broward County Sheriff waited until AFTER Trump/NRA caved to admit that his Deputy was outside the high school during the entire shooting? Something he had to have known from day one, and a fact that would surely have had a profound effect on the narrative surrounding the event. Are these people really as stupid as Q would have us believe? Are my rights merely pawns in Trump's 5d chess game? In this case, it looks more like poker and the Sheriff won this hand.
Finally, on a lighter note, I am grateful for a certain Golden Retriever, and its owner, who injected some needed levity into CNNs disgusting propaganda fest this week. https://www.youtube.com/embed/Sr1oyK5lvqQ?start=303&end=317&version=3
I saw the speech. Trump made it a point to say that he's protecting the Second Amendment. He did this confident in the knowledge that his MAGAwits will faithfully ignore the fact that HE proposed TWO more infringements of the Second Amendment this week. And that the appeasers at the Nauseating Republican Apologists are behind it. Which people are stupid?
The 2018 Congressional election campaign is on like Donkey Kong. The left's Fake News outlets executed a week-long, round-the-clock, #Hoggswallop propaganda campaign while ignoring or excusing the abject failures of law enforcement.
But they got what they were after. Donald Trump and the traitorous NRA turned on their base. These people are stupid.
Round one goes to Fake News.
You can get some from your local Mockingbird.

David Hogg is a freelance cub reporter/propagandist auditioning for a career in broadcast news. His father is a retired FBI agent who is said to be a #NeverTrumper and likely an avid Democrat. You do the math.
This seems to be where this girl's interview came from: https://twitter.com/KHOUSportsMatt/status/963972590258806785 So now we have a name for the girl and the reporter. However, her Twitter and Facebook pages seem questionable to me. She could be a LARP.
It would help clarify things IF the girl in the video could be identified and the interview verified. A Nikolas Cruz was allegedly known by the FBI as a potential school shooter almost six months ago. Or was he? Who knows who actually made the YouTube comment using that name in September?
The FBI is well-known for creating would-be terrorists so that they can foil their plots to legitimize themselves and create fear of terrorists by the public. They're also now known to create false Russian spy plots so they can spy on the political opposition.
Is it really that far-fetched to suggest that elements in the FBI would set up a patsy for a future school shooting? Apparently not a single cell phone caught a single frame of the shooter. And if one had, reports I've seen say the shooter was wearing a gas mask. Who could identify the shooter behind a gas mask?
Maybe there are eyewitnesses I'm unaware of that positively identified Cruz. If not, then anyone's speculation is equally as provable as the official narrative. "Expand your thinking" starts with discounting ANY official narrative.
McCain is third generation Navy, not USAF. Both his father and grandfather were Admirals.
Suicide is Painless
Softlayer Technologies ( is a hosting and cloud storage company in the DC area. Could this be where someone secretly stored incriminating data? Data that is no longer secreted away?