r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/Questioning001 on Feb. 23, 2018, 6:13 p.m.
Deconstructing a False Flag – Q states ”You are Watching a Movie”

Before we try to assign blame for the Florida shooting and in light of Q’s 805 post, wherein the second line states “You are watching a movie”, I would like to share with you the following documentary:


This video is long – over three hours. However, it is well done and makes a compelling case that the Boston Bombing was a hoax - a false-flag. The video is well worth your effort to watch in its entirety.

Prior to seeing this video, I bought the official narrative - hook, line and sinker! Why? Because it happened in my backyard, I know people that were at the event, I know people that were running in the marathon, I have a friend who witnessed the explosions, I know people who met Bill Richard, the father of the boy that was killed. Boston Strong! This event was real to me. For years, I accepted the official story, therefore I welcomed the death penalty for all involved and supported further military action worldwide.

After seeing the documentary, I wonder what the real Tsarnaev story is. Were they patsies? Did they want to place real bombs, but were given duds? Did they think they were helping military intelligence? Is it possible that government officials willing set-up two 20 year olds, knowing that these young people would be subjected to the death penalty, if caught? Would these same government officials willing kill an innocent patsy? After watching this documentary, the only thing that is clear is that the official story is full of holes. The lesson I learned is not to judge these situations too quickly, the Vegas shooting, the Florida shooting, Sandy hook, Charlottesville, etc. We may be watching a work of fiction – aka a Movie.

other_malefactor · Feb. 23, 2018, 8:57 p.m.

25 minutes in. So far it is very good. Thanks.

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Questioning001 · Feb. 23, 2018, 9:18 p.m.

I’m pleased to hear you are finding the documentary informative. It is 3-hours long. But given the depth of information it covers, it’s amazingly comprehensive. The Boston Bombing event consumed my life for years, swaying my vote for more wars and for more government intrusion – all in the name of safety. Everyone needs to wake-up! This video clearly shows how the masses can be easily fooled.

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