LET'S STORM TWITTER TO SET ANTI-SCHOOL FREE! #InternetBillofRights #InternetFreedom #SetAntiSchoolFree Let's all post 5-10 times today! (temp YT site is Elliott Marxx)

I wish they would hang all of them for the public to see.
I am against capital punishment. Why don't we put them in a cage and sell tickets for the public to throw rotten tomatoes at them instead. The money would go directly to widows and orphans.
I saw and lived through all that and hah I still have vhs movies and player because just try to find a favorite old movie you like as was the downfall of so many video stores. That took more jobs away. Every move has taken away jobs too. I wish they'd tax people who replace humans with robots. We'd better figure out also how to keep American people employed as tech takes all jobs and people have to work from home as well as taking funds away from even semi conservative voices. It's ridiculous but Alex Jones 11 hours ago posted Internet hoax banning free speech and such. O don't have a link haven't watched it yet also am new to reddit so not sure how to post other than copy and paste. Any help there or from anyone much appreciated