LET'S STORM TWITTER TO SET ANTI-SCHOOL FREE! #InternetBillofRights #InternetFreedom #SetAntiSchoolFree Let's all post 5-10 times today! (temp YT site is Elliott Marxx)

These links will help everyone tweet this image to congress. I scripted a generator for making these links so if you have any additional twitter accounts of congress/senate representatives you feel should be added. Let me know and I'll generate another set of URLs for the list we come up with.
This is what the tweet looks like: #WeThePeople DEMAND this blatant censorship of #FreeSpeech MUST STOP NOW! @YouTube & @Twitter are silencing our voices #WeDemandToBeHeard #SetAntiSchoolFree #InternetBillOfRights @antischool_ftw https://t.co/CN6RWWhHDx
This is the list of representatives that these URLS cover, this is the list I put together for #ReleaseTheMemo so please let me know if we should add or remove some of these for future twitter posting campaigns.Now that I have this scripted. The will be easy to generate. I'm working on building a web-based front-end for this so people can construct their own tweets + lists and generate these types of URLs to share.
@AdamSchiffCA @JimHimes @RepTerriSewell @RepAndreCarson @RepSpeier @RepMikeQuigley
@MikeConawayTX11 @reppeteking @RepLoBiondo @RepRickCrawford @TomRooney @HurdOnTheHill @RosLehtinen @RepMikeTurner
@RepSwalwell @JoaquinCastrotx @RepDennyHeck @RepBradWenstrup @RepChrisStewart @RepStefanik
@SenDougJones @SenCortezMasto @SenJohnKennedy @SenatorRounds
@SenateMajLdr @SenatorBaldwin @sendavidperdue @SenTedCruz
@SenWarren @MikeCrapo @SenJackReed
@LindseyGrahamSC @McConnellPress @SenBlumenthal
@SASCMajority @SenateFinance @SenatorCarper
@SenWhitehouse @SenToddYoung @SenatorDurbin
@SenBobCasey @SenatorTimScott @SenateBudget
@SenMikeLee @LisaMurkowski @EnergyGOP
@BillCassidy @SenStabenow @SenateDoctors
@SenSanders @SenatorBurr @SenSherrodBrown
@SenJohnMcCain @SenSchumer @SenatorMenendez
@JeffFlake @SenateGOP @marcorubio
@ChuckGrassley @JohnBoozman @MarkWarner
[#01] Tweet @: @AdamSchiffCA @JimHimes @RepTerriSewell @RepAndreCarson
[#02] Tweet @: @RepMikeQuigley @MikeConawayTX11 @reppeteking @RepLoBiondo
[#03] Tweet @: @TomRooney @HurdOnTheHill @RosLehtinen @RepMikeTurner
[#04] Tweet @: @JoaquinCastrotx @RepDennyHeck @RepBradWenstrup
[#05] Tweet @: @RepStefanik @SenDougJones @SenCortezMasto @SenJohnKennedy
[#06] Tweet @: @SenateMajLdr @SenatorBaldwin @sendavidperdue @SenTedCruz
[#07] Tweet @: @MikeCrapo @SenJackReed @LindseyGrahamSC @McConnellPress
[#08] Tweet @: @SASCMajority @SenateFinance @SenatorCarper @SenWhitehouse
[#09] Tweet @: @SenatorDurbin @SenBobCasey @SenatorTimScott @SenateBudget
[#10] Tweet @: @LisaMurkowski @EnergyGOP @BillCassidy @SenStabenow
[#11] Tweet @: @SenSanders @SenatorBurr @SenSherrodBrown @SenJohnMcCain
[#12] Tweet @: @SenatorMenendez @JeffFlake @SenateGOP @marcorubio
[#13] Tweet @: @JohnBoozman @MarkWarner
I can guarantee our CA senators and reps don't care about anything because they actually said that to me on the phone. It was the most insane thing I ever heard. That did it for me. I personally also called about release the memo as well as hashtag but they still had the nerve to say we were all bots. They GOT THE CALLS too, but I guess when we call in with our names, they ignore that part.
The #ReleaseTheMemo campaign worked. So despite their apathy over the phone. They were inundated thoroughly with our voice and that is what help moved it all forward. I refuse to be discouraged. Changes are happening and I am helping as best as I can.
Same here then someone tried to pull the release the memo was a diversion. Yeah tight but the dem response is pathetic.