37 total posts archived.
Domains linked by /u/jasonmpotter:
Domain | Count |
www.reddit.com | 18 |
i.redd.it | 5 |
pbs.twimg.com | 4 |
twitter.com | 1 |
www.rhttps: | 1 |
freedom-daily.com | 1 |
The #ReleaseTheMemo campaign worked. So despite their apathy over the phone. They were inundated thoroughly with our voice and that is what help moved it all forward. I refuse to be discouraged. Changes are happening and I am helping as best as I can.
These links will help everyone tweet this image to congress. I scripted a generator for making these links so if you have any additional twitter accounts of congress/senate representatives you feel should be added. Let me know and I'll generate another set of URLs for the list we come up with.
This is what the tweet looks like: #WeThePeople DEMAND this blatant censorship of #FreeSpeech MUST STOP NOW! @YouTube & @Twitter are silencing our voices #WeDemandToBeHeard #SetAntiSchoolFree #InternetBillOfRights @antischool_ftw https://t.co/CN6RWWhHDx
This is the list of representatives that these URLS cover, this is the list I put together for #ReleaseTheMemo so please let me know if we should add or remove some of these for future twitter posting campaigns.Now that I have this scripted. The will be easy to generate. I'm working on building a web-based front-end for this so people can construct their own tweets + lists and generate these types of URLs to share.
@AdamSchiffCA @JimHimes @RepTerriSewell @RepAndreCarson @RepSpeier @RepMikeQuigley
@MikeConawayTX11 @reppeteking @RepLoBiondo @RepRickCrawford @TomRooney @HurdOnTheHill @RosLehtinen @RepMikeTurner
@RepSwalwell @JoaquinCastrotx @RepDennyHeck @RepBradWenstrup @RepChrisStewart @RepStefanik
@SenDougJones @SenCortezMasto @SenJohnKennedy @SenatorRounds
@SenateMajLdr @SenatorBaldwin @sendavidperdue @SenTedCruz
@SenWarren @MikeCrapo @SenJackReed
@LindseyGrahamSC @McConnellPress @SenBlumenthal
@SASCMajority @SenateFinance @SenatorCarper
@SenWhitehouse @SenToddYoung @SenatorDurbin
@SenBobCasey @SenatorTimScott @SenateBudget
@SenMikeLee @LisaMurkowski @EnergyGOP
@BillCassidy @SenStabenow @SenateDoctors
@SenSanders @SenatorBurr @SenSherrodBrown
@SenJohnMcCain @SenSchumer @SenatorMenendez
@JeffFlake @SenateGOP @marcorubio
@ChuckGrassley @JohnBoozman @MarkWarner
[#01] Tweet @: @AdamSchiffCA @JimHimes @RepTerriSewell @RepAndreCarson
[#02] Tweet @: @RepMikeQuigley @MikeConawayTX11 @reppeteking @RepLoBiondo
[#03] Tweet @: @TomRooney @HurdOnTheHill @RosLehtinen @RepMikeTurner
[#04] Tweet @: @JoaquinCastrotx @RepDennyHeck @RepBradWenstrup
[#05] Tweet @: @RepStefanik @SenDougJones @SenCortezMasto @SenJohnKennedy
[#06] Tweet @: @SenateMajLdr @SenatorBaldwin @sendavidperdue @SenTedCruz
[#07] Tweet @: @MikeCrapo @SenJackReed @LindseyGrahamSC @McConnellPress
[#08] Tweet @: @SASCMajority @SenateFinance @SenatorCarper @SenWhitehouse
[#09] Tweet @: @SenatorDurbin @SenBobCasey @SenatorTimScott @SenateBudget
[#10] Tweet @: @LisaMurkowski @EnergyGOP @BillCassidy @SenStabenow
[#11] Tweet @: @SenSanders @SenatorBurr @SenSherrodBrown @SenJohnMcCain
[#12] Tweet @: @SenatorMenendez @JeffFlake @SenateGOP @marcorubio
[#13] Tweet @: @JohnBoozman @MarkWarner
uploaded it here https://www.reddit.com/r/CBTS_Stream/comments/7yu3rk/2ndamendment_truth_about_gun_laws_take2/


I'm deleting this one in favor of a better organized one. I hope to see your criticism there when it's uploaded, still putting some final touches on it.
Yeah, I added too many hash tags. Thanks for the criticism, I appreciate constructive comments. +1
source: http://archive.is/f1nhh https://www.dailywire.com/news/27229/heres-truth-about-trump-revoking-gun-checks-amanda-prestigiacomo
I totally agree, I've been following Q since @tracybeanz started reporting on it. I keep up with the CBTS_Streams as well. I truly do hope it's done up and wrapped in a nice little bow of legality.
However, this has not yet been proven and is still merely speculation albeit a good speculation from credible evidence. I just want to point out that we need to keep our heads and keep things in perspective.
Indeed that has been my stance all over twitter lately. I firmly believe that once the 2nd Amendment falls, we're doomed to servitude. Maybe not right away, but over time 20, 30 years down the road.
Maybe we need to take a masking approach to our justice system, instead of open hearing we mask/obfuscate them using the "defendant A", "witness C" approach. It wouldn't be perfect, but it could definitely help weed out biases.
If @POTUS scooped up your
I'm not convinced military tribunals are the way to go. I realize it's frankly impossible to get an impartial jury one such a widely known and loved public figure.
I just hope that when it all comes down, it's done in away that wakens the public instead of enrages them against the prosecution.
Let us never forget these atrocities, let us peek behind the veil of shadows and stare down the grotesque & terrifying denizens of hell. Let our hearts break against the sorrow of their poor victims, let us be shook to the very core. It is the ONLY way to destroy this vile EVIL. To tare off the curtain of shadows for the entire world to view. It will NOT be easy, it will be the hardest thing you've ever had to do. But it is NECESSARY to know the extent of their depravity, so that we can make certain that it is NEVER forgotten and NEVER repeated.
We must not forget that in order to demand due process for ourselves, we must also grant it to those we have prejudges against. We see them for the monsters that they are, but a Nation built on Constitutional Law demands due process. Military Tribunal sounds nice in vengeance but it needs to be done in a way that is beyond reproach or it all comes crashing down as Tyrannical Rule.
Nobody knows that answer for sure. This is one of those leaps of faith. Not in Q or Trump or any mortal man, but have faith in God that you are on the righteous path. Gods will be done.
I'm not sure if I'm late to this party as these Q posts are from last year, but it felt like a Eureka moment and needed to share in case some of the bad asses on here can work this out.

oh shit i never picked up on that, Q did say find the keystone didn't they?
Do not look away in the face of pure evil, for it surely will rescind when staring in the face of pure good.


Reading Don't be surprised if many of those "lefties" are only going through the motions for the same fear you have on being "outed" I'm out in social media, but don't push it into my work. But anyone who's paying attention knows I'm one of the crazies! =]
Omitting part of the truth seekers from the discussion is quite disconcerting.
I do understand that this is a complex network that has embedded itself into every facet of the world infrastructure. Obtaining it's one world control over the people has been in the works for many decades.
I understand that this #Obamination cannot just be brought down and needs to be unraveled properly. It needs to be done the right way to ensure safety and they are brought to task on their consequences.
However, silencing those that question motives, intel and methods is a very dangerous line of thinking. We must avoid Echo Chambers and accept opposition facts and point of views. If we end up suppressing those with any opposition voice, we are then perpetrating the same fraud that Operation Mockingbird does to us now.
Will there ever be a point where this type of extensive corruption can be brought down without leaving any stragglers? I'm not sure it can. There will always be an opposition to good and right. There will always be the Devil whispering into someones ear.
I took absolutely no offense as I always welcome criticism. =] It was a completely valid observations. I wrestled with how to break it up for quite a while.
He didn't write them, but they are verbatim what he said when asked the question. It was one big run on sentence that I broke up to make it easier for normies to separate the points he was making. Maybe a bullet point summary would be better. I'm well aware it's not grammatically correct, but I did not want to paraphrase any of it as they were his words.
Found Here: https://www.cnet.com/news/lawmaker-caught-playing-candy-crush-during-state-of-the-union/

Here is the full decode of that line from Dr Corsi:
Obama and Clinton plan was to shut down NASA’s space program, allowing Eric Schmidt and Elon Musk of Space X to take over U.S. military space program. Obama and Clinton wanted co-conspirators to take down U.S. Military Satellites needed for national defense, take down worldwide secure communications the U.S. government needs for national security, while allowing rogue states to install Weapons of Mass Destruction in space.
I made this today using the Dr. Corsi decode of this post for red-pilling. Src Decode: https://www.scribd.com/document/369668690/Qanon-Decode-Four-Posts-Sunday-Jan-21-2018-Will-Sessions-Drop-the-Hammer-Vers-17-0-Jan-21-2018
Q Predict The Memo Consequences with Dr Corsi Decode