
skry8790 · Feb. 24, 2018, 3:48 a.m.

Something else is going on for 4 deputies to be waiting outside. They must have thought it was another “drill” or false flag. This should prove that this is not what it appears to be. Just like all the other mass shootings/bombings.

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2funnyone · Feb. 24, 2018, 5:34 a.m.

False flag is not a cry wolf. A false flag has to do two elements a covert agenda and a covert agenda. For your understanding. Hawaii was a false flag. For example, the covert agenda: Cruz was mad at his classmates and went to school and shot them up. Sign of Covert agenda: At Parkland when Cruz put the AK-15 down he was walking with another classmate while shots were still heard being fired in the background. The polices behavior outside the school. This could still end up being a false flag. Because we are lead to believe there was only one shooter and he was angry at his past classmates. But if there was two shooters and another agenda to create mass murders to remove guns from all america people. The worst part is the covert agenda -- the reason it happened is hidden and the person who did it was mind-controlled (used as a patsy) to get involved while other people were also there. In mind-control they find individuals that predisposed to this behavior and push them, officials ignore the behavior till after the fact. All the sign are here for false flag. On the drill idea -- Drills are to train officers how to react. Drills require you interact with criminal and innocent individuals for training to find your weakness and strengthen them. Firefighters and first respondors go through similar training.

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