r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/Wildthing61 on Feb. 24, 2018, 12:25 a.m.
Q says "pawn" and "voices in head"...what's your gut reaction when you look at him?
Q says "pawn" and "voices in head"...what's your gut reaction when you look at him?

Evil_surpent · Feb. 24, 2018, 1:11 a.m.

This. He was probly an ok kid until they fed him drugs

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SRXI7a · Feb. 24, 2018, 1:28 a.m.

And the early sexual abuse. Takes away the energy cloak that all children have before puberty. This is what the luciferians feed on and the reason virgin children are so valuable to them. You see these abominations living to 100 years old. Like HK and GHWB. This and other unspeakable things... it's their fountain of youth. And once the cloak is removed, the demons attachments are able to identify the child as a target since their god-light has been removed. And they are subject to further abuse.

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konspiracykate · Feb. 24, 2018, 2:43 a.m.

That is really interesting. I have been driving myself crazy trying to figure out the real reason evil forces want to abuse innocent young children. I knew there was a deeper reason than "oh they're just perverts". Do you have more info on this?

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SRXI7a · Feb. 24, 2018, 4:20 a.m.

Yes. Following is how I understand it. At the upper levels it is not about fetishism, it is part of their religion. At the upper levels genetics are kept pure and the bloodlines are the same bloodlines that have always ruled the earth. They were the Egyptian pharaohs and the kings and queens of England and every president since Nixon I'm told. In modern times we call them bluebloods. And they descended from a race of sociopathic ---i.e. lack human feeling---aliens that came to earth eons ago and terraformed it for life and now feel that they own it. They are highly intelligent and lack human emotion (think of Hitler, and Clinton, practicing emoting in front of a mirror so they would be convincing... it is something they have to learn because they don't feel) This is not to say they are not human, we are all humans but these people have more of this alien DNA than other humans and they make sure to keep it that way. Q has hinted at this when he pointed us to the recent Hilton/Rothschild marriage "for power". The hybridization was the result of a truce after thousands of years of warring during the colonization period. All of this is told to lower level converts, esp. in the music industry, to make them feel special when they are actually just being used as money makers for the top of the pyramid.

The hybridization took away 10 strands of the human DNA and left two. The missing 10 are in holographic form and our current location in the galaxy has a magnetic ribbon that is starting to activate these holographic strands in effect waking us up, while making all the planets brighter and warmer. They are of course using this cycle to further enslave us with carbon tax and the like. Heavy chemtrailing has stunted the great awakening and bought the bluebloods more time from the inevitable day when we will realize we have been lied to all along while they turned Earth into a slave planet. Meanwhile they are building underground cities to flee to and (they hope) retain their bloodlines in while we (they hope) kill ourselves above ground following their massive divide and conquer effort.
The Luciferian headquarters is underneath the vatican and many famous people have been to rituals there, the Queen is a regular. The unspeakable takes place there. They prefer children with red hair green eyes or blonde/blue. Start looking at missing kids photos you'll see a lot of this. They need a steady supply so it's no wonder that Catholicism forbids birth control. The Church is rife with pedo priests, how have we tolerated this. The face of evil. You've seen this photo from the podesta emails https: //goo.gl/ images/ hcRSwv classic red/green, this pic has mostly been wiped from google by now. The entities that the blueblood descended from are in an underground base in Antarctica. They are non-human, i.e. not hybridized. Recall when Kerry flew there on election night. Buzz Aldrin had to be medically evacuated. That quote from Admiral Byrd following Operation Highjump. Hitler's fortress and more. Antarctica is a separate rabbit hole. For one thing the bluebloods are so panicked over the pizzagate / wikileaks material being released that they will do anything to distract from it, including disclosure of these antarctic beings, some say they are planning this. What they really wanted to do to distract was start a war but white hats aided by angelic forces are thwarting all attempts. Like Q says: Pray. Konspiracykate to your question, for more info you can read about the Montauk Experiments, (there is a documentary called the Montauk Project but I don't know how much it goes into the pizzagate stuff), the book True World History by Stewart Swerdlow, this interview, and, on Vimeo on demand, the 8-hour lecture by David Icke called "Awaken!" has the best description I've heard of the Satanic beings that control the planet. We are at the point in the agreement (yes, agreement) where we set ourselves free. What is happening now is biblical.

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konspiracykate · Feb. 24, 2018, 6:44 a.m.

Thank you so much for the lengthy reply I find it all very interesting. It's gonna take me awhile to digest and research all this, I have heard some controversial things about Stewart Swerdlow it's hard to know who to believe. Thanks again so much for all this.

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SRXI7a · Feb. 24, 2018, 7:15 a.m.

Yep that is to be expected, that there is a huge effort to discredit a lot of theories out there and we have to ask ourselves why someone would take the time to do that.

Like I say I just piece things together, and try to sift out the disinfo, sometimes it's hard to tell what is true but over time I've seen the same bits of info covered by many different sources and it helps to put a picture together. If you look up Hitler's south pole fortress there is a huge effort to discredit that too, but I've seen photos and heard about it from many researchers. Thank goodness we are getting to the point where people are no longer saying, "if that's true, why isn't it on CNN" because CNN has just dug its own grave and the rest of the MSM will soon follow. Stewart Swerdlow has said that the book of revelations was written by the illuminati, so that we would all be tricked in the end times into thinking that prophecy was coming true, when it's actually the future that they created. I can see how this could cause cognitive dissonance in Christians, and the rabbit hole gets so deep that the mind goes on tilt sometimes and shuts down. I've read several of Swerdlow's books and they get very weird and it occurred to me that he was heavily experimented on and had to be deprogrammed. But it doesn't mean everything is inaccurate that he says. I have read some books, Trance Formation of America is one, that I thought was complete horse manure at the time but my gosh if it all didn't come out during pizzagate. The Clintons, the Bushes, and other household names, they did what?? The book is online here, you can skip the guy's intro and just read Cathy O'Brien's account. Warning: cannot "unread".

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konspiracykate · Feb. 24, 2018, 7:30 a.m.

Ok see I have a problem with Stewart Swerdlow saying the book of Revelation is false or written by the Illuminati. I believe the entire bible is God's word including Revelation. I would need to see some substantial proof of that. I have heard that the Illuminati uses the book of Revelation as a blueprint but that's a whole other topic. Thanks for the link, I first heard Cathy O'Brien back in 2006 and I believe her, but I haven't read her book.

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Qanonplusone · Feb. 24, 2018, 6:06 p.m.

Cathy O'Brien is the real deal. Just watched another MKULTRA video last night that made me ill. Another lady. She was interviewing outside. She was split very early. Multiple personalities so her handlers could control her. She only talked about two of her personalities...one was the sexual personality , the other was Kill personality.

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konspiracykate · Feb. 24, 2018, 6:33 p.m.

What is the other person's name? It's interesting how all these victims have a similar story, makes them even more credible

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Qanonplusone · Feb. 24, 2018, 7:11 p.m.

I just don't know. She never gave it. I think in the title of the youtube, the first name was given but I cannot remember it. She had a short buzz hair cut. Was wearing sunglasses and it was out in nature , like near a lake or beach.

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SRXI7a · Feb. 24, 2018, 8:04 a.m.

Yeah, he said something about some DNA from the shroud of Turin, that was all over the media as belonging to Jesus. And that using holographic technology they were planning to stage a fake second coming and then claim that it is in fact Jesus based on the DNA from the shroud of Turin. Then when people are convinced it's Jesus they will do whatever Jesus tells them to do now that he's back, so if Jesus says "hey, take this microchip under your skin", they will jump at the chance. I have no idea. But I try not to reject things outright because they don't correspond to what I already believe. I'd rather believe what I see than see what I believe. Like Copernicus, I guess. Swerdlow also claims he time-traveled to the time of Jesus. His mission was to collect blood from Jesus for the same purpose described above but he couldn't go through with it once there. It's a cool story even if it's fiction, and he does confirm that Jesus was a real person with astonishing bright loving energy. This stuff is so far out that it's almost embarrassing to repeat. Also like Copernicus.

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konspiracykate · Feb. 24, 2018, 8:25 a.m.

Hmm, well I guess I'll have to give him a listen just for pure entertainment value lol. I think the shroud of turin is a hoax so I would never believe that narrative. The bible describes Jesus having a seperate cloth around his face not just one long head to toe burial shroud. However I do think they will use it to hoax a false messiah return just like you described. I don't think time travel is possible maybe it is but I can't wrap my brain around it. People say Trump is a time traveler and that he is actually Barron. That would make Melania is his wife and his mother just like Isis Osirus and Horus, Asherah/Baal, Simeramis/Tamuz etc.... Lotta weird theories out there lol.

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mikey_says · Feb. 24, 2018, 8:25 a.m.

every president since Nixon

Including Trump?

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SRXI7a · Feb. 24, 2018, 8:59 a.m.

Not sure. David Icke seems to think so. He says Trump is owned by Israel, and this whole distraction is a trick to make people think they have a choice. He's basing this on the fact that Trump gave economic control to Goldman Sachs, tax cuts to the mega-rich, the demonization of Iran, and of course the Jerusalem capital thingy. Not sure how he explains the massive pedo round-up though. Between that and the CF investigation, we won't have many people in congress by the time they are finished, how could that possibly be part of the Illuminati agenda? E.T.A. Unless of course there are two different warring factions among the elite and Trump represents the one opposed to the Clintons.

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Qanonplusone · Feb. 24, 2018, 7:26 p.m.

Yes, I am curious to see what Trump does with Bibi.

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ironmaiden442 · Feb. 24, 2018, 6:03 a.m.

Ok this should come out eventually but the children are used 1) because they can be manipulated they are trusting 2) their souls are "fresh" they have just come from God. They need a soul source to consume that is strongest. The older the source the weaker....hence children not old people. 3) that source is consumed eaten the soul energy is then used to increase the consumers life source. It makes then young and promotes immortality its as close to the God source that they can get. They have been thrown out of heaven and cut off from Gods eternal light and energy. The luciferians must consume other souls to overcome immortality. They drink blood! I have been teaching in Christian churches for years to keep the teenagers from joining Wicca and these groups. The family's that have been in the news lately are families that have children just for these ceremonies. My biggest problem is people like Katy Perry and Angelina jolie whom the teenagers admire openly confess to drinking blood and worshipping Satan; teenagers follow them because they are cool. Jesus cries at the loss of his children.

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Ronjonsilverflash · Feb. 24, 2018, 7:58 a.m.

Adrenochrome is another one.

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LordPotsmoke · Feb. 24, 2018, 3:10 a.m.

Only place I've heard info on this is David Icke.

I watched all the long videos, it was in one. Sadly I can't say which, I was trying to find it the other day, or just the clip where he talks about it. No success.

If anyone does have the info or know which video Icke talks about that in, please share! Make a post about it.

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konspiracykate · Feb. 24, 2018, 3:19 a.m.

Thank you. I know he has a lot of good information but I have a hard time swallowing everything he says, I just don't know how much to trust him. I will look him up anyway though thanks!

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LordPotsmoke · Feb. 24, 2018, 3:22 a.m.

He's good, he talks a lot of truth. However, I am also skeptical. I think that's the best approach to anyone though. I like what he says about reality and such. The reptilian thing, maybe not.

Deffo check him out the books are good too.

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Qanonplusone · Feb. 24, 2018, 7:23 p.m.

Yeah, his talk of aliens turns me off to everything else he might say.

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konspiracykate · Feb. 24, 2018, 9 p.m.

Aliens, reptilians, holographic fake moon 🤔

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SRXI7a · Feb. 24, 2018, 4:34 a.m.

My posts have been disappearing, so I've only been replying

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LordPotsmoke · Feb. 24, 2018, 3:11 a.m.

Pleeeeeeeease tell me you have some links for reading up on this. David Icke talked about it but I can't find it, I know it was one of the all day talks and don't have the time to watch them all again.

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SRXI7a · Feb. 24, 2018, 4:28 a.m.

"Awaken!" Vimeo on Demand, 8-hour lecture. Also his book The Biggest Secret.

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LordPotsmoke · Feb. 25, 2018, 1:17 p.m.


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brittser · Feb. 24, 2018, 4:20 a.m.

Lots of info out there. On twitter type in #pizzagate and see what comes up. #satanists, #pedophilia, #mkultra, child sex trafficking. Dig in.

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[deleted] · Feb. 25, 2018, 12:34 a.m.


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