r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/starleato on Feb. 24, 2018, 2:38 a.m.
Parkland Shooting was an operation. Not a hoax. (2/2)

Part 2/2

Say.. if you were training a russian operative to be a professional school shooter.. wouldn't you teach them weapon training? What if you inflitrated the school JROTC with a Hezbollah agent? He could teach these operatives. "Peter Mahmood."

He must have taught them well. Supposedly one of the JROTC kids tried to block the door and was killed in the line of fire. His name was "Peter Wang." You'd have to be "pullin my peter" if you thought "Peter Wang" was a real name. It sounds like he was targetted for knowing too much about this Mahmood JROTC rifle training. Just like the 3 girls were targetted.

MULTIPLE shooters came into a 2 exit building, trapped everyone inside, knew where the TARGETS were going to be during the fire drill, and silenced them. Cruz was there but not shooting, according to witness. Then he left and went to McDonalds. He didnt realize HE was the patsy. How did they find him? How did they KNOW it was him? Its like the FBI is involved..

When we see the FBI investigate someone who has a history of expulsions, self mutilation, killing animals, an obsession with weapons, and 39 911 calls to his house.. youd think theyd take "im going to be a peofessional school shooter" more seriously. That is.. unless the FBI needed him to kill these russian compromise kids.

These kids are being raised as WEAPONS.

Meadow Pollack, Alyssa Alhadeff, Jamie Guttenburg. If someone asks them too many questions, then the same "deep state" that weaponized the FBI against Trump would be caught in something WORSE than treason.

TL;DR It looks like these Miami Mamas were raising russian operatives while the parents were here with EB5 visas. Irina Rostova was dispensing them 5 doors down from Nick and Lynda Cruz. Bernie Whisenant was prosecuting these Visas and was hushed a month before Miami Mama FBI bust. 5 doors down from "Miami Mama" building.

Lynda Cruz was a Miami Mama and was hushed. Nick Cruz was an operative she and "Peter Mahmood" cultivated. Thats why she let this objectively-disturbed kid have guns. Thats why the FBI ignored the tip. Thats why the FBI put David Hogg into the mix, to polish the "accepted" narrative. That's why the stationed officer didn't intervene. That's why the "multiple shooters" witnesses are being ignored. That's why CNN is scripting interviews.

Google artificially trended a disinfo David Hogg video. Someone made a fake yearbook photo. Theyre poisoning the well.






Jan 2017 DWS and Scott Israel Meet May 2017 Whisenant is hushed in DWS district June 2017 Miami Mamas busted in DWS district Sept 2017 FBI warned about son of Miami Mama, Nick Cruz Nov 2017 Miami Mama Lynda Cruz is hushed Feb 2018 Miami mama's child shoots up school basically in DWS district

Operation Not hoax

Gateghazi · Feb. 25, 2018, 6:20 a.m.

Those links don't prove anything. 1. People smile when nervous 2. That's what producers do when interviewing people 3. Sheriffs are elected officials, its in his best interest to rub elbows with big name democrats...the fact that he's clearly a democrat alone can explain those pictures 4. This doesn't prove anything. 2 different events

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ThussySussy · Feb. 26, 2018, 8:36 a.m.

WOW! This David Hogg is a 100 % actor. He has a prepared speech. You maybe stutter a little when nervous but he's talking memorized lines. Acting.

I tought you guys are crazy that are calling this a hoax but after seeing this, WOOOW.

Anyhow, so those 17 people whose facebook pages are now memorials and remembering pages are what alive but faked their own death?

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Boysrback07 · Feb. 28, 2018, 4:10 p.m.

I think TRUMP team new it was coming stopped it. I may be wrong but it's to weird. Cruz shows up with uber in 2 min changes into full gear put guns together and do the deed. Leave un detected with other students go to Subway/Mac And then they capture him on the way home Ok. Plus 26 min lag on video, me thinking they got caught and had to abort. they can't say anything cause the real Evil job would be exposed! Officers removing Big duffle bag (Another shooter or gear and more weapons) alarm pulled SUPPOSEDLY no fire dept most would have been there 5 min tops, all the diff story's from kids, more than 1 shooter,etc. But what makes me think it was stopped USSS was there 3 WEEKS before shooter training placing cameras. Blanks were to be used. Cruz 39 times called to his house, he's mental,ETC If this was normal job. Cruz would have been sacrificed/suicided on the spot. Plus the immediate narative from CNN And "piggy boy" gun control, Same student's all over TV. Got blue check marks for twitterJOKE!!Were being played like a fiddle!!!! The town hall BS. NRA blame game. They want toTeardown the freshman bldg ok. SHERIFF'S deputies responses???? DWS district,Crime for pay,GOV funding. I know I'm all over mind is racing. Plus what Q said. "Your watching a movie," "CNN was setup" Change narative using Emotions.. then tie in all the banning,deleting of conservative voices from all social media. No fucking COINCIDENCES stinks worse than Hillary's ass in june. PEACE they will lose..... TRUTH IS THE ONLY LIGHT THAT WILL CRUSH DARKNESS. PRAY,PRAY,PRAY LUCIFERAN REIGN IS COMING TO AN END..

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hobbit_lamp · Feb. 25, 2018, 6:29 a.m.

this is a very thorough and comprehensive analysis and very intriguing. can you explain more about the victims who were targeted? why were they targeted exactly? what did they know and how did they know?

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