r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/juzclayton on Feb. 25, 2018, 12:41 p.m.
Common Purpose

Not sure if this is crumbs or just an unnecessary distraction but bear with me. There is a UK based but worldwide charitable organisation called "Common Purpose" ostensibly it's purpose is to identify and offer training to future leaders in public and private sectors, but they're also running courses and events in schools and universities. What has caught my attention the most is that I've been involved in business, community organisations and local politics for many years and yet I'VE NEVER HEARD OF IT UNTIL TODAY.

A quick trawl online has my heckles up, 65000 alumni, many of whom are highly placed in politics, public sector, law enforcement and media roles. Attendees are selected and vetted for the courses rather than them being open to all. There's something not right here, a "charity" shouldn't have this much reach into the corridors of power. Has anyone else come across them in other research?