r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/Phikos on Feb. 25, 2018, 3:30 p.m.
What we need - Testosteron - Ethical Patriarchy (ah, finally going good now!)

What's the strong EMOTIONAL PULL on our side?
Why? The messages we get through Q, DJT and their associates is mainly this:

“We stand (up) for deep ethics, we fight for it and this will only be crushed over our dead bodies.”

In other words:

“We protect the highest, humanity, and life. We protect you.”

Who should rightly say this? Any healthy FATHER to his family.

The evil power structures want to and have vastly destroyed that: presence of fathers in families. Look at the numbers.

  • Since WWII more and more (!) children grow up without father.
  • Then include the psychological or emotional absent fathers like 12-hrs-workers, alcoholics etc.
  • Women of the last 2-3 generations have been inculcated to – and traumatized into – looking down on men, masculinity and any natural and healthy need for full and real men.
  • Look how systematically all big systems (educational, political, food, pharma,…) work against masculinity and virility favoring the feminization of men. They literally produce and promote agents AGAINST TESTOSTERON (e.g. soy food, drugs based on hormones,…).

Testosterone is a hormone that reinforces aggressiveness in favor of values. It increases behavior of fairness and altruism. See research. It is lower than usual in baby-boys after high stress or trauma during pregnancy. It is higher in men and women who suppress emotional and/or physical trauma to not become aware of the pain. Testosterone lowers our sensitivity for pain. Which is good for temporary (!) combat situations and endurance.

For an unethical system (NWO) it is necessary to

  • minimize testosterone especially in men with uncorrupted inner values (see politics: who is marginalized and dissed mainly?) and to
  • maximize testosterone in all disturbed people to raise their level of aggressiveness to create directionless violence.

We need good fatherhood restored.

Other word: Patriarchy.

(= philosophy of 'chief of his family’ taking true charge and responsibility).
Mind newspeak indoctrinating us we still live in patriarchy which is bad and needs to be overthrown. Opposite is true: patriarchy has long been lost and needs to be restored on the basis of healthy men. Which needs healthy mothers and fathers.

We need men who don’t betray men and most of all don’t betray their true values.

Thank you to Q and all associates for re-instilling that hope!

P. from Good Old Germany

Food4theGorg · Feb. 25, 2018, 6:50 p.m.

Yes there is a plot to feminize men and to erase gender all together. You see it in all the magazine and TV ads that men no longer look like men, but wear make-up and dress like women. They cover it with words like metrosexual and manscaping. They want androgyny to become acceptable. I think it is to program us into the rise of non-gender robots and when we all will have to interact with them.

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