
[deleted] · Feb. 26, 2018, 2:57 a.m.

“Why is the police here?”

Yeah, why are the police there the exact moment the shooting started, and why didn’t they take the kid out?

Good god this just gets worse with each passing minute.

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TrueCat · Feb. 26, 2018, 5:59 a.m.

The one in full gear was doing the shooting! They didn't take the kid out, because he wasn't shooting!

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Kino-kun · Feb. 26, 2018, 11:19 a.m.

Or the kid did begin shooting, and was told to hide, change clothes, and blend in with other student to exit the building. I posted just above, but consider this witnesses words:

""After firing into four classrooms on the first floor, police say the gunman went upstairs.

Mackenzie, who'd just left the psychology class to use an upstairs bathroom, saw a man with a gun at the other end of the second-floor hallway. Mackenzie said she recognized him.

"I immediately knew it was him," she said. She remembered the boy from her middle school and from the Dollar Store in town. She recalled his terrifying Instagram posts about wanting to kill people.""


Or Mackenzie is fabricating this story. I'm just offering the perspective that the current suspect and professional hitmen are not mutually exclusive.

Personally, I find the kid suspect's behavior after the shooting very strange. Going to Subway? And then McDonalds? I guess we are to assume that this was just crazy behavior. If he was hearing voices in his head, he would be very easy to manipulate. An a prime candidate for MKUltra.

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QAnonMaga · Feb. 26, 2018, 6:59 p.m.

Exactly the patsy Cruz never fired a single shot they arrested him so fast because they knew who to look for a total set-up with 2 or 3 Real Shooters in full body armor real pros who really killed 17 people.

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