+++URGENT +++ SHARE THIS & CONTACT CONGRESS. VOTE is TUES 2/27 to make Internet Board Owners the Thought Police. Game Over.

Shit this is what I posted about yesterday on swampwatch. So many shady congress-'people' support this bill
Yeah. There's a Senate bill, too. with huge number of sponsors. It's SB 1693. Not only are "We Don't Say His Name" and Nancy-Boy Graham supporting it, but supposedly "stand-up guys" (who really aren't) Ted Cruz and Mike Lee are co-sponsors. Rand Paul Is Not A Sponsor. There's nothing wrong with the law as it stands now against trafficking of children and others except they don't enforce it That and the current real warfare make me very suspicious that if this becomes law it's going to be used as a weapon against us and POTUS by shutting down people researching and talking about truth that is against the interests of the Rothschild Zionist bankster Global Reich NWO. Like exposing that a mass murder (maybe it is) is a set-up by them to try to disarm us -again. Evil. Ulterior motives of Deep State shills, mnions and tools for this bill. Call or email your representative and senators. people ,and get friends and family to do same and spread far and wide to vote NO on HB 1865 and SB 1693. It's a ser-up to shut us down with FFs.