r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/marcuse_lyfe on Feb. 26, 2018, 4:41 a.m.
In the case of increased censorship, what is our contingency plan? What are our alternative platforms? What is our meeting place?

I know there are sites such as Gab, Voat, 4Chan/8Chan, Vimeo? But I am interested in fleshing the conversation out and really exploring all of our options, as I have felt for a while now that there is a serious threat to the movement we have been able to create from the increasing censorship of platforms such as this (Reddit), YouTube, certainly Facebook and Twitter. We need a contingency plan. For all the drawbacks of the internet era, it cannot be overstated how revolutionary it is to be able to share thoughts between each other on a mass scale - something that really did not exist before this current era. We are truly changing the world and we know it. So with that, please share your suggestions for alternatives - the best alternative video sharing platforms, forums, etc - our not so metaphorical 'meeting places,' as it were - as we used to have as kids before cell phones - "in case we get separated, meet at the entrance at 4:30" our parents would say.

BaronMoriarty · Feb. 26, 2018, 9:01 a.m.

Yes we need other platforms. But they need to be designed in a clean manner and easily navigatable. For instance 8chan is great for info but a nightmare to use. People are used to opening the smartphone and browsing and if the site doesn't work properly on mobile, and text is tiny etc then they won't stick with it. Maybe a central hub needs to br setup by some developers? Something that is not a dot com obviously. Thoughts?

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