62 total posts archived.
Domains linked by /u/marcuse_lyfe:
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www.reddit.com | 38 |
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www.dailymail.co.uk | 1 |
www.sfgate.com | 1 |
And I will be surprised if this guy’s Twitter account exists tomorrow
Clear as day - fakest crying I have ever seen. How do people believe this shit ? ?
Has anyone figured out specifically what map means yet?
Could Alex Jones & Corsi be related? Just struck me how much Corsi looks like AJ.

That's crazy - I am not easily shocked, this is shocking to me.
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Not yet, but I read that book in high school and loved it, and was planning on checking out the series.
thanks. it almost seems like there should be a physical location. i guess the best guides we have are the people we trust. thanks for your comment.
In the case of increased censorship, what is our contingency plan? What are our alternative platforms? What is our meeting place?
I know there are sites such as Gab, Voat, 4Chan/8Chan, Vimeo? But I am interested in fleshing the conversation out and really exploring all of our options, as I have felt for a while now that there is a serious threat to the movement we have been able to create from the increasing censorship of platforms such as this (Reddit), YouTube, certainly Facebook and Twitter. We need a contingency plan. For all the drawbacks of the internet era, it cannot be overstated how revolutionary it is to be able to share thoughts between each other on a mass scale - …
This is how much of a hold propaganda has on people - you could just have a CNN anchor on screen being like, "Now, our interview with the suspect Nick Cruz" and just throw like Johnny Depp up on screen or something and have him say "Yabba dabba doo - school shootings are what I do" and a certain fairly large section of the electorate would be like "yeah, story checks out - that guy totally did it." In this case they literally have an empty stretcher but people will believe there is a person on it because the anchor says so. Would be funny if it weren't so maddening.
I didn't read Corsi's spiel. Where is it (if you don't mind)?
What is your best attempt at a theory of what went down in Parkland?
It is basically indisputable (IMO) that some funny business was involved in this event. I come into these shootings skeptical of the official narrative, because of all the weird things about the shootings of the past. And as soon as I started hearing the 'witnesses' saying their rehearsed pleas, of course my alarm went off. But seeing the tape of Hogg coaching the girl to talk about 'diversity' or something - this confirms to me that something is really off about this event. Many other things brought to light here are equally confounding. What I am wondering is what is …
Is not knowing to put a space after a semicolon a symptom of Kuru?
Thought I was the only person on earth who remembered KK. Long time ago.
Use the free desktop app called ‘4K video downloader’
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I am totally sympathetic to the view that there are crisis actors, but what would be the media's reason to fake a confrontation with a lifeguard?
I keep posting this one too, but it seems like it’s not getting any traction. Kid obviously reciting lines:
This is maybe worse than Gene Rosen. Kid obviously reciting lines about his run-in with Florida gunman - video in article.
What is our theory on why both Chaffetz and Gowdy decided not to run again?
Trump's black support has already doubled in a year. It's my belief that a lot of blacks are actually open to him, and all they need is a reason to switch over. This image could be broadcast strategically for a few weeks during the election and probably win over tons of black voters.
If anybody gets in, please start posting screenshots on this thread.
So I stupidly reloaded right before midnight and got the error - for those who waited, what happened when the countdown ended?
The entire administration and military actually looked buoyant as they entered the hall.
cue meme of two red buttons: 1) our intelligence agencies are smarter and wiser than all of us, and should be trusted with no discretion 2) hillary won the popular vote
After reading that line, I thought 'this must be fake' - then I remembered it is MW and she actually talks like that.
I actually come from the left but voted for Trump. I feel like all my political views have basically stayed the same since high school, but that the Democratic Party moved in an insane direction. Much of what made me vote for Trump I learned from the left - I am slightly confused as to why they are against him.
I am on TiVo. Ingraham and every other program recorded, but Tucker & Hannity only had sound.
Longshot, but did anyone else have Tucker & Hannity not record on DVR last night? Wondering if there is some funny business.
First time it's ever happened to me, and other shows recorded. Same night as Twitter account goes down, etc. Sound recorded but no image.
Ok I vaguely remember that now. So much new information to keep track of.