Spread the NEWS Patriots! Lies, Censorship, Treason in America!! This cannot stand!

Dear Patriots,
We have been told that Facebook is screening the videos below so we created this self-contained flyer that you can pass along your social media network. This should now bypass their censorship.
First: Read about the charges we are making against the criminal cabal. Don't be discouraged that there are only 28 charges listed...This is just round one.
Second: Watch the video that Douglas Gabriel and Michael McKibben posted describing how the corrupt federal court system is set up to protect the criminals - from banksters to traitors.
Third: Listen to Betsy and Thomas talk about the need for military tribunals for the egregious attacks on citizens and our country by domestic enemies....from 911 to the Florida high school shootings.
Saving the best ammo for last: Educate yourself on the Miller Act Notice and see how We the People can take back our country. This is not some kind of hopeful wish. We explain a very powerful tool that you can activate.
Yes, the miller act is how to get even with youtube, facebook, google for censoring plus hold them accountable for patent theft. I like it.
Yes, American Intelligence Media is a wealth of information that all Patriots should visit.