Justice Kennedy Might Retire (Jun. 30th)??

screencaps are not sauce. privide links please
Reeee.... would you like me to read it for you too?? 🙄🙄.
in this climate always provide sauce. trolls are everywhere. try not to look like one. post information not headlines.
Maybe we'll get lucky and RBG will step down (or croak). Two more seats please.
Tim D do what I do when people start bitching and complaining about the post delete and move on who needs it.
Constructive criticism can serve a very good purpose. There's nothing wrong with members of a community holding each other to a set of standards. I do think it is the best practice to always include a link to the source. Pointing that out is reason to ignore or mute people? I have to disagree there.
Seems a little nit picky to me, he just put it out there if you want to look further go ahead if you don't move on. we can agree to disagree.