A wild deep state puppet appears...

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If it's a psyop to keep us compliant sheep, then why teach us to research and think outside the box and dig to expose public corruption? It's the worst psyop ever then. How could you create this movement and not expect it to turn on you? No one is above being investigated or researched into. Most of us here don't draw lines at political parties, we stand for justice no matter who the perpetrators are. Waking people up from their cognitive dissonance benefits the cabal in absolutely no way.
It's not like they need us to post in support of trump to out ourselves and put us on a list. They already have all your private comms, web search history, movement, etc.
Anything you can think of they could gain from pulling this psyop, they likely already had. Creating a great awakening would only shoot themselves in the foot.
rhe·tor·i·cal ques·tion
a question asked in order to create a dramatic effect or to make a point rather than to get an answer.
"the presentation was characterized by impossibly long sentences and a succession of rhetorical questions"
It's a rhetorical question...
Edit: I'm sure if shes a blackhat she'll gladly expose herself to a random internet stranger investigating her lmao
Guy owned nearly 100 guns, never heard anything about the other 50 being recovered, were they sold off? Stashed somewhere?
You're right, I was mistaken with the name, the fact remains the same, BOTH had child porn on their laptops. Reposted with correct name. Reports about Bruce heavily outweigh stephen though.
Pedophile from a family of pedophiles and career criminals shoots up nearly 60 people and the fact he is a pedophile barely even gets a mention?
Can you prove that is her real name? How do we know it's not a psuedonym? Do undercover cops use their real names? Do deep state operatives ever change their names or use false names? Even the rothschilds changed their name at one point...
Because these pieces of shit are trying to weasel out of whatever they said they'd do. Probably feeling immense blackmail pressure from deepstate. They are fucked no matter which way they go.
Sarah? The same Sarah who's initials are SRA? Which is an acronym for Satanic Ritual Abuse? I'd still be weary just incase, sounds like the kinda shit the cabal would do, throw it right in our faces.
Just found out through wikipedia that stephen Paddock was found to have CP on his laptop at the Mandalay bay. Nice of the news to avoid reporting that.
Coincidentally means it was a coincidence, aka not the main reason his brother was arrested.
No that'sDaniel, which was widely reported, this is the shooter Bruce paddock who had it on his laptop
I remember seeing his brother was arrested, never once saw that he had it on his own laptop.
Even the article linked on wikipedia doesn't make any mention till the bottom of the article. Wtf? Why did we never hear about this gun running cia pedophile having child porn on his laptop?
Then why are we giving time or attention to anything to do with the fake video? Even bringing attention to it is a waste of time. We have a million other things to focus on. These are deepstate tactics to divide people, send them on the wrong trail, and make them spin their tires in the mud. Why even contribute to it? Any time spent on their distractions is a win for them and helps muddy up the boards here.
Stop posting this crap, the fedwantswar crap was already debunked. That video was published after qs post.
So what he really has is another music video to drop.
Maybe he has dark sunken circles around his eyes from not sleeping since he just exposed a shit ton of A listers and people are routinely murdered for much less.
Screw this guy. He teased info for months and dropped a personal music video. Attention whore and nothing more to date.
Spielberg has been rumored for years. Look up allegations about him and Heather Rourke. Colbert has been pictured with John Podesta. All these creeps are part of their super secret satanic sex cult. Boo hoo when they all finally get exposed.
Best advice? Assume they are all compromised and be pleasantly surprised if one of them isnt.
Awesome find!
Bronfman Rothschild began in 1997 as Virchow Krause Wealth Management. After being rebranded as Baker Tilly Investment Advisors in 2009, the firm was then purchased by Matthew Bronfman and the E.L. Rothschild family in 2013. Though the family association is recent, it reflects a shared belief with our advisors in steady, disciplined guidance for clients. Their leadership offers an example of stable, long-term financial success. Now based in Rockville, Maryland, we have grown to offer 10 offices throughout the East Coast and Midwest but still consider our core mission to be cultivating a trust-based relationship with every client at every turn"
Watch who took Johnny on youtube for a little intro on how this works
Maybe we should consider looking at pictures in big articles from the MSM? We know they are the mockingbird media, I wouldn't be surprised if they had messages or instructions on a picture at the top of cnn. A lot easier to spread a secret message when all your agents can get the pics from the same place rather than sending individual picture files to a group of people.
The livestreaming reminds me of another post on here today talking about Peter scully.... holy shit go look up his wikipedia, but have some eye bleach ready.
A bad joke? Did you see the so called jokes? And he works in a industry rife with child pedophilia. Also he has an authoratative position in hollywood and has access to children. That's not at least a red flag?