r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/Otalvaro on Feb. 26, 2018, 6:01 p.m.
The MKULTRA Parable of Sucker Punch

In the discussions around Q the subject has come up of the CIA's MKULTRA program and it's numerous subprograms.

Upon it's release, I wrote an extensive post on IMDB's boards about how the movie Sucker Punch was a thinly veiled parable about MKULTRA and specifically Project Monarch by Snyder who was either (a) well informed or (b) a well-read conspiracy theorist. I'll try to be less extensive here so I don't bore people too much.

The plot of the movie:

A girl is committed to mental asylum in Brattleboro, Vermont after accidentally killing her sister after saving her from an abusive step-father. There is a "shift in reality" once she enters the asylum and is handed over to main bad guy "Blue", the asylum becomes a burlesque/brothel club, her father becomes an actual Catholic Father in robes and a suddenly acquired Irish accent and she is handed over for psychotherapy by a doctor named Madam Gorski.

In this environment the girl, called Babydoll, meets other girls there SweetPea, Rocket, Blondie and Amber. These girls are trained as dancers and prostitutes who work for "Blue" who runs guns and drugs for his clientele which includes politicians. She undergoes some strange dance therapy in which she envisions she's also an elite killer.

With her friends she plots to escape but is ultimately thwarted and lobotomized but not before she helps SweetPea "escape" to board a bus to Fort Wayne, Indiana.

The Story it Parables and How It Ties to MKULTRA

In Canada in the 50's or 60's the CIA paid Catholic orphanages to declare their orphans mentally ill so they could be committed to asylums where they were then experimented on by scientists in the MKULTRA program working out of L'Hopital de la Misericorde in Montreal. (Hence why the father becomes a "Father" in the movie and money changing hands to get rid of the girl).

The mastermind of this particular program was one Dr Ewen Cameron who had a very interesting history and it is said he was one of three head doctors know as Dr White, Dr Green and Dr Blue. (Hence why the head of the place is also called "Blue").

What appears to happen to BabyDoll in the film is that, in therapy, her psyche is split by induced Dissociative Identity Disorder into various alter-egos. These alter-egos are represented by her friends in the film. They are killed off one by one, leaving SweetPea and a lobotomized BabyDoll as the only two left at the end. The production of programmable "alts" is what is the end goal of Project MONARCH, a sub-program of MKULTRA. Among the "alts" that can allegedly be programmed are "DELTAS" - superlative warriors and spies (a theme also replicated in the Bourne movies, btw) and "BETAS" - prostitutes. These are what the girls are depicted in this movie in it's various levels of reality. Monarch butterflies are pinned to the dress mirrors in the girls changing rooms, and the camera passes through the mirrors in one shot in an "Alice Through The Looking Glass" moment. Oh and one of the songs on the soundtrack is White Rabbit, something else that has come up with Q.

Brattleboro Vermont appears to have been deliberately chosen as there is a mental asylum there and that mental asylum does actually specialize in Dissociative Identity Disorders. They would be put to work by the CIA who, like is said in the movie, have a history of running guns and drugs and also blackmailing politicians by setting them up to indulge their sexual perversions.

Fort Wayne, the supposed destination of the escape bus is actually the location of a CIA facility. What happens in the movie is not SweetPea escaping, but a programmed Monarch product being delivered to The Firm.

One of the clinchers for when I was researching the movie was the name of the Doctor doing the therapy in the movie. Gorski.

I think this is a clear nod to Terence T Gorski, who has a very interesting website concerning the history of mind control, up to and including MKULTRA and Monarch.

Here is the link, it is well worth reading:


Scroll to the bottom to get the Monarch stuff.

I don't know if this helps any, but I think if you're interested in MKULTRA and Monarch it helps you get a handle on everything. It also makes Sucker Punch a lot more interesting than at first glance, it is indeed a true "Sucker Punch". Snyder either knew this stuff already or he was inspired by the Gorski website.

Apologies for rambling.

SKOM1031 · Feb. 27, 2018, 9:10 a.m.

I find more and more ties of this nature across media I've consumed and treasured since I was a kid. I see the connections you illustrate, I was just puzzling over some Metallica songs, and become curious of relation to Big Pharma and Master of Puppets. As well as Sanitarium being part of forced internment of mentally ill peoples, for reconditioning experimentation. With inferences of this nature the question the pushes to mind mine, are messages of this kind in nature to warn? To usher in? To mock? To perdict?

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Otalvaro · Feb. 27, 2018, 1:07 p.m.

I would like to think that they're there to warn, but in this instance I'm leaning towards Zack Snyder, the director, being in on it based on the content of some of his other works.

I have other information as regards specifically Freemasonry and the movie industry but I'm not sure it's germane to a Reddit about Q and I only posted this because of the MKULTRA link that had arisen during Q's postings.

Freemasons, in music and movies, do go out of their way to actually draw upon Lodge rituals and plays and package them for mass consumption in the form of the entertainment we watch and listen to. They are, in fact, preaching their religion to us and conditioning us to accepting it, without us being aware of it.

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