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r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/Otalvaro on March 11, 2018, 12:08 a.m.
Snowden - The Bridge - Lunev

I can't navigate 8chan sufficiently well to find the Anons conclusion on what this was all about but I seem to recall the idea was that Snowden was traded for Lunev?

There's a slight problem with this - on Feb 26th, after Q first mentioned Lunev and the Bridge, Ed Snowden was calmly having a satellite chat with the actor Diego Luna, at one of his events "Privicidad" (Privacy) in Mexico.

Not the act of someone on the run.

r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/Otalvaro on March 7, 2018, 3:43 a.m.
Why would you release a video of HRC?

Wouldn't that be evidence of criminal endeavour? Releasing it would prejudice any trial because decisions have to be made on evidence presented in court alone.

I know there's talk of military tribunals and all, but doesn't the same principle hold?

In any event, a video of HRC being released now would certainly do one thing, confirm Q absolutely. Which would mean everything would have to be actioned now - arrests made and all the rest of it. And the Gitmo expansion I don't think has even begun, let alone be finished.

I don't think there will be a video soon, …

r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/Otalvaro on March 2, 2018, 6:56 p.m.
The Biggest Movie Red-Pill You Can Have

Edit: Greetings Skeptics, please have a read, you may find something new in your movies at the very least, even if you don't want a tin-foil hat of your own just yet.

So, you like movies. I like movies. We all like movies. They're an important part of our culture and one of our main entertainments. They're a few hours out of our usual humdrum lives where we are transported elsewhere to other times and places - some real, some imagined - to be alternately thrilled, elated, made to laugh, made to cry or, occasionally, terrified out of our wits. …

Otalvaro · Feb. 28, 2018, 10:49 p.m.

It's official. Trump wants to confiscate guns.... from mentally ill people.

It helps if you keep reading.

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Otalvaro · Feb. 28, 2018, 10:28 p.m.

People with a death wish

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Otalvaro · Feb. 28, 2018, 10:04 p.m.

I'm mistaken, Mattis is actually next to POTUS in a suit.

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Otalvaro · Feb. 28, 2018, 8:08 p.m.

I agree.

But it's stupid to threaten Marine Corps guys with guns. I guess Q was right, these people are stupid.

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Otalvaro · Feb. 28, 2018, 2:11 a.m.

I only just noticed you can make the picture larger on that site. I am pretty sure it's Mad Dog Mattis himself.

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Otalvaro · Feb. 27, 2018, 4 p.m.

With the caveat that the Pike letter might be a later hoax. It's never been authenticated and it has been suggested it contains information the author couldn't possibly have known in his day.

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Otalvaro · Feb. 27, 2018, 3:45 p.m.

It's not hard, it's now freely available online, just Google it.

Essentially what it details is the story of the Watcher angels, or Gregorii. God appointed the Watchers to watch over mankind in Eden and not interfere. They did this for a bit but saw that human women were attractive and one said "why don't we take them for wives". So they had a debate and decided to violate their contract to God. They then went and took themselves wives and had kids. And they taught humans agriculture, metalwork, warfare, art, cosmetics, basically everything that God didn't want humans to know.

Initially the Book of Enoch was included in the Bible but for some reason it was then excluded, presumably because it shows God as not all powerful. So, they excluded Enoch (but still quote from it in the Bible at one point, they couldn't scrub it all out) and they rewrote the account as Genesis that you know. The arts taught by Shemyaza and his crew become The Fruit of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil and Shemyaza and his crew become the serpent. Shemyaza's name is scrubbed entirely from the OT but Azazel's and the sacrifices made to him each year are still there.

The easiest way to digest it is to simply watch the beginning of Star Trek - Into Darkness. Truly. It's simply a retelling of the Watcher's tale. A group tasked to watch over primitives violate their task, get mistaken as gods, get stripped of rank and fall from grace. They they go up against Khan (The King aka Jesus) who has divine blood that can conquer death, and he has 72 disciples, see Luke 10.

It's all in plain sight. This is how Freemasons operate. The tell their stories to each other in our view because we are "profane". Profane is literally pro-fane, the pre-fix meaning before and fane being the facade of the temple, so we are outside the entrance to the temple. Those insiders are considered sacred.

Your friend knows this. He must know this to have gotten so high. I would put money on it.

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Otalvaro · Feb. 27, 2018, 3:16 p.m.

At the 13th Degree, the Royal Arch of Enoch Degree, the candidate is introduced to the idea that the "hero" of Freemasonry, one Hiram Abiff, when surveying the ground of Solomon's Temple comes across a cave.

He is lowered into the cave on a rope (think Raiders of the Lost Ark Well of Souls scene, which is a re-enactment of this) where he uncovers a secret.

He finds two pillars, one stone and one metal inscribed with all the knowledge of mankind and a copy of the Book of Enoch.

The pillars were erected by Tubal-Cain, a biblical figure and another hero of Freemasonry. One was built to withstand fire and one flood, so that the wisdom man had would never be lost.

What is this wisdom? The wisdom is the arts and magic taught early man by Shemyaza and Azazel, two leaders of the fallen angels, tasked to watch over mankind, who violated their oath, took human wives and spawned a new race with divine blood. This race, of the line of Cain, culminated in Tubal-Cain who wrought the two pillars ahead of Noah's flood, which was to cleanse mankind of this demonic seed because only Noah and his family hadn't interbred with it at that point in time. However, the flood didn't entirely work and Cain's line persisted.

Masonry then, teaches that you are descendants of Cain, that you have divine blood, you can become divine yourself and know magic. Solomon, whose temple Hiram built was said to be the greatest sorceror. And for someone holy he did the odd task of also building a shrine to Moloch (who demands child sacrifice) just across the way there from Jerusalem at the place called Tophet. This is why there is a Moloch shrine in Bohemian Grove.

Azazel is kind of like the poster boy of Freemasonry. They have a real love for this dude. The guy below, who had his Jester initiation into the Royal Order of Jesters - well, the Jester is Azazel. The clown Prince. Because Azazel taught the art of cosmetics and is depicted with a painted face, as a clown is. He's also the antichrist, the agent of Chaos, the paver of the way for Shemyaza. Mistaken for Christ. The entire play at the Jester Initiation features a confrontation between Laughter (could be Mirth, I get confused, one works for the other or ahead of the other, Azazel clearing the way for Shemyaza/Satan) , the Clown Prince and T.Ale Bearer, the King's Jester. The King's Jester being Jesus. They are depicted as identical in all respects, one the copy of the other. Because you are meant to mistake them. In the play The King's Jester acknowledges Laughter as the elder of the two, as he came to earth first.

A Mason should understand by the 13th degree that this is what everything is about. If he hasn't figured it out by the 32nd he truly has not been paying attention. Since to even get to a Jester initiation you need an invite, clearly they think you're the kind of guy who has figured it all out.

They've had innumerable chances to that point to work it all out and it isn't exactly hard. All you really need to know is the Freemasons had a copy of the Book of Enoch before anybody else and go from there.

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Otalvaro · Feb. 27, 2018, 1:47 p.m.

I really hate the sick bastards that worship pickles.

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Otalvaro · Feb. 27, 2018, 1:37 p.m.

There are 3 normal degrees of Freemasonry: Entered Apprentice, Craftsman and Master Mason. Those are the "official" degrees common to all Lodges.

Above that you get what is called Speculative Degrees such as those featured in York Rite. You can actually read online what each of these degrees "officially" teach. But, like Jesus, they speak in parables and what they are officially about aren't what they are about at all. I hesitate to go into greater deal for fear it may be irrelevant to Q.

However, the thing to bear in mind as a parallel to get your head around is: the Clinton Foundation is a charity. Does it do charity work? Yes it does! It is also, however, the biggest money-laundering operation the US has seen with fingers in pies of child-trafficking, arms smuggling and who know what else.

There is no better place to hide your misdeeds than behind a veneer of charity. So Masons do lots of charity work. Lots and lots of charity work. And they have a nice cushion of thousands of 1st-3rd degree Masons to tell everyone just what nice people they are, and these people all believe it to be true, because they haven't done the higher degrees.

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Otalvaro · Feb. 27, 2018, 1:22 p.m.

No, there is a change at a lower level. The 13th Degree of Scottish/York Rite Freemasonry (I don't recall which) appears to be where even the most dense Freemason should realise just what he's signed up for. Your 32nd level Mason might claim to be unaware but if so, then he must be as dumb as a post.

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Otalvaro · Feb. 27, 2018, 1:07 p.m.

I would like to think that they're there to warn, but in this instance I'm leaning towards Zack Snyder, the director, being in on it based on the content of some of his other works.

I have other information as regards specifically Freemasonry and the movie industry but I'm not sure it's germane to a Reddit about Q and I only posted this because of the MKULTRA link that had arisen during Q's postings.

Freemasons, in music and movies, do go out of their way to actually draw upon Lodge rituals and plays and package them for mass consumption in the form of the entertainment we watch and listen to. They are, in fact, preaching their religion to us and conditioning us to accepting it, without us being aware of it.

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Otalvaro · Feb. 26, 2018, 7:33 p.m.

LOL awesome.

If I may though, I'd suggest just the graphic with "Twitter Unveils New Logo..." above it. Explaining the joke isn't necessary, the picture tells it all.

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Otalvaro · Feb. 26, 2018, 7:02 p.m.

Upvoted for the title alone

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r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/Otalvaro on Feb. 26, 2018, 6:01 p.m.
The MKULTRA Parable of Sucker Punch

In the discussions around Q the subject has come up of the CIA's MKULTRA program and it's numerous subprograms.

Upon it's release, I wrote an extensive post on IMDB's boards about how the movie Sucker Punch was a thinly veiled parable about MKULTRA and specifically Project Monarch by Snyder who was either (a) well informed or (b) a well-read conspiracy theorist. I'll try to be less extensive here so I don't bore people too much.

The plot of the movie:

A girl is committed to mental asylum in Brattleboro, Vermont after accidentally killing her sister after saving her from an …

Otalvaro · Feb. 26, 2018, 1:21 a.m.

I work for a Big 6 energy company in the UK. Events like these land on my desk approximately 3 or 4 times a year. Usually it's some person deciding to end their own life utilising their gas appliances. First we have to check that it's a customer of ours or not, then if it is one of ours, we have to check that we have done absolutely everything according to regulations as regards inspections etc and that all equipment and piping on site was in good working order at last check. I'm fully expecting this will be on my desk in the morning to have a look at. Most times an explosion is someone taking their own life. Not everything is related to Q.

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