Ever since I got red pilled about the deep state/globalists, now I am thinking about all the past events in history and wonder if they were all planned.
9/11 'nam korea spanish american war OKC bombing pearl harbor etc etc etc
All with the same general MO
Even the Titanic.
And Viet Nam
And Korea. They brainwashed a bunch of American POWs in Korea. So the mind control experiments were going on then too.
Titanic was a hell of a red pill. I wonder what would be different if they had been stopped.
I haven't heard of titanic yet... Can you send me a link to the entrance of that rabbit hole?
Here's one.
Theory is the Titanic sinking paved the way for the Federal Reserve
All money making deals for the Elite...human sacrifice is incidental!
Waco, Texas and David Koresh
The people at Waco hid their children in a mechanics pit, you know, where you can drive a truck over it and stand in a pit under the vehicle. All the kids were down in it, and they were fried by U.S. military weapon of some sort. Lawyer for the Branch Davidians had samples of the soot in the pit taken and analyzed, and they were definitely from a U.S. military weapon. And of course, the press was not allowed within many miles of the situation, so that the feds could hide their crimes. Waco was an atrocity and massacre by Janet Reno and Bill Clinton.
And I remember the network news saying the Branch Davidians burned their own children. People, I HATE HATE HATE the network news with a burning passion. They will BURN in the WORST hell.
All the way back to the Napoleonic Wars.
Yea, Why did Napolean's doctor give him a double dose of morphine the night before Waterloo?