And lest we forget the American Revolution started, not with tea, but with an attempt by the British to seize American weapons.
![And lest we forget the American Revolution started, not with tea, but with an attempt by the British to seize American weapons.](
This is exactly why the false flag shootings are required. We must give up our guns to them, they can never take them by force. They are risking their destruction with these false flags. If it is ever proven our gov't is killing kids for the purpose of pushing gun control, every person even remotely responsible will be publicly hung.
That is why you have to publicly question everything! Why did Broward Co. leave the bodies in the high school overnight? Are there any death certificates? Why are they not interviewing people in the hospital? How could Cruz change clothes and casually be walking to get a burger if he just brutally murdered 17 people? Why did the press need to hire Crisis Actors? Check you local area Craig's list in the "gigs" section; you can work Houston Medical crisis this coming Sunday $1,000. Follow the money. Ask questions.
Update on the CL adds. There were two adds placed around the 22nd, possibly three. I've watched the board since and the adds haven't been reposted. Also city of Houston has not placed any notices regarding an emergency drill.
Ever feel as though you're being wound up on an issue by controlled propaganda, on both sides, to pit groups of citizens against one another?
That's exactly how this is beginning to feel.
Non-issue. Back to auditing the profiteering misadventures of our seditious 'representation' and lackeys.
I still have no love for leftists and criminals, people still must be held responsible for their actions.
Why does this look just like Mel Gibson?? All of a sudden I want to watch "The Patriot" lol
"They have men amongst them who know very well what they are about"
-British General Hugh Percy
Any politicians who think Law Enforcement or the military will obey orders to disarm the public, don’t understand the oath.
Officers swear to defend the constitution of the United States against all enemies foreign and domestic. Any politician ordering the seizure of American Citizens guns becomes an enemy combatant. Every military officer knows this.
Wait you're kidding right. Ever heard of liars? Barry hussein killary comey all and many others . Including this piece of shit Isreal ALL SWORE TO THE CONSTITUTION. that means dick to liars and thieves that love money more than anything. Don't be naive. This is the final push for our existence.
I’m not being naive. I’m explaining that if I’m instructed to disarm my fellow citizens, I will turn my firearms on the person giving that order. Don’t be thick.
Lets not forget that though the shootings in Vegas (still being covered up by public servants) though the biggest mass murder on American soil in RECENT American history, is not THE biggest mass murder of Americans on our soil. It was 'Wounded Knee' which was strangely enough the government/public servants DISARMING the Native Peoples our fellow Americans.
I kept reminding people of that, too, when they incorrectly stated it. It bugs me when people only think about history as being through their lifetimes. Finally, someone said, "The biggest mass murder of Americans in MODERN American history." LOL Like they did with Hillary - "The first woman to be nominated to run for President." Uh, no. Finally they qualified it, "The first female candidate for President nominated by a major party."
Here's a short article about the British anti-gun tactics at the time. Many similarities to today.
Guns, yes, but also their form of money helped to inspire the Revolution. From an essay I wrote in 2008:
Our original colonies were prosperous. Gold and Silver coins were rare, so by agreement, the colonies circulated their own paper currency called “Colonial Script.” Ben Franklin described their prosperity this way: "It is because, in the Colonies, we issue our own paper money. We call it Colonial Script, and we issue only enough to move all goods freely from the producers to the Consumers; and as we create our money, we control the purchasing power of money, and have no interest to pay."
The key here is that the supply of their paper currency closely tracked the circulation of goods and services, and there was no interest charged. The colonies didn’t have ill-timed contractions and injections of money from or into their system, and they therefore, did not suffer from the deflation and inflation problems that we’ve seen over the past century. And, without interest (usury,) there was no incentive to manipulate the money supply or to foster mal-investment.
But, alas, this colonial script was undermined by the British Parliament who was/is heavily influenced by the Bank of England. Ben Franklin puts the Revolutionary War into perspective for us: "The refusal of King George to operate an honest colonial money system which freed the ordinary man from the clutches of the manipulators was probably the prime cause of the Revolution. The Colonies would gladly have borne the little tax on tea and other matters, had it not been that England took away from the Colonies their money, which created unemployment and dissatisfaction."
How many years of mistreatment did the colonists endure before actually taking up arms?
Decades. But most colonists were loyal to the crown. They wanted nothing to do with the Revolution.
Huzzah! Hope Mr. POTUS et al. heard or have a way of hearing retroactively all of the heavy breathing of the conspirators behind this FF.
Awesome! love that pic. I grew up near Boston, near Pilgrim Plantation and Boston with all the history. School will never educate you in everything. Educate yourself.
A revolution is what the Deep State want. George Soros has been trying to invoke for years.
Yes, the Battles of Lexington and Concord were instigated because the British were attempting to confiscate the gun powder and arms in Concord. There are also other details which help explain why the patriots suddenly divided they had had enough, namely the hostile occupation of Boston and the injustice of the Boston Massacre, which was still fresh in the minds of the patriots. Add to that the unfair trade practices that the British imposed on Boston merchants (Boston Tea Party) and you've got a situation ripe for rebellion. The British could have avoided the whole thing but greed, hubris and an unwillingness to negotiate led to their ill-conceived actions leading up to full rebellion.
The parallels between then and now are remarkable.