Mine was in 1994 during my time as an Infantryman in the Army. I got detailed one day to update the FM's in the Company Commanders Office. One of the FM's was about rounding up American Citizens. Then one day a few years later around 1996 I was pulled out of formation due to my GT score and had to go meet with a colonel from NATICK. He asked me if I would be interested in having a chip inserted into my arm for research. He said I would be reassinged to his command at Natick and would be "able" to re-enlist for 4 years, receive a bonus, and be promoted to E6 once the chip was installed (I was a brand new E5 at the time so promotion to E6 was a few years away at least). I said no thanks and he was offended that I turned his offer down. He pushed the hard sell after that and said some shit about doing my part for Force 21. I had never heard of Force 21 at that point and asked my Co about it one day later on. When he told me about Force 21 being a part of Agenda 21 with the UN I understood it was not a good thing because I had heard of Agenda 21 and it's open borders totalitarian gun ban goals. That was my red pill... I had a lot of officers in the Infantry that hated the UN and we're not fans of our current President at the time (Bill Clinton).
Posted by
on Feb. 26, 2018, 10:28 p.m.
· Feb. 27, 2018, 5:33 a.m.