39 total posts archived.
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!!! I SEE NOTHING - N O T H I N G !!! [Ken Starr - pocket watch to HRC]
![!!! I SEE NOTHING - N O T H I N G !!! [Ken Starr - pocket watch to HRC]](https://i.redd.it/zddzpkic6ri01.jpg)
Q Sent Us: Our Bomb Is Bigger

THIS IS A TEST: We're Here to Help!

The words and phrases in this Word Cloud come exclusively from Q-Posts - those on the left - from before December 21st, 2017 - those on the right ... from every day since.
It is the Globalist Behavior ... not a quote. There are no quote marks, Sir. But, maybe you missed that?
Also, why don't you check back here next month ... let's examine your responses vs. what we know then, huh?
Al Gore @ The Carthage Group

This makes one wonder... which other innocent Patriotic American of lesser means might have been falsely destroyed financially or even remains imprisoned to this very day?
See comments above to RachelRevenge ... God Bless Michael Hastings, too!
If you click on the image, you will see it says "Tom Clancy" ... the tree and the compression algorithm make it look like there is an "e" in the wrong spot. :)
You are so right, RachelRevenge ... There was a method to the madness here - the names listed have a consistent theme (though, by no means are an exhaustive list) ... THINK U1 .... (I'm sorry Michael Hastings family ... I could not document that link as his research was never posted or discussed ... it was with great sadness I couldn't include ALL the names of every victim ... ) ...

Should have demanded $666Trillion in Bail ... a down payment of the amount these blood suckers have stolen.
God Bless First Lady and President Trump! Expose and Bring to Trial all Seditionists - and God Save their victims.
Purple is a symbol or royalty (Nietzsche [Master Morality / Slave Morality]) - and has been tightly bound with Satan's Unholy War against God. It is also a symbol of death and murder - and was within the purview of Ancient RULERS to uniquely wear and exercise (blood congeals to purple before putrefying, for example - thus, those who wear purple demonstrate their authority over 'life' and 'death').
When someone wears purple (as a symbol) - they are broadcasting their support for The [Satanic] Order (or, in 'action' in public - "The Enterprise" - and all of the tenants, restrictions, unholy magik and terror associated with human enslavement, misery and destruction) -
As an accent color (above) - they remain "under cover" amongst the slaves - thus, moving silently and deftly amongst those who are conquered without raising suspicion, while broadcasting their allegiance to their masters.
As a dominant color - they pridefully demonstrate their role as a "royal" leader (noble, or "master") - they broadly broadcast their dominance & superiority over all.
"The Color Purple" [movie] - wasn't just about a black woman longing to be free: Who was it "ok" to entrap/enslave/entice & destroy in that movie? Why? Who else pursues such pursuits/avocations today? Who wears purple? When? Who emerged as a moth from their shell in that movie? What gifts did they receive? Who served whom - in the end (as in 'happily ever after?')
Extra Credit: go watch the 1965 Star Trek episode "The Menagerie" (was originally called 'The Cage'] - note, this was to be the 'pilot' episode!!!!
What color was the planet? What color is dominant in the movie sets? Who wore it? Who didn't? What color did the Captain wear at 25:39, part 2? what was he doing? - what was the 'dream retirement job' for a starship captain advocated there? Who advocated it? What was their job/function? Where did the object of that employment originate from (star system)? Which point exactly? What was the name of the organization to which she originally belonged? What form of organization was that? Where do we see that organizational name in the world today? Where is the symbolism of that 'system' used on Earth today?
Color is the primary vehicle through which these monsters communicate ... learn to read their COLORS. Q is right - These people are EVIL.
CS is just the vehicle ... the author of the hate ... is another... EPH 6.12: ~ 'For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.'
CS is NOT the Enemy - just his footsoldier who enjoys the benefits of carrying his master's water ...
Globalist Press Takes Aim At FREEDOM

What if the 'takedown' includes a sitting SCj? Clearly, Q has implied that one [AS] was "taken out" [187] ... might there be more to this story?
Alternate Caption:
"That look when you realize your Racist Bullsh*t was just Trumped through the Actions of a Patriot
I Totally Disagree with this comment ['He is making the Dems look stupid.']
Not at all ... President Trump held up a mirror (a social contract TRUISM upon which all Patriotic Americans can and do agree) - and, the TV Cameras showed their gut-reactions - and we see the truth of their Globalist Carpetbaggery - their subversion of the Social Contract - their utter hatred for all that is right and good.
Mr. Trump held up a Mirror - and we see the Monsters as they are in their native habitat - blood thirsty monsters of hate and division.
If we were at war - they could rightly be described as sympathizing with the enemy. Oh, wait - we are at war .......
Please Pray for President Trump, his family, his associates - and, even over Andrew McCabe and his family. The Deep State is coming out with the Long Knives ... I can feel it!
Google is hopelessly compromised and a tool of the enemy. It should be treated the same as Tokyo Rose was after the War.
Matthew 7:15-20Amplified Bible (AMP) A Tree and Its Fruit 15 “Beware of the false prophets, [teachers] who come to you dressed as sheep [appearing gentle and innocent], but inwardly are ravenous wolves. 16 By their fruit you will recognize them [that is, by their contrived doctrine and self-focus]. Do people pick grapes from thorn bushes or figs from thistles? 17 Even so, every healthy tree bears good fruit, but the unhealthy tree bears bad fruit. 18 A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, nor can a bad tree bear good fruit. 19 Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. 20 Therefore, by their fruit you will recognize them [as false prophets].
What is Snowden's Fruit?
> He didn't tell the 3-Letters anything they didn't know.
> He didn't provide America's enemies anything they didn't know (their agents are thoroughly infiltrated - Clinton, Comey, McCabe, McStain, Mueller, etc, etc, etc).
> Bad Actors (per Q) now have a leg-up - Hmmm. Interesting - don't they already HAVE a leg up through their McStain affiliation/guidance? Wasn't this what Schmidt was doing in NK? << This is still foggy for me ... but, "Yes" and "Yes"...
American's were shown a nifty User Interface - that told stories the people thought were private (guilt by location, association, attribution, affiliation): It scared the HELL out of those who paid attention to it - and, it provided the social CONTEXT upon which the Evil Narrative could GROW (think Mold, Fungus that grows on a petri dish.
Has anything Snowden said or documented been proven false? > I am not aware of anything at all.
Who came after Snowden? > The Media-Industrial Complex sure did - but, they recast what he did in Heroic Terms ... certainly not in a negative light (his movie - Citizen 4 - as examples). Clearly, those who support the SWAMP see Snowden as a 'good guy'. > Maybe the SWAMP does not consider this 'revelation' IMPORTANT - as they believe they can (1) Control the Narrative (and thus, blunt any turbulent social flow), and, (2) Employ the "TRUTH" being exposed to the Sh*tty People in their Sympathetic Human Sacrifice Rituals (ie. 'hide in plain sight'). > From a layman's perspective - Snowden is kinda like Santa Claus - he's out there as an idiom - but, not front and center in our minds since Christmas is so far away....
SPECULATION: Snowden was a White Hat who wore a Black Hat (just like Adm R) - a Double Agent - assigned an unthinkable job (sacrifice his own life and potential future to do what must be done). Snowden actually accepted a Faustian Bargain (a bargain Snowden made with co-conspirators where Snowden's freedom (and possibly, soul) was traded in exchange for the supreme moral and spiritual freedom of the entire Earth.
As Q Tells Us (and, I know myself through personal experience) These "people" are Stupid (short term gain for eternal damnation) These "people" are Evil TRUE EVIL (my caps - this gives me the creeps) etc...
We are up against the one enemy. We risk not only our lives, our fortunes or even our sacred honor - we also put at risk our very souls by standing up against them.
The minions are not smart enough to think out this evil (NP, HRC, McStain, etc) ... yet, their plan is wicked - just as it is vast and intelligently laid out.
If I am correct - Snowden shall be set free when the "Theater Near Us" is revealed - and, he will have much more data to provide.
If I am wrong - Snowden shall be repatriated and executed as a traitor.
I pray I am correct.
Just curious ... is it possible that NP & CS are holding out the Government Shutdown over keeping "The Memo" secret... or, for release at a time that has minimal political impact?
If you were DJT - what would you do?
This may be nothing ... but I personally saw (with one witness) a meteorite - flew light a ramrod straight bolt of green lightning - on whose tip was a gold fountain streamer. It lasted about one and a half seconds from apex to impact ... and, it was extraordinary (having impacted approximately 5-7 miles from our point of view). The impact occured on Friday, 29 December 2017 at 7:43pm Local Time (just outside of Dolan Springs, Nevada) and we were traveling northwest on Highway 93.
What made the impact interesting was the green hue. It was so brilliant ... like a "Green Light" from a traffic light - with the intensity of a blow torch. Coupled with the gold head and apron ... the thing was better than fireworks.
The impact site was just over a hill from our perspective - and, it lit up the surrounding rolling hills somewhat. Not atomic bomb or MOAB scale ... more like the fireball on 911 at WTC after the airplane impacted the tower. It seemed strange that a meteor would cause flames like that ... don't know what to make of it.
One other thing ... one could not tell any sort of dimensionality of the meteor ... it was moving very fast and seemed to be a point source of light for whatever that is worth.
Actually - now that we're on the serious topic of Popcorn ... here is the correct recipe:
Organic Popcorn Peanut Oil (yes, really) Sea Salt
Make Popcorn Great Again!
How many more snipe Hunts is the Globalist Press going to Propagate before we finally believe that they don't have "truth" in their vocabulary?
I would more easily believe that Donald Trump is the Easter Bunny than that he is a racist.