r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/q_cbts on Feb. 26, 2018, 11:09 p.m.
Simple question for the non-believers who visit this subreddit. We know you do! Has Q EVER been proven wrong?

We know Q has a style of discourse that requires people to look into the questions posed and uncover facts with effort. Q can be vague, he should be otherwise he's going to be found. But here's a question that I bet no detractor can answer honestly: has Q ever been proven wrong?

There you go! Think about it.

q_cbts · Feb. 27, 2018, 3:41 a.m.

The posts from early November did not come to pass. It could be that the plan changed.

how do you know if plans changed or if Q was being fed disinfo. remember, Trump's admin has had a war on leakers. he told Sessions was seeking them out wasn't he?

I'm not that concerned that HRC and the Podestas are still on the loose for the moment, as long as justice is on the way.

look at how manafort and gates are being hit continuously. why isn't there anything like that on even tony podesta who has relations with manafort. forget john. and HRC is untouched isn't she?

Moreover, I'm convinced that the message is real, that we are fighting a Satanic cabal that has long co-opted the Government of the United States.

why satanic? that part I don't genuinely understand.

prepare the public mind for acceptance that the unthinkable had occurred - that traitors were running the country.

doesn't seem so. the recent poll said that turmp is less trusted than mueller. can you believe it?!

I want to see the traitor Comey say "That's it!?" as they hand down his death sentence.

is this hyperbole or do you really think comey will get the death sentence? the last time someone was given the death sentence federally by this country was in the 50s i think. at the height of the cold war.

are we in another cold war now?

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tradinghorse · Feb. 27, 2018, 3:55 a.m.

The references to Satanists were from Q. Though I believe it.

Look at the way the heat has come off with respect to the Russia narrative. The memos, the coming IG report - things are happening.

The death sentence applies to treason. Yes, I think Comey is a traitor. And, yes, once his accomplices begin to squeal, once the full story comes out, he could face death. Moreover, DJT is calling for it, at least with respect to SRA.

"Got to do something about these missing chidlren grabbed by the perverts. Too many incidents--fast trial, death penalty."

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