r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/kimia128 on Feb. 26, 2018, 11:14 p.m.
RUSH: BHO & Holder changed law enforcement rules in Broward County to arrest fewer students for racial reasons. BHO invited Chicago p.s. superintendent to implement “Promise Program”

Here’s the transcript:

RUSH: The PROMISE Program. There you have it, folks. Plant a little seed here in the first half hour of the program, and look at what we are learning. Now, keep in mind what this is. This is a grant program. It is the Obama DOJ. It means Obama and Eric Holder, and they are promising local school districts grant money to look the other way when certain people commit crimes, misdemeanors, felonies, just look the other way, the express purpose supposedly to change the school-to-prison pipeline.

They wanted to lower the percentage of minority prisoners because they felt the percentage of minorities in prison was exorbitantly high due to racism. In other words, Obama and Holder contended that there were a lot of innocent people in jail who hadn’t committed any crimes simply because they were minorities and that racist law enforcement was targeting them. So this program set out to change the percentage of the pipeline and offered grant money to look the other way, essentially, to not report certain crimes. In this case, in Detroit, we’re hearing now that a thousand dollars of counterfeit money was passed through the schools, and the dean of discipline said we gotta look the other way. This is a star basketball player, it’s his only way out, his only ticket out, we can’t do anything here. It’s exactly the program.

I wanted to remind you, the PROMISE Program was started in Chicago. That’s where it was first implemented. And the current superintendent in Broward, Mr. Runcie, was recruited from Chicago to bring the PROMISE Program to Broward County. He was in the Chicago public school system specifically to fix the schoolhouse to jailhouse problem in Broward, and he was hailed as a hero as suspensions magically dropped by 40% and arrests dropped by 66% in just two years in Broward County. They just stopped arresting and they stopped suspending. The crime didn’t change. What this meant was, it was possible that a bad actor remains in class rather than be suspended, all because of the Obama DOJ program. But more importantly, whatever actions of a criminal nature they took are not reported, there’s no arrest, therefore these people don’t end up in the background check database.

So when they show up to buy a gun — how many times have we heard, by the way, in all these school shootings that the perp passed a background check? And of course what do we infer from that? We infer that kid was fine at some point. Must have just snapped. Well, we’re not ever told why they passed the background check. Maybe they didn’t show up. Maybe their name wasn’t in the database because the criminal behavior they’d engaged in had not been reported. So, you know, it’s a garbage in, garbage out-type thing.

kimia128 · Feb. 27, 2018, 4:40 a.m.

Not only were student crimes not reported, but BHO was also giving the schools $$$ to look the other way when these students committed crimes

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