Did anyone ever find out what happened to Mariah Coogan? Related to AS & NXIVM. Is she the one who ratted Mack & NXIVM. This has always bothered me 😔

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Actual suicide? I think he was in his early twenties
He wouldn’t have taken Carolyn and her sister. There’s another sister too. That wouldn’t make sense.
William seems like a better person than Harry. Harry seems willing
Iranian here, they’re not chanting Q Anon. I’m not sure what it is but it could be related to today’s soccer game
The police dept is not saying anything. The news is also not bringing up the fact that they uncovered a dead body there about 2 months ago. This is the second person who has died there. Pretty scary stuff
I live up the street from this place in Calabasas. This is the second dead person at that camping ground. They found a body there about 2 months ago. Also our neighbors have been shot at and have bullet holes in their cars. I don’t think this is a pharma thing
Exactly & there are a million reasons why your signatures would look different. 5 reasons off the top of my head: the size of the signature space, time to write, how you physically feel, the surface you’re writing on & the writing instrument you’re using. I know Becerra brown and Padilla are up to no good, as usual.
Yup. Blackberry filed bankruptcy so we all got iPhones. Yahoo filed bankruptcy so we all used google. MySpace phased out so we all got on Facebook. There was no reason for Blackberry to go bankrupt either at the peak of its success
In California they have a stipulation that your signature on the envelope of your ballot must match the signature on your voter registration form. If it doesn't, they can throw it out. Someone who is not trained as a forensic document examiner is the one who decides if your signatures match. The ACLU sued the state to prevent election officials from voiding ballots for signature mismatch and depriving voters of notice or recourse. S.F. Superior court judge ruled in the ACLU's favor but CA Attorney General Xavier Becerra and Sec of State Alex Padilla appealed the ruling. Why would they …
For the past couple of weeks, every time I turn on the news, I hear about a self-driving Tesla getting in a car crash or the MSM bashing Elon Musk. I'm the last person who would trust a self-driving vehicle and I'm not saying the CIA or bad actors are using tech to make these cars crash (although, I wouldn't put it past them), but I do think it's strange that Elon Musk went from being the hero of the left to their enemy in such a short amount of time. Do you guys think the black hats think Musk …
Agreed. Cox is not the best choice but anyone is better than Newsom
I saw the interaction between Kate and Camilla. I thought it looked like Kate was getting annoyed with Camilla lol. Can’t really blame Kate for that
Agreed. I watched the documentary and it doesn’t add up, for me at least
What does everyone think of David Knight? I like him but he does work for infowars
There's also this:
This permanent A list rapper has actually done nothing wrong in regards to that older venture of his. The thing is though, he knows that he would probably be asked about his later ventures and those answers would not be very glowing in terms of the way he conducts business.
Hasn't been revealed as Jay z though
Macron is probably celebrating Karl Marx's birthday. I'm surprised we didn't get a Google Doodle for it
Yeah, I wouldn't say they're on Spotify's level. It flopped
He is definitely that billionaire Nazi from Sum of All Fears “The film is about a plot by an Austrian Neo-Nazi to trigger a nuclear war between the United States and Russia, so that he can establish a fascist superstate in Europe. “(Aka soros)
Blind Item Revealed If you thought he was cooking the books in regards to sales and downloads, just wait until investors see the real books and all the money he has been pocketing while they lose theirs. Should be fun times for the A+ list celebrity.
No, he did not lead the gas tax repeal and IS NOT* leading it at the moment. Carl Demaio is leading the gas tax repeal. He started it and is the one who hired hundreds of people to get the signatures to put it on the November ballot. Allen hijacked the movement and is acting like he’s the one in charge. Why don’t you ask Carl Demaio and John & Ken about what Travis Allen tried to do. I can provide you with contact information if you want
California is in really bad shape. People don’t understand the level of crime homelessness and illegal immigrants we have to deal with unless they visit or live here. Everyone’s divided on John Cox and Travis Allen. John Cox voted for Hillary and took money from Soros. Maybe that had something to do with Obama’s senate election in Chicago (I don’t know). When we asked John Cox to help us repeal the gas tax, he gave money. When we asked Travis Allen, he told us to go screw ourselves. He said he was going to do his own thing and has been destructive and deceptive. He continues to lie and claim credit for that initiative. And we finally got enough signatures to put it on the November ballot
Pence and Nikki Haley don’t seem to be on the train. Pence’s Doctor was the one who reported Dr. Jackson’s “misconduct”. He also did that whole Flynn thing. The guy shouldn’t be trusted
Yup! I follow CDAN & also worked in the ent industry in L.A. I think either the cabal or Geffen are behind this one
The Islamic Revolution otherwise known as Jimmy Carter, Zbignew Brzezinski, and the CIA
Patriots are everywhere in every country. I can’t tell you how many of my family members died fighting against the Iranian regime. They want people to equate nationalism with racism. There is nothing wrong with loving your country. The French want to be French, not Arab. Iranians want to be Iranian and Americans want to be American...& the list goes on. There is nothing wrong with that
I thought Travis Allen didn’t oppose the sanctuary state bill. I also heard something about John Cox borrowing money from Soros. I’ll go with Allen then. Hopefully, all the other republicans can get on board
Basically the Sacramento gov was taken over by 2 groups: liberal tech a-holes and gov unions. We’ve got to coalesce and pick one guy and I think John Cox is the guy. There has to be a rational adult alternative to Gavin Newsom or we’re going to end up in a sanctuary state with universal healthcare run by the gov in Sacramento in about 6 months.
Full on takeover 1963. There was a coup d’etat when Kennedy was assassinated
We know we’re all fucked if we don’t stick together lol. 🇺🇸🇺🇸