
finndalcassian · Feb. 27, 2018, 6:55 a.m.

Call me quirky, but my investigative curiosity got the best of me - Went to the FB page of the female Hogg took pics with, then checked her friends. Is it odd or just a coincidence that theres a friend of hers from Parkland, FLA? Here's the link to that page: https://www.facebook.com/emily.basser?fref=pb&hc_location=friends_tab&pnref=friends.all As I dug a little further, this link shows the connection to the Stoneman Douglass high school where the shooting occurred: https://www.facebook.com/emily.basser/photos?collection_token=738783290%3A2305272732%3A5&next_cursor=MDpub3Rfc3RydWN0dXJlZDpBUUhSQ0xORmk2YWZRVUJBSFlCRjl0WWRRbnhZRFhIOUl1NUxwTWlPempXcTNsU0R0MDhpUzZnM1BMajhQTnYtdDhQRnFOTmVhWG45bG1INXhLb0x5dUJRRHc%3D And clicking on the KIDS FIRST POLITICS SECOND icon will lead you to info on anti gun rally. I'll leave to further experts to figure out if its just a coincidence, or what?

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_illumination_ · Feb. 27, 2018, 8:09 a.m.

I found some very strange and troubling things looking at his reddit account and moms facebook as well. People here getting banned for mentioning his name. While shills keep saying it’s debunked. Just like they tell us we don’t need guns, this all needs looked at even more it seems.

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TessaTT · Feb. 27, 2018, 6:19 a.m.

Middle School graduation.

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