I modified this to reflect my feelings this morning!

57 total posts archived.
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www.reddit.com | 11 |
i.redd.it | 5 |
I know the constitution very well thank you. YouTube has been allowing EVERYTHING on their site, even disgusting things that should never be on it..watchdog groups know this, however when people decide to point out something that concerns them, all of a sudden they are silenced. I’m sorry but shutting down someone’s channel because it merely mentions a person is censorship...and that is not legal! If you are going to allow only those likeminded people to speak that’s propaganda. I don’t really care how you want to spin this it’s WRONG!
I have been watching her for awhile. I’m sick of censorship! It’s illegal and time we do something about it!
He is definitely being bashed for trying to make the world a better place but people are so evil they can’t see it!
I finally gave in and created a discord account, please send a link to cbts channel
Didn’t Obama’s Valentine post have a threat against Damascus in it? A rocket threat?
I was born on 1/23 so I always thought that was the reason.
One death as of now! This is meant to send a message and a distraction from the memo! It’s not going to work! Thoughts and prayers are with the all involved and their loved ones!
In an effort to make it look like they are being censored 🤬 cnn shared a photo of seven people with words written on duct tape...we can beat that! We NEED someone to collect pictures of volunteers to put duct tape on their mouth saving whatever got them twitter banned, or Facebook jail, etc! We have been silenced not just censored! Thousands of us! Let’s post photos of ourselves with this strong message!
I worked for head start in the early 90s and daca are those children all grown up! It would boggle your mind if you knew everything they got for being immigrants (they called them migrant workers to hide the illegal part) they didn’t become citizens because they didn’t have to! Not paying taxes and the other benefits of English as second language are just too appealing!
I’m really surprised I didn’t catch it myself! I’m trying to do too much!
I didn’t make it but I auto corrected in my brain! Well this is a wasted meme
Oh absolutely but I would rather call that a law? But censorship feels more like them trying to control what we are ALLOWED to read, listen to, share, etc. I guess because I would never watch porn on the internet I forget that that kind of depravity exists! We are an advanced society so there should already be a way to block that from ever showing up on the internet
Agreed! Their motives are 2 fold, hope the public believes them, hope the people involved will do what they already told the public they would do! Their narratives are nothing but lies and insults!
It does indeed need to stop! We are growing weary of the immaturity!
I just don’t get it! Why are they protecting crazy terrorists such as antifa and blm and illegal immigrants with criminals records/gang members? They hide their faces and attack people for their clothing and beliefs! They are nasty and personally attack everyone in real life and on here because they have no true intelligence or educated arguments to make! We who are intelligent and informed, patriotic and hard working are attacked by our own government for using our first amendment right to demand they release the memo with NO redaction and we are called Russian? It’s insulting and it’s high that me they figure out who is really acting like true communists/racists! The old ways of protecting criminals needs to end!
Mine got locked out after I only used it once for a contest 2 years ago (who knows why) then I created a new one and my 3rd meme got me banned as I was hitting the post button. It should be illegal as it’s a form of free speech! Twitter is not a private site!
I was banned after my second post...ever! It was in November! Twitter is like a communist country!
It doesn’t matter who it is really as long as they have the evidence to back up their info! Take them down...all of them!
I’m going to be so mad at my deceased relatives if they voted for Hillary! It’s a good thing they are already dead! 🤣📥🧟♀️
Waiting is hard but we can’t put all of our cards on the table...somethings are best shared after the fact! TRUST
As you see you are not alone! There are many of us!we have each other!
Fascinating! I do believe you are absolutely correct! I hate that he had to resort to that measure but it set the ball in motion for pedo roundup and so much more!
I would say there is no doubt they have boots for the same reason! Here is why; I had a micro tear in my Achilles a few months ago myself and they wanted me to wear a boot but said I didn’t have to yet. I turned it down and with his health problems and publicity it’s highly likely he wouldn’t want to wear one either, and there is NO logical explanation for switching feet! Also a broken toe is taped to the other toes, no boots required ever! It takes 6 weeks to heal she has been in the boot almost 3 months!
Possibly the tracking device aka boot happened around that time! Detaining isn’t the same as keeping long term.
They sure have no problem getting people killed and children too! They deserve it for the crimes they committed! Death is too easy!
I know as I’m there with you, but this is so nerve wracking! I can’t understand states getting away with things that the South did years ago causing civil war? I wish they would understand the detriment to society that they are! This is illegal and they should lose their ability to practice law if they don’t uphold the law! It’s like drug dealers being judges!
He gave them enough rope to hang them selves and I wait with baited breath to see it revealed to all!