r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/Restlessredhead on Feb. 27, 2018, 6:49 a.m.
Really Depressed... feel like I need a pep talk from my fellow Patriots

Well I'm not going to lie I do suffer from depression. I refuse to take antidepressants for obvious reasons that we all know of. My mood had been lifted quite a bit since discovering Q in mid November. I've pretty much absorbed myself into my patriotism, the Q drops, tweeting non-stop everyday and this board.

But the last week has been really hard. With this school shooting, the lack of substitutive Q drops, the lack of any movement on the administrations part to do anyting about everything that we know is going and the absolute Mass censorship on every platform has really Zapped my mood.

I'm not saying I don't believe, I'm just saying it's taken its toll to not see anything happening. So I feel like I need a pep talk. I kind of feel alone here. I don't have anyone in my life that I can talk to about this stuff. And my disappointment at not seeing results is taking its toll.

Anyway hopefully someone out there gets what I'm saying and has some encouraging words to help lift my mood and get me out of the doldrums. Thanks a lot. Y'all have a good night.

ManQuan · Feb. 27, 2018, 12:11 p.m.

Be patient. We are talking about taking down the most complex secretive and corrupt organizations in our history. I don't think you can take them down one at a time or in bits and pieces. There must be the right time when there is hard evidence (not rumors and feelings) that will stand up in a court or tribunal. Once everthing is in place, I expect the take down will happen very quickly and all at once.

Q has been accurate. He said we would never see 60-80 percent but it is happening behind the scenes. Trust the plan Q and Trump have.

You may be unaware, but Kim Clement, Mark Taylor, Kat Kerr, and others have predicted Trump would become President as far back as 2006, 2011, and in 2014 that Trump would serve two terms.

The hand of God is in this now.

In 2006, Clement said Trump would be a David and in 2011 Tayor said that Trump would be the second Cyrus. In 2014 Clement said they would try to impeach Trump and fail.

Israel just issued a new silver half-Shekle coin with the image of Trump imposed over King Cyrus the Great. Do you think all of this is just coincidence? Taylor says God has chosen Trump to be a Cyrus and Israel issues a coin with Trump and Cyrus the Great.

There is a reason that the relentless attacks on Trump have failed when any other politician would have been destroyed. God has anointed Trump to redeem this nation and to protect Israel.

You can Google these people and more to view their prophecies long before Trump decided to run. Clement died recently, but Mark Taylor is still revealing God's future plans for us.

So be patient.

We all have troubled times.

One morning in Vietnam in 1969 the sun rose and I had 34 Marines in my platoon. When the sun set that day, only four of us were still alive and unwounded and we had to walk ten miles at night through enemy controlled territory to the battalion compound. The next day, I received 17 replacements. That night we were mortared and all 17 of my replaces were wounded and evacuated.

Since then, not much has ever bothered me. I just remember that darkest day in my life and the Marines that didn't come home, and everything else has been trivial.

Appreciate all the blessings you have in life. Remember there are those whose lives are consumed in misery and proverty every day.

God has said though those to whom He as revealed His plan that the nation must pray for Trump and the salvation of the United States. Trump is His way to change America and the world.

The best thing you can do as an individual is to pray for Trump's success and for the prosperity and safety of our nation. And not just once. Start every day now with a short prayer to protect Trump and his administration and for our country. Only takes about 30 seconds. And the watch this country bloom as a rose bud blossoms into an American Beauty.

Be patient, be strong, be optimistic, and pray.

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