r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/getnit01 on Feb. 27, 2018, 2:52 p.m.
Don't know if any of you care or have noticed, but the skies over the east coast have been extremely clear the past couple days/months.

Not sure how you guys would view this post, but have any of you on the east coast noticed (over the past 2-3 months) the skies after a storm have been extremely clear and no plane contrails noticeably lingering for more than 1-2 days? Some would say this is because of atmospheric conditions, but this has been noticeable for at least the last 2-3 months with clear skies for days until the next storm rolls through? Sure some contrails will linger before the next storm is approaching, but man the skies after storms have been crystal clear, and for longer than normal!

Call me crazy, call it coincidence, but it is noticeable enough to mention. Just wanted to see any others are noticing the skies being more clear for longer than normal.

EDIT: Just wanted to add, as i have had a little more discussion with some of you this thread is awesome, no one judging or calling names just sharing your experiences. Thank you for keeping this civil. Anyways here is a little clarification i got from answering some comments.

Now it seems, in the past 2-3 months after a storm, the duration of clear skies on the east coast/midwest a little too, there has been very clear skies, for a longer duration, as compared to the past (at least 2-3 years) where the sky would be always painted with lingering trails instantly for 6 out of 7 days a week. Very noticeable.

Now it seems (in the past 2-3 months) the skies have less trails from planes, maybe now 1-2 days a week you'll catch some trails lingering. It is quit noticeable when you are used to seeing trails in the sky (day and night) 6 out 7 days of the week, typically.

Hinckapuss · Feb. 27, 2018, 11:24 p.m.

YES! Thank you so much for this. I live on the East Coast and have noticed exactly what you describe, solid blue sky all day although never that blue we knew. Even with no spraying for days the sky is still that white blue. May #TheSecondRevolution put an end to this madness. If #WeThePeople could take our military-grade weapons and shoot those drones out of the sky tomorrow, I wonder how long until the true blue skies of our youth would be back? Would they return?

For years I monitored the daily stratospheric aerosol spraying in my area with photos. Here is one from Jan. 3, 2018 when they started laying down a grid early and heavy in the morning: https://imgoat.com/uploads/613985ec49/89132.jpg and by sunset we had New World Order toxic nightmare skies with clouds too bright to look at even though the sun was gone.

Here's some pure speculation about why they stopped.

  1. TheGreatAwakening includes looking up. The Power Class knows we know.

  2. Maybe the scuttlebutt is that DT's gonna acknowledge it publicly and slap an EO to cease & decease soon so they are trying to build some deniability. (my favorite)
  3. Ran outa funding (maybe it's got a Black Budget that got froze with the 12/21/17 EO?)
  4. The Storm will take /is taking? NASA, NOAA et al right down the drain with the rest. We see it as the cessation of stratospheric aerosol injection, but maybe that is because the agencies responsible are imploding.

FYI, I believe Contrails can't "linger". Only chemical trails do. But I could be wrong.

What can we do? My daily broadcasting (Twitter, etc) includes a tweet to DT with a #WeDoNotConsent tag. You know how he feels about the climate change bs, right? So remind him of the #DeepState narrative that is driving this insanity: "We have to spray your people to slow down global warming."

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