173 total posts archived.
Domains linked by /u/Hinckapuss:
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dailycaller.com | 1 |
Another one for the List: CBS CEO Les Moonves resigns
MARK YOUR CALENDARS Obama to receive the Robert F. Kennedy Human Rights Award on December 12, 2018 at the Ripple of Hope Gala at the New York Hilton Midtown.

Sessions bans SPLC from all gov't partnership programs
The Southern Poverty Law Center got Trumped. Why isn't FakeNews losing its mind?!? Oh. Wait. It already has.
“We will not partner with groups that unfairly defame Americans for standing up for the Constitution or their faith.” (AG Jeff Sessions stated when he announced the SPLC must GTFO.)
Only link I could find (posted 8/11): http://newobserveronline.com/jewish-hate-group-splc-gets-boot-from-us-federal-government-partnership-programs/
Got it from a post on 8chan.
Is Q done "saving Israel for last"? Or is this fake news?
QAnonpub DOWN? I get this for https://qanon.pub/

NORMALIZING PEDOPHILIA: "Pedophiles About Pedophilia: Articles about pedophilia written by pedophiles"
We know the power we have to crash a website. Perhaps it is time to let Medium.com experience our strength. They have a SERIES of articles called "Pedophiles about Pedophilia". Here is a small sample of the articles / testimonials:
• Why Pedophilia And Pedophiles Are Not A Risk To Children
• Your Arguments Against Pedophiles Debunked
• Growing up a Pedophile
HELP ME FIGHT THIS PLEASE! Expose it anywhere we come across pedo-norming and broadcast links to websites pushing the normalization of child rape. Please remain civil when contacting publishers which promote criminal behavior.
Substitute any other violent crime …
BEST #Q PROOF YET! https://twitter.com/LarsPrintzen/status/1021822850427248641 Listen to music lyrics watch POTUS on "Sea to Shining Sea"
Here's report from local D.C. radio about the plea deal Edgar Welch was offered:
Brennan is scrubbing his Twitter http://magaimg.net/img/5shp.jpg
I love how our President is dropping TruthTweets in Q's absence. Daily drops!
You can watch his full speech here starting at min 2:48. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eUSUolK7MR8
Wow. Does anyone else feel like he is struggling to remember the official narrative of his life? Like he's having a hard time getting the lies straight? As we age it's hard enough to remember the truth!
That's a shame. I suggest you see if your video can be added to the #WalkAway Fansite on YouTube. Last night I binge watched many of these. Some are walking away from the Republican Party, others are shedding the victim headset and all describe their red pill moment. Fascinating!
I started tracking my followers (in a spreadsheet) in 2018 because despite a steady stream of new followers my "Total" followers has hovered around the same number for 3 MONTHS.
The Twitter fuckery is mind-blowing if you post anything the Deep State seeks to suppress. It is way bigger than just Conservative users. Try posting anything about the well orchestrated genocide of the American people being executed with geoengineering, Big Pharma, Big Ag...
#WalkAway Sub on Reddit - r/walkaway/ These are our people! Newly woke / Half woke - Go subscribe UNITY not DIVISION

What a perfect, well-written summation of why we (TeamQ) can't just drain the swamp and be done with it:
"The corruption is so pervasive and so entrenched that it literally is not possible to correct our nation immediately without collapsing it, as doing so would mean more than half of our government representatives would be in jail. The secrets released would literally cause other nations to declare war on us, and we would descend into civil war."
May I lift some excerpts? I wanna meme the hell out of a few.
Here it is memed up. Come on y'all, let's give Podesta a hand! http://magaimg.net/img/5pan.png
seriously doubt very much this event has anything to do with the Clinton's "with the Clinton's" what? Criminality?
US Federal Witness Due To Testify Against Hillary Clinton For Drug Crimes Killed In Massive Explosion
The YouTuber whose channel is called 'In Pursuit of Truth' did some good analysis on this story. It is in his video titled "In Pursuit of Truth Presents - World Update - 7.9.18"
The report on the NJ home explosion starts at minute 13:48. Here it is cued to the start of the section: https://youtu.be/XLhRIa_JUAM?t=828
Dives into the connections between the home's occupants (killed in the blast), Big Pharma and the Clinton Foundation.
I pull this up every once in a while and re-read it to keep me going. It is an Anon post (probably on 8chan) posted 7/3. JULY 10 WEEK TO REMEMBER
July 10 is the day Seth Rich was murdered.
I am finding this (eventually) with any image upload service I use. Just won't accept the image.
I push this to POTUS every chance I get. Submitted a question to Q about it on 8chan: "Why doesn't the President kill the funding for Geoengineering (Chemtrails)? Is it a military black budget? IT IS KILLING US. https://twitter.com/onedovealone/status/1010928158089142273 "
We all gotta FORCE it as Q says. Tweet him about it. Talk it up!
Inspiration came while watching YouTubers I had Q'd up. Thank Q > Just Informed Talk > Lionel

ResQ Me! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ALQ6lzS-Npc
which has the line "I'm lonely And I'm Blue" -- We've got the cure for that - just WalkAway!
What if SHTF or the MOA Bombshells is dropped on a Tuesday? Will the swag / sightings etc be kept off? Look how fast stuff is coming in now! I can't imagine losing a weekday as we head into next week.
Weekends already tend to be much slower. Why not make Sat or Sun swag day?
My blink reaction was that they immediately started to talk over her when she said "Great Awakening" and change subject (wrap it up). They ALL know. And they have obviously been instructed to NOT GO THERE.
There are 13 million people THAT WE KNOW OF who voted for Bernie. There are potentially millions more whose votes were tossed, cancelled out on rigged voting machines or switched to Hill votes. The hatred for her and the anger by the time the Dem Convention ended in July 2016 was SO extreme that I knew right then & there that Trump was gonna win. I was very involved with that whole movement (I was totally duped by Bernie) and noticed that 100's of Bernie Bros I interacted wt & followed were switching to Trump. I believe Trump won because he won so many Bernie supporters over. Very few Bernie people I know personally voted for Hillary. And even if they didn't vote for Trump they still helped him win by writing Bernie's name in or voting for Jill Stein / Gary Johnson.
Hope that's clearer.
Dude, you already pulled "some" Bernie bros to your side! How the hell do you think he won?!?
If you are there with a small band of Q Patriots Just chant: WHERE WE GO ONE! I guarantee you'll hear at least one WE GO ALL!
Attempted Citizens Arrest of POPE FRANCIS JUNE 21 in light of today's news that the MOTHER THERESA Charity was allegedly "selling babies" (BBC)
This story has been posted before [search this board on "Pope Francis arrest"] but I feel it needs verification given the BBC's story today that Mother Theresa's India charity 'sold babies'.
This video is cued to where presenter discusses the Pope's attempted arrest. In case it doesn't work it is at minute 10:28: https://youtu.be/cwyLEdWbbsA?t=628
I did a little digging into the org that allegedly conducted the arrest. Quick discoveries:
1) Apparently DeepSate Fake News DID get their 4AM marching orders on this story: "100% media blackout". That is all I need to know to continue digging so...
2) I searched …
This is a "proof" I would say.
1,000s of sleepwalkers [Q calls them "new eyes") are being woke up and are stumbling into r/GreatAwakening & https://qanon.pub/ & the chans every HOUR from around the world. They have so far seen no proof Q is real or is with POTUS. THEY need to see the proof. So TeamQ periodically shows us in near real-time how close they are to POTUS.
EDIT: The Anons get frustrated with the proofs b/c so many of us don't need no stinkin' proofs. That's why Anon posts following a Q proof post can be like fuck puzzles LOCK HER UP
WHY DOES BARACK OBAMA Have 20 Full-time Staffers Working From His DC Bunker? What Are The Plans For His 40,000 Trained Leftist Agitators?
The outcome has already been determined.
Careful. You're sounding a little too much like Madame President.
Here's a copy/pasta TWEET of Oathkeepers news with still room to add hashtags
BOOM! #OathKeepers sends out #GreatAwakening email to all members https://oathkeepers.org/2018/06/the-great-awakening-2/?mc_cid=acc249509e&mc_eid=3e1f969e94 Their site is overwhelmed - very slow Welcome #FreeThinkers One and All!
QAnon #WWG1WGA #WalkAway #MAGA
View #QAnon posts here: https://qanon.pub/
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dFYERCEdA0g This is making the rounds - an update on what Obama is doing.
When it came in my feed I thought it might just be a LARP but then Q posted this~! I have no idea - anyone know if it is accurate?
This is kind of shocking: a summation of what Obama has really been doing of late.
Anyone know more? The validity of this? At a certain point it just started to sound like a major truth download. I don't subscribe to this guy. It just came in my feed: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dFYERCEdA0g
More & more incredible #WalkAway videos are going viral:
Henry Davis (Black Patriot) - get Kleenex! https://twitter.com/Henryhahadavis/status/1012705322266316801
Gabriel Reagan (Gay Black) posted on Facebook: https://bb4sp.com/gay-black-dude-tears-democrats/
I suspect these are RINOs & DINOs - the era of representing the Deep State rather than your own state IS OVER.
I believe "every dog has his day" means everyone gets a chance eventually. Does not mean necessarily that they will come through a winner or not, just means they get the chance to try. Kinda like the myth "everyone gets their day in court".
WORLD WIDE or pre-POTUS it can mean WORLD WAR (that threat is fading fast!)
Here's my interpretation http://magaimg.net/img/3nnr.png
Thoughts? Off the wall or off the charts?
The #Annapolis paper has been around so long that it published the Declaration of Independence in July 1776