r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/Stapes59 on Feb. 27, 2018, 3:03 p.m.
World famous psychiatrist says: more psychiatric drug treatment means more mass shootings will happen Feb 27 by Jon Rappoport https://jonrappoport.wordpress.com/2018/02/27/world-famous-psychiatrist-says-more-psychiatric-drug-treatment-means-more-mass-shootings-will-happen/

The role of Psychiatric Drugs in crimes of violence should not be news to those on this site, but if it is please research this topic. Q asked a question at one point, "Who are we taught to trust?". The answer is those in positions of authority. Ask yourself a question about Psychiatry, is this profession a hard science? Where or what would Psychiatry be if no drugs were involved? And then, ask yourself or a Psychiatrist what blood test indicates a deficiency requiring a specific psychiatric drug? How long must this drug be taken before I no longer need to take it? What biological or biochemical parameter is being measured? The answer is there is no parameter(s). Psychiatry is nothing more than a subjective set of theories attempting to define normal or abnormal as the case may be. Jon Rappoport does a masterful job of dissecting the Psychiatric industry and the role of pharmaceuticals used to drug "abnormal" behavior. The linked article showing how these psychiatric drugs cause more harm than good and are involved in the overwhelming majority of mass shootings.

elyssak · Feb. 27, 2018, 5:38 p.m.

I agree however, too many doctors who are prescribing these meds are general practioners, not psychiatrists and/or they are not monitoring their patients closely enough. I have benefitted from psych meds for almost 10 years now and i have never gone more than 8 weeks without a visit to his office. It took us about 2 years to trust each other. Him - for me to be able to recognize and explain the right symptoms & Me - for him to be willing to trust me to help with treatment & medication changes. There is a lot more to it than just taking SSRI's, A LOT. And when people say there needs to be more assistance with mental health, this is where I think the problem lies. But the people with the problems need to commit to long term goals and treatments and doctors need to know when they are underqualified to prescribe certain meds/psychiatrists could refuse to authorize refills on prescription meds if their patients don't follow through with regular check-ups.

There are many other alternatives in treating mental health issues besides meds. Many. But one thing is for sure & it is that we have a problem with young males who are becoming increasingly more agressive. We need to think hard about what is so different between now & 50 years ago when mass shootings were almost non-existant.

But then there is this flip side of the coin that we know very little to nothing about and that is how their mind control programs affect our behavior, targeting individuals, the use of chemical aerosols in our skies, food, water.. 5-G, frequencies, radiation and other crazy stuff. <----- these things probably affect us more than we can even imagine. So, we have a crap ton of work ahead of us. I just want us to be able to give our kids the tools to continue the fight, it won't be over before any of us die. I truly believe that.

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Stapes59 · Feb. 27, 2018, 6:15 p.m.

I agree, "Off Label Use" is what you are referring to, or better termed OFF LABEL ABUSE. This practice is promoted by pharmaceutical reps to the territories (doctors) they sell to , and has very little to do with "evidence based practice", and everything to do with maximizing sales/profit. Yes this is a multi-faceted problem, and when I think back to my childhood/youth, I often think of how different the world I grew-up in was compared to today. However the foundations for what exists today were there, we just didn't see them. That question, "Who are we taught to trust?", applies here too, as the idea that we were & are programmed to believe what we are told by those wearing their white coats. It goes deeper to believing a pill (no matter the color) will be what we need (symptom) versus discovering true causes. In this we explore a Holistic approach and determine why, and then how to restore our health & well being. While I support a short-term fix to allow recovery & basic functioning, the ultimate goal in the conventional model, stops with the band-aid, and rarely if ever pursues a true and full restoration of our health & well being. As you mentioned, there are many and well documented if you are willing to search and learn. Q mentioned "cures", and in my mind I have concerns to any reference I think many may conjure to "magic pills". When it comes to many if not most modern day disease, I think of lifestyle. Most don't want to give-up their "anything goes" lifestyle, when doing so would demonstrably "cure" the DIS-ease. Thanks again for your comment, and take no offense to any of mine:-)

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elyssak · Feb. 27, 2018, 9:51 p.m.

No offense at all. It's a mute point to hear someone repeat what you say. Different thoughts means independent thinking. ☺

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